JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA AMTS

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That's the easy answer, and the one capital hopes you stick with.

The real reason(s), are much more complex, and will take a long time to unwind, but we can't get started until everyone gets out of the "coattail rider" mindset.
swamt said:
I so hope what you say is true, BUT, we will all see. And I assume you are refering to the D or U +3 not the D or U +7% as originally promised by your CEO and later retracted, huh?
I asked the question myself, and the answer I got was because it wasn't tied to negotiating the wage article is a big reason why they accepted it. 
Yes to the Delta/United plus the Parker evolving percentage
conehead777 said:
all the amt at all the airlines and ups FedEx should way be over the 55 dollar mark. Just to get a head from all the pay cuts . And put us where we should be.
Agree 100%
matt said:
I could not agree more! Amt's should be making well into the upper 50's. Pilots have to know how to fly one type of aircraft. Technicians must know how to work on the companies entire fleet. The public looks at us like we are some knuckle dragging, shade tree mechanics. They do not realize A&P's work in power plants and nascar and all different types of transportation systems. The reason why we do not get the recognition is because we are forced to have other work groups put under our contracts. I for one had always felt the we should have just one union with only licensed technicians.
Kev3188 said:
That's the easy answer, and the one capital hopes you stick with.

The real reason(s), are much more complex, and will take a long time to unwind, but we can't get started until everyone gets out of the "coattail rider" mindset.
I agree with part. But to give an example of coat riders, our new MC and FMT's coming into our contract is just another coat rider in my opinion.  Yes AMFA should and can represent them but why in the world do they have to be in our contract, I say nego their own so their very small group can vote on things that affect them and that way we are not voting for them just because of our shere numbers over theirs, it just doesn't make sense to me to have them on ours.  Another thing, why hold up our contract for a very small group to come to terms for them, you better please the larger part of the group and worry about nego their part later.  In other words, let's say the co. offered them 250K a year, free stock options, a one time 250K ratification bonus, 6 months a year vac, unlimited sick back, accrual, and no restrictions to use it, everyone provided with a co. car and co. pays all expenses tied to it, every year each employee gets to take their entire family on a huge vac over seas fully funded by the co.    Now, if they are in our contract and the mechanics were offered a pay freeze blah, blah, blah  how do you think this vote would go?  For this reason they need their own contract, this way the co. cannot pit work groups against work groups with division any longer. Yes my example is far fetched, but I'm sure all get the point.
swamt said:
3% over the Delta mechanics will not put AA mechs in the 50's. Do the math. Delta is at 46.15, multiply that by 3% and you get 1.3845, add that to the 46.15 = 47.5345, not even close to the 50's as you have suggested. Now, with that said, AA is being brought to 3% over Delta which is 47.54 (rounded) and IF United is brought up to 3% over AA, then it would be 47.54 X 3% = 1.4262, plus 47.54=48.9662 which is still short of the 50's you are suggesting.  We all can only hope the UAL mechs are gonna get offered in the 50's, I really hope they do, as they deserve it. We will see when the details comes out.  Good luck to them and all of us as it seems that all the airline mechanics groups are all of a sudden coming to some sort of agreements, except for us.
Wasn't sure where DL actually was, but do remember him saying it totaled over $50/hr.
3% was probably from earlier proposal or some other carriers amts.
swamt said:
Agree 100%


I agree with part. But to give an example of coat riders, our new MC and FMT's coming into our contract is just another coat rider in my opinion.  Yes AMFA should and can represent them but why in the world do they have to be in our contract, I say nego their own so their very small group can vote on things that affect them and that way we are not voting for them just because of our shere numbers over theirs, it just doesn't make sense to me to have them on ours.  Another thing, why hold up our contract for a very small group to come to terms for them, you better please the larger part of the group and worry about nego their part later.  In other words, let's say the co. offered them 250K a year, free stock options, a one time 250K ratification bonus, 6 months a year vac, unlimited sick back, accrual, and no restrictions to use it, everyone provided with a co. car and co. pays all expenses tied to it, every year each employee gets to take their entire family on a huge vac over seas fully funded by the co.    Now, if they are in our contract and the mechanics were offered a pay freeze blah, blah, blah  how do you think this vote would go?  For this reason they need their own contract, this way the co. cannot pit work groups against work groups with division any longer. Yes my example is far fetched, but I'm sure all get the point.
"you better please the larger part of the group and worry about (losing amt's) later. "
What ind catch all unions(IAM & TWU comes to mind)did to the amt everywhere for DECADES.-reversed.

Couldn't help myself...:-/ just jumped at me.
Agree with your case in point....
The union would tell us that we need the other work groups to make us stronger! Really! I did not study and work for 35 years in this industry to have non amt's determine my pay! If everyone thinks it easy doing our jobs as technicians then go to school and join our brotherhood!
Kev3188 said:
We're stronger together. All of us.Every work group should be supporting the others to get the most they possibly can.
That boat sailed a long time ago. Remember the 1989 contract?
Why did a group of mechanics decide that seperate contracts was a possible path?
Kev3188 said:
You tell us.

Separate contracts certainly don't preclude groups from supporting one another...
I have been interested in the mechanics having a different representative for over 25 years, so I will most likely be biased.
However prior to 2003, I believe the mechanics allegedly had a separate contract within the umbrella of the TWU. With the voting in of the
Association, this falsehood of separate contracts disappeared. As long as the blog is about mechanics and the achievement of the other airline
mechanics during contract negotiations, the topic is about the compensation for mechanics it usually stays civil . It is when the coat tail
comments come up that the other work groups take offense and the solidarity becomes questionable. 
Even within this blog other work groups have taken offense, but the entire subject is based on the mechanic compensation at the other major airlines.
Doug Parker called for a percentage above the other majors mechanic wages and shortly thereafter the other work groups through the representative
methods of the Association become the subject of negotiations.
Separate contracts are not allowed to flourish under the AFL-CIO. Call it what you will, but the separate contract push has been alive and quashed by those
in the position of union leadership, not the membership democratically. MO.  Look at the new topic on a separate OH contract....
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