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JetBlue Breaks Ground on New JFK Terminal

Actually View attachment 3812 the EMB-190 is classified as a Small Jet not a Regional jet.. Get your head out of your ass!!

And lets add to your little stupid rants..

If the EMB is such a piece of crap why are all the other "Airlines" looking to buy it or in the process of buying it? Answer that genius.

Move on to Southwest.. Which part of two fleet types don't you get? Southwest does fly two fleet types. You think the NG is the same as the Classic? Better wake up and read you AMM and your IPC dude.. There is less than 20% common between the NG and the Classic.. The only thing that is common is the pilot type rating, thats it!!

Ask any technician that works on the NG vs the Classic.. They will tell you, nothing is the same..

So from a technical standpoint Southwest Operates two fleet types. Sorry to throw a grenade in your fox hole but you really need to do your homework before you make comments about things you clearly know nothing about.

Oh and just one more item. Southwest is actively looking at the EMB190 and onboard IFE.. They are waiting to see how JetBlue does with the EMB190..

A little FYI for The Kool-Aid drinker that you're:

1. CRJ 50/70 = RJ
2. EMB 170/190 = RJ

All of the above are classifeid as RJ's!!!! So you might want to check that out again...Mr. Clueless!
What a joke this is! New terminal at JFK for JB. This is the way Neelman is going to shut down JetBlue. Waste all of the money so he can file BK and then liquidate. The flight attendants are pissed off and are looking to organize. Neelman was quoted saying "If any work group organizes, I will be forced to shut the airline down."

JetBlue = The laughing stock of the airline industry! :lol:

B.O.B., You shouldn't be so quick to ridicule Jet Blue, whether you think so or not they are a very strong up coming LCC. They have got Southwests full attention. You might not think much of that but it is a milestone for such a small company.

What are you going to think when the LCC's get a strong foothold on international routes?
B.O.B., You shouldn't be so quick to ridicule Jet Blue, whether you think so or not they are a very strong up coming LCC. They have got Southwests full attention. You might not think much of that but it is a milestone for such a small company.

What are you going to think when the LCC's get a strong foothold on international routes?

Enough of the childish rants. We can all read in 10-12 point fonts, and you are doing nothing to contribute to the topic at hand.
I just don't get it. An airline tries to prove themselves, makes a little profit, tries to expand and you guys dump on it. An airline struggles for years to keep profits up attempts to downsize to get control of costs and you guys dump on it. Is there any way for a company to win with you guys?
What a joke this is! New terminal at JFK for JB. This is the way Neelman is going to shut down JetBlue. JetBlue = The laughing stock of the airline industry! :lol:

JetBlue has just started the down fall. Buying the EMB190 is the first big mistake. Successful LCC's stay with one a/c type (Southwest).

All of the legacy carriers are waiting for JetBlue to FAIL! It's only a matter of time before JB is going, going, GONE!

The only curve JetBlue is headed for is the one with a big wall at the end. Here is a song you should get to know:
Nana, Nana, Nana, Nana, Nana, Nana, Hey, Hey, GOOD-BYE...

People who see the truth about airlines like JetBlue. JetBlue is bringing down the entire airline industry and it's time they go.

I'm a smart person. That's why I don't work for JetBlue, own their stock and know they're soon to be gone!
Cya, moron.

What are your issues here B.O.B? Do you feel threatened by LCC's? Are you feeling threatened by a little free market enterprise?

I'll bet that you are one of those REGULATED AIRLINE GUYS that is beginning to feel the squeeze of competition. What’s the matter B.O.B are you missing your Airline/Welfare oops, sorry I mean government subsidized check?
Once again the union die-hards turn their heads and tuck their tails to run the other way. What is it with you guys and reality?

LCC's are a fact of life now for you guys. What are you Legacy guys doing to prepare yourselves and companies for when the LCC's begin to overtake routes dominated by the legacy carriers? Do you guys have an actual plan of action or is what we see on these boards it? Talk about having your head shoved into the sand.
What government check? Deregulation ended almost 30 years ago. Most LCC have some unions on the property with no problems. And no one is making any real ROI even with fuel hedges. Getting bored over at NW?
I know that there is no regulation of the airlines any longer, I just think our buddy B.O.B here comes from that era and misses it, then his unions could get away with anything because Uncle Sam would be picking up the tab. All of this with the unions wouldn't be going on and his cult like beliefs wouldn't be threatened.

It just so happens that I like and hope for the best for Jet Blue.
I don't think scabs are any more welcome at non-union Jetblue than they are at NWA. They're certainly not welcome at SWA.
You just can't get over that fetish can you Former ModerAAtor?

Scabs aren't welcome at NWA? There sure are a bunch of us here considering were not welcome. What do you know about Jet Blue? Isn't that little LCC a bit beneath you? Oh yea, I forgot, the fetish issue you have with slumming.
A little FYI for The Kool-Aid drinker that you're:

1. CRJ 50/70 = RJ
2. EMB 170/190 = RJ

All of the above are classifeid as RJ's!!!! So you might want to check that out again...Mr. Clueless!

Nothing personal but you are a flight attendant and no one here cares what you think! View attachment 4100

**Edited by Moderator for derogatory language.**