Companies make that claim but the fact is
THEY are in the golden age of low cost and high profits. They can very well pay American wages, they just rather spend China wages and sell at American prices to stupid people that think they have to have a $600 iPhone simply because they are sheep to the marketing industry.
That is what tariffs are for. The government and big business have done everything they can to demonize tariffs but the truth is taxing imports makes it less profitable to manufacture overseas thus protecting American jobs. The big lie is it will make things unaffordable. The fact is people will pay no more than what they think something is worth and with companies enjoying many times the cost in profits there is a huge window there for a market reorientation. With appropriate tariffs companies really only have 2 choices. Manufacture locally or find another market to sell goods.
If companies could not afford to pay American wages American Airlines would have gone out of business long ago. The fact they have a large American workforce, do a large portion of maintenance in the United States, and
pay many employees higher than the median American income PER HOUSEHOLD ($55,775 in 2015) has neither put them out of business or made the price of an airline ticket unaffordable to the common man. In fact they made a profit of
$7.6 billion dollars, despite those "obstacles".
$7.6 billion, I guess you bricks in the backpack don't weigh them down
THAT much.
"Free Trade" is the biggest scam ever perpetuated on the American public. It only serves to line the pockets of business and politicians. It does nothing for you the working man or you the consumer. It's a con.