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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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I think they inherited the dc9s from republic.
MBA truly did save them. Wouldnt have helped us. At any rate, mba isnt the savior people think. If the exception isnt triggered (in most cases it wasnt) the act just demands arbitration. Not necessarily straight doh.
At airtran, mba was invoked and the arbitrator ruled 2 less years imputed for airtran employees.

Just for the record, I don't believe that DL ever stapled anyone to the bottom of the seniority list in they their prior mergers. This includes NE, WA, and lastly NW. I know that there were variations in the pilot group with a blending method. You can't really even factor in PA since that was an asset acquisition. So basically Joshie is wrong about the NW people being spared due to MB.
Pan Am was not given their seniority when Delta bought pieces and took employees.

They were made to reinterview with DL to keep their jobs.

Laws were changed after that if an airline buys assets and takes employees that they wouldn’t lose seniority.
This organization is polluted and full blown corporate. Just awful. Ive been fairly clear that alot of offices will be empied. The establishment is mostly filled with dummies who are either thieves or other fashion of corporate. And a bunch of pollyannas.
I have no intention of leading with the evildoers sticking around.
Dude, you are delusional -- I guess next you'll be claiming they are part of the "Deep State"... or maybe the Illuminati...
And, don't worry about you ever having to "Lead" with "evildoers"... you'll NEVER get elected -- even with your bank teller alter ego attempting to help!

Just for the record, I don't believe that DL ever stapled anyone to the bottom of the seniority list in they their prior mergers. This includes NE, WA, and lastly NW. I know that there were variations in the pilot group with a blending method. You can't really even factor in PA since that was an asset acquisition. So basically Joshie is wrong about the NW people being spared due to MB.

Correct. The pilots used a percentile method and had fences around a couple of types of equipment. Everyone else was slotted using straight DOH.

And while we may "not have needed" M-B, the company needed us to be on board for a smooth integration. Stapling-or even a 3:1 slotting- doesn't get you there.
IAM Goes to China
A small fly says that everything was shelved this week as the Ill Ask Management went to China thru ORD as the iam is taking the lead for the new uniforms. Sweatshops anyone?
I don’t recall you complaining about where the current Bengladesh ones were made at? Agenda anyone?
He needs to seek some serious EAP help.

He’s obsessed.

Next thing he will do is go to their houses and rummage thru their trash.
IAM Goes to China
A small fly says that everything was shelved this week as the Ill Ask Management went to China thru ORD as the iam is taking the lead for the new uniforms. Sweatshops anyone?
My fly says ...nobody on the NC went to China.
Another spin by the whirlybird.
He needs to seek some serious EAP help.

He’s obsessed.

Next thing he will do is go to their houses and rummage thru their trash.
From the pix of his apartment, it appears he has plenty of trash to rummage through there!
Maybe that Bank Teller dude will help clean up...

Don't care for Tim one way or another, but this forum is not much more than a Tim bashing forum now.
And yes, I would agree, Tim seems a little out there. PIEDMONT, or whoever you are, that seems to be your main purpose here, bash Tim. You don't seem to add too much to the actual JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet.
As a matter of fact, you have even turned some of our productive posters into nothing more than full time Tim bashers. You guys need to start a separate thread for that. Until you do, this place is all yours.

Close, there is one other goodie in the OT article.

P. Rez

AANOTOK why don’t you take the thread back to around this area where we were involved in some interesting conversations about the JCBA and join in?

If you want to stear the board away from Tim bashing then you need to participate in that effort.

And also maybe ask Tim to stop coming on here with all of his fruitcake, nuts, whacko, insane Kook rants that distract from the conversation you prefer?
That's ok Watcher, I mean W, this forum is yours and anyone else who wants to discuss Tim, contracts, AA etc...
I personally think it's a waist now. Oh, and unlike some of you funny boys, I won't be taking on another alias and continue to contribute, give myself agrees, likes, Winners...lol. Much more important things to do...if we ever get a JCBA, maybe I'll show back up to debate the pro's and cons of that. Maybe!
That's ok Watcher, I mean W, this forum is yours and anyone else who wants to discuss Tim, contracts, AA etc...
I personally think it's a waist now. Oh, and unlike some of you funny boys, I won't be taking on another alias and continue to contribute, give myself agrees, likes, Winners...lol. Much more important things to do...if we ever get a JCBA, maybe I'll show back up to debate the pro's and cons of that. Maybe!

You seem to really enjoy coming here and trying to figure out what other people are doing and almost being critical of everyone who is not following your particular direction or narrative?

And that was not meant to fight with you again but I wish instead of being critical you would actually converse?

Talk Negotiations. What do YOU want to talk about? Hear any good rumors lately?
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