And the night before the abrogation, the company handed us their final offer, we recessed talks for dinner, then went back to CCY till 4am in the morning, going back and forth and and improving it a bit.Since you like to tell everyone that they're wrong, you're wrong. Your contract wasn't abrogated. The judge ruled that the company could abrogate your contract but the company didn't, did they. Your wonderful IAM put the final offer out for a vote and it passed, so the members agreed to the changes - by definition they were not imposed on the members.
The Judge in court stated he was going to abrogate and impose the final offer presented to us and the court. He asked the IAM to vote on the final offer as he wanted labor peace and US and avoid a possible job action (NW case about striking wasnt filed at this point in time). The IAM International agreed to let the members vote on the final offer, as the Judge didnt want a job action that would liquidate the company.
Were you in the Courtroom in Alexandria, VA?
I was, didnt see you there, did I miss you?
Read this
US Airways' pact with 8,800 machinists tossed out by bankruptcy court
Airline, union agree to more time for members to vote on contract offer