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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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That's really absurd to go that long without any negotiations. Was any reason for this given to the members?
That's really absurd to go that long without any negotiations. Was any reason for this given to the members?
The mediator got pissed off because of lack of progress from both sides, so she put us in the penalty box, and both sides didn't want to really meet without the mediator, If American is done before we are, I wouldn't be surprised. However it could break this year, and we might get a T/A.
It never ceases to amaze me that a banker seems to put in his hatred IAM crap on here Judging by what CB said it does seem as progress is being made despite the slowness of the mgmt. of the airline I still believe the longer it takes the more favorable type contract could possibly come out in any t/a
If American is done before we are, I wouldn't be surprised.

Ohhh, I wouldn't worry about that. At the rate the ASSociation is going, even the pilots will be done before us. All the money saved from us NOT having a JCBA, there will be more for the pilots and subsequently the f/a's.
I don't see why fleet is even going to negotiations if they are not going to do anything. If maintenance was done, I would not want thousands of them waiting on us. I have no idea if we are done though. It is hard to tell much on the TWU side as almost no information outside these bulletins is shared. From what I read here, the IAM is sharing a lot more information. That only makes this all the more frustrating.
With scops, healthcare, retirement and all forms of compensation still left and CB has stated way back that these will be be most in depth and longest part of nego's. Fleet not done, mechanics not done all groups within same JCBA not done. That's why all groups are still attending or at least working on their next approach and nego's steps (preparing).

That's really absurd to go that long without any negotiations. Was any reason for this given to the members?
It's because the co. only wants to meet for 2 or 3 days each month. They tried setting for Feb but had conflicts with management dates as well as AMFA dates with the quarterly jac meetings being held in Feb. The JAC meetings were set up many months ago. AMFA said they were fully available in month of March and co. still only set for 3 days for the entire month (as usual) 6-8 of March.
We've got a lot naysayers here...

The dude 'WeAAsels' kicks their asses every single time with facts -- Facts are the enemy of those cloaked in plural camouflage livery.
Sounds an awful lot like the last General Election!
Ohhh, I wouldn't worry about that. At the rate the ASSociation is going, even the pilots will be done before us. All the money saved from us NOT having a JCBA, there will be more for the pilots and subsequently the f/a's.
I think you are quite right about this. We have paid for ourselves. They could have offered us a deal a few years ago and got us much cheaper, but they enjoyed their bankruptcy advantage and played it for all it was worth. All this while raking in billions. It's about time they take care of employees with a contract.
Fa is correct, we missed that in the update. We did get that TA in sick leave and worked at prepping the order of the articles, etc. I do think we are close, it all depends on whether the company is serious about getting it done soon. We are in D.C. again this week.

P. Rez

Thanks Prez. Otherwise hope things are good with you?
We've got a lot naysayers here...

The dude 'WeAAsels' kicks their asses every single time with facts -- Facts are the enemy of those cloaked in plural camouflage livery.
Sounds an awful lot like the last General Election!

Thanks PIEDMONT. They hate the REAL facts that’s for sure.
We've got a lot naysayers here...

The dude 'WeAAsels' kicks their asses every single time with facts -- Facts are the enemy of those cloaked in plural camouflage livery.
Sounds an awful lot like the last General Election!
Ohhh, I wouldn't worry about that. At the rate the ASSociation is going, even the pilots will be done before us. All the money saved from us NOT having a JCBA, there will be more for the pilots and subsequently the f/a's.

All true and the sooner we get rid of the IAM the better
Fa is correct, we missed that in the update. We did get that TA in sick leave and worked at prepping the order of the articles, etc. I do think we are close, it all depends on whether the company is serious about getting it done soon. We are in D.C. again this week.

P. Rez
will it be the same for the mechanics as well? I would not think that the sick leave would be different from one group to another. If it is, it's the unions fault in my eyes.

We've got a lot naysayers here...

The dude 'WeAAsels' kicks their asses every single time with facts -- Facts are the enemy of those cloaked in plural camouflage livery.
Sounds an awful lot like the last General Election!
As far as the mechanics are concerned, yea you do have a lot of naysayers they will vote NO unless it is an ILC in all areas as promised. And I would expect the same from the fleet group as well. It should get an overwhelming NO vote if it is not ILC for all groups within the same contract period...
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