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Jack London & The Scab


Nuff Said.

Pull up the lyrics to Dylan's "Sundown on the Union" or Zappa's "Stick Together"

The world changes, but union rules never do. I'm so glad the RLA protects the vital railway workers (and airlines too, just for the heck of it).

101 year old poems. 🙄
mrfish3726 said:
So I guess that your co-workers who got layed off from that crap hole you work at who now have jobs at 3rd party maintenace you will consider them to be SCABS THEN?????

Yes, they are 'scabs'.

I'll take Rat's Merriam-webster definition over Fish's "Capt Kangaroo picture pages coloring book" definition any day....


Main Entry: 1scab
Pronunciation: 'skab
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Swedish skabbr scab; akin to Old English sceabb scab, Latin scabere to scratch -- more at SHAVE
1 : scabies of domestic animals
2 : a crust of hardened blood and serum over a wound
3 a : a contemptible person b (1) : a worker who refuses to join a labor union (2) : a union member who refuses to strike or returns to work before a strike has ended (3) : a worker who accepts employment or replaces a union worker during a strike (4) : one who works for less than union wages or on nonunion terms
4 : any of various bacterial or fungus diseases of plants characterized by crustaceous spots; also : one of the spots
casual rat said:
People used to get killed at the pleasure of the company that they worked for. As recently as the 20's-30's...Where do you think the term 'sweat shop' came from. If companies treated their employees with respect, and paid them in line with their production, there wouldn't be a need for unions would there? Where do you think child labor laws came from? Companies who used children as labor. Why do you think slavery was abolished? Let's see....exploitation perhaps? Why was OSHA formed? Because people died in fires in factories because the 'pleasurable to work for company' decided wiring codes weren't as pleasurable as profits....There's your clue.

Hey here's a thought... don't work there anymore! Why the f would someone go and work at a factory that presents a danger to their health and safety? Now I know that industrial standards are positive outcomes of labor strife, but you make it sound as if people were in forced labor camps! My point is that workers have the ability to "fire" their employers at any time, for any reason. That's the beauty of this country, you have the power to choose any career path you are qualified to hold. In fact, you have the ability to create your own income! Look at all the employees that have home-based businesses or second jobs.

Your success should not rest in the hands of someone or something that can control your life to the degree that you speak, be it management or your union. I take great comfort in the fact that if I was laid off tomorrow, I have the education and skills to find something else almost immediately, probably for better pay. You should try it sometime.
This be true Gopher. Sorry I mistook your idealism and thought you were 'coming from' a historical perspective. At the time, it was all they had--since most employers weren't as humane/fair/competitive for good 'help' as they are now. The laws are truly different these days. You are correct in your assertion that your success rests in one's own hands. A person votes with their feet.
casual rat said:
This be true Gopher. Sorry I mistook your idealism and thought you were 'coming from' a historical perspective. At the time, it was all they had--since most employers weren't as humane/fair/competitive for good 'help' as they are now. The laws are truly different these days. You are correct in your assertion that your success rests in one's own hands. A person votes with their feet.

Casual rat,

You are way too easily succumbed by the ‘sweet talking’ rhetoric, are you not?
Do you not have a thought as to the effects and policies of the forces in play in concert to our downward spiral of the ‘working persons’ pay and benefits? Divide and conquer is the rue of today’s political mantra and the only way to stop the tide of capitulation is to stand steadfast in your convictions (if you have any). If you believe the philosophy that ‘Gopher’ is expounding then you certainly deserve what you get!!!

And you are no ‘Brother’ of mine!!!


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