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JetBlue looks to over-fly JFK

Aug 22, 2005
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From http://runwaygirl.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Out of the Tub…JetBlue Overflies Hub
Just as my mother used to push the boundaries of our tub’s capacity by squeezing at least three of her five children in a bath at one time, so too have airlines stretched New York JFK to its scheduling limits. To unmuddy the waters, the US government has vowed to intervene at JFK and is expected to release details of a scheme after meeting with airlines today and tomorrow in Washington DC. Inhabitants at JFK already know what to expect; the FAA last week released a set of proposed schedule reduction targets for peak hours at the facility.

US major airlines, represented by lobbying group the Air Transport Association, hit back today, saying it’s clear the government intends to cut or cap flights rather than to allow the carriers to agree on schedule changes. A calm voice amidst the clatter, however, was a somewhat unlikely subject. JetBlue, which alongside Delta is largely responsible for JFK’s evolution from a international gateway to a domestic hub, said it welcomes the government’s assistance. Oh yes, and one more thing, it’s going to focus on over-flying JFK – meaning, the carrier is going to increasingly avoid it’s own hub by adding point-to-point service down the East Coast such as between Syracuse, New York and Orlando, Florida.

JetBlue CEO Dave Barger says that of the 12 new routes being introduced between November and January, only two – to Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic and St Maarten – will “touch JFKâ€. Plans are in place to terminate service at Columbus, Ohio (home of no-frills start-up Skybus Airlines) and Nashville, Tennessee, two markets “tied to†JFK. Tied to? Barger's verbiage begs the question: With all the problems at JFK, is JetBlue rethinking its choice of tub?
Remember when B6 started at JFK and marketed it as NYC's ontime airport? lol
Remember when B6 started at JFK and marketed it as NYC's ontime airport? lol

At the time, JFK was an under-used airport that no airlines seemed to want. Remember all the naysayers claiming that nobody would ever want to go all the way out to JFK for a domestic flight? Well, DL has certainly changed its tune with a huge increase in international and domestic flying. AA has also increased its presence there and looks like it will want to add more. Things have changed a lot since B6 re-"discovered" the place.
At the time, JFK was an under-used airport that no airlines seemed to want. Remember all the naysayers claiming that nobody would ever want to go all the way out to JFK for a domestic flight? Well, DL has certainly changed its tune with a huge increase in international and domestic flying. AA has also increased its presence there and looks like it will want to add more. Things have changed a lot since B6 re-"discovered" the place.



Lets not FORGET the addition of the (Wonderful)..JET TRAIN, with Quick connections to NYC.