Yeah praying! Are you kidding me? You honestly think praying is going to help? You effing dupe! American Airlines could give a flying shite about us. I tell you what, pray in one hand and shite in the other.... tell me which fills up faster. Keep voting right wing and lets see what that gets us? If you people cant see whats happening to the middle class by now you deserve what you get. What pisses me off it that your dumbass way of thinking is dragging me and my family down with you. Yeah right..... Amen brother... dumb arses!
Not sure how long you've been @ AA, or where you work,'ve made a PROFOUND point, and it's something I've been "chirping about" on here (in another life/so to speak) for YEARS.
With a union and majority membership with NO F- - - - ing BALLS, and HDQ very aware of that, it's the reason that you are where you're at today. Let me explain further.
AA has ALWAYS known that no matter what P O S contract that got put up for a vote, IT WOULD ALWAYS PASS. (explaining further) The Majority of the good ol' boys @ TUL/OKC/DFW and a sad number @ MIA would ALWAYS vote YES. (be they AMT's or FSC's)
Those YES numbers alone would always be larger than the hard line NO votes coming out of BOS/JFK/LGA/EWR/PHL/DCA/DTW, the slim (NO) majority @ ORD/MIA and LAX. So in essence, it made no difference who was the preseident of the TWU.
(And thats Exactly why AA relocated HDQ's and the Union from NY to TEX ASSS)
And your also correct about those Right Wing voting NUT JOBS in TEX/OK.
Always remember, REAL Union men DO NOT vote Republican..............EVER !
If AA knew starting way back in the early 80's, NOT to screw around with the union(Think TWU local 100/NYC subway) you and others would NEVER be in this bad spot you're in now)
With virtually NO jobs anywhere, Lets see how some of those YES voting OKIES are going to be able to make the payments on the Bass boats, the new Truck, and especially the New "double wide TRAILER" they moved into !