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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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freedom said:
I'm somewhat concerned as of late about the financial future of our membership. ...

I think it's great that we're now going to make more money , I remember going from America west wages to US airways wages and the effect it had on my life style ...

we focus on the health of our membership, we plan for the long term needs of our people as well when it comes to retirement , but are we possibly neglecting the midrange importance of having steady finances?

Part of me really feels that with the announcement of higher wages , some of which may be received in lump sum ,we should Remind our Members of the importance of not just saving money for short term emergency needs but also in carrying a Zero balance month to month on credit cards ...

I know it sounds paternalistic but it's kind of scary how many people have high interest debt ...we have a real opportunity to help educate alot of folks in the management of day to day finances , otherwise know as financial literacy...
I also remember the last time the former AW agents received such a sizable pay raise after the JCBA with US was ratified-- West experienced the closure of a major hub shortly afterwards.  I have pondered if there was a relationship between significantly higher labor costs, low yield market and the eventual pulling down of flights.
Golly gee! Why don't we just make it a requirement that we all attend a union-mandated financial management class in order to get our first lump sum check! Good golly, Miss Molly! Derp derp!!!
robbedagain said:
thats my thoughts too cltrat   although i sometimes do think will they tax at a higher rate.   
WeAA   freedom is one of those who years ago sold out his union bros and sis and 42 other stations in the 2008 agreement with HP/US  and he bragged about it and did not give a rats arse about that  then when the company began shuttering 42 cities he cried like they could not do that    he was and is all about money for himself and screw the rest     many posters on here tried tellin him what the company wld do   it went above him
TRUTH!!!!!!! He is a poisonous dwarf.
freedom said:
I know exactly what you're saying chockjockey, I can't sleep soundly at night if I have credit card debt....

there are SOOOO many people out there who think they're getting credit card rewards when in fact they're paying Huge amounts of interest on their monthly balances thus NOT earning rewards. ..

If it were up to me there would be a three page financial literacy awareness memo stapled to the wage information sheet that the union will eventually put out..
Well, people don't generally like being preached at and Americans don't like being told how to spend their money, even if it's clear some make consistently bad choices.  You could staple another page on there that discusses the advantages of eating vegetables daily but some people simply won't change until they're faced with a situation that requires them to.  People will vigorously defend their poor choices and consider themselves rational and informed.  When healthcare was the thing to argue about I once had a discussion with a rather overweight pack-a-day smoker who was very insistent that he didn't want to lose any control over his health care decisions.  What can you do?
Jester said:
I also remember the last time the former AW agents received such a sizable pay raise after the JCBA with US was ratified-- West experienced the closure of a major hub shortly afterwards.  I have pondered if there was a relationship between significantly higher labor costs, low yield market and the eventual pulling down of flights.
Word is PHX might see a lot fewer FLEX days next year, but a hub closure?  Still don't see it.  The situation after FOS integration will be telling, they're saying we'll see a lot more 737's.  Tell you what though, two years from now if I'm wrong come down to Souper Salad and have lunch on me, as head bus boy I think I might be able to pull some strings.
robbedagain said:
thats my thoughts too cltrat   although i sometimes do think will they tax at a higher rate.   
WeAA   freedom is one of those who years ago sold out his union bros and sis and 42 other stations in the 2008 agreement with HP/US  and he bragged about it and did not give a rats arse about that  then when the company began shuttering 42 cities he cried like they could not do that    he was and is all about money for himself and screw the rest     many posters on here tried tellin him what the company wld do   it went above him
Ah thanks. I forgot about him.

Freedom you reap the seeds you sow. And people have long memories.
WeAAsles said:
Ah thanks. I forgot about him.
Freedom you reap the seeds you sow. And people have long memories.
so I've seeded money trees then ?

Horray ! This year's harvest should be epic!
ChockJockey said:
Well, people don't generally like being preached at and Americans don't like being told how to spend their money, even if it's clear some make consistently bad choices.  You could staple another page on there that discusses the advantages of eating vegetables daily but some people simply won't change until they're faced with a situation that requires them to.  People will vigorously defend their poor choices and consider themselves rational and informed.  When healthcare was the thing to argue about I once had a discussion with a rather overweight pack-a-day smoker who was very insistent that he didn't want to lose any control over his health care decisions.  What can you do?
Word is PHX might see a lot fewer FLEX days next year, but a hub closure?  Still don't see it.  The situation after FOS integration will be telling, they're saying we'll see a lot more 737's.  Tell you what though, two years from now if I'm wrong come down to Souper Salad and have lunch on me, as head bus boy I think I might be able to pull some strings.
I hope to be out of PHX well before 2 years from now, but if you are at the Souper Salad on 44th Street and Thomas, I'll stop by and stop guessing as to which of the breakroom wags I have overheard many times.
cltrat said:
anyone want to venture a guess on how this will be taxed? In my view it is salary and thus taxed as such and not at a higher rate
Was told it will be taxed at a higher rate...that rate is unknown to me but I would suspect the 30% range.
Filter said:
Was told it will be taxed at a higher rate...that rate is unknown to me but I would suspect the 30% range.
I wouldn't be surprise Filter even though I think it should be like regular salary, the crooked IRS/Feds will use any reason to get their hands on as much as possible
cltrat said:
I wouldn't be surprise Filter even though I think it should be like regular salary, the crooked IRS/Feds will use any reason to get their hands on as much as possible
Yes but when you do your overall taxes at the end of the year you should get a percentage of it back.
cltrat said:
I wouldn't be surprise Filter even though I think it should be like regular salary, the crooked IRS/Feds will use any reason to get their hands on as much as possible
The IRS is just using the rules created by the elected democrats who want us taxed - that was endorsed by the union
jcw said:
The IRS is just using the rules created by the elected democrats who want us taxed - that was endorsed by the union
Politics is up in the Water Cooler.
thanks filter   the 30% range   isnt that basically the typical when we get bonuses etc?   just like when we got that 1500 or so back in sept 2014 that was done at about 30 or 33% area?
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