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Gordon Bethune And Ual?

It still would have been funny to see a throwdown beween a Charlotte mama and a Seattle mama!
What does that have to do with Gordon Bethune? Is he going to be the Ref at the "Throw Down"? :up:
Forgive me for returning to the topic but I have thought that UA and CO would make a nice couple. CO does everything for UA that it doesn't have networkwise. Someone has to pony up a bunch of cash to make it all happen though. If UA can get itself out of bankruptcy, it may be willing to entertain a merger option like this.

The industry will consolidate but it also requires rationalizing hubs and eliminating duplicated capacity so simply putting UA and CO together doesn't quite accomplish what is needed. There is alot of duplicated east-west flow capacity in CLE/ORD/IAH/DEN. You really don't need three large smaller mid-continent hubs and another smaller one. Gordon's point is valid - the world would truly be covered.

If CO and UA were able to hitch up, NW would very much go into play since AA and DL both want and need Asian route systems. I also suspect there would be an attempt to rationalize the fleet and the successful winner for NW's hand might be willing to swap either the A320 or 73NG aircraft to rationalize both new megacarrier fleets.
But, just think about it... Gordon Bethune running United Airlines. God, I know people that would be willing to do just about anything to make that happen. That includes a merger. Competent, smart management at United. Now there is something to dream for.
WorldTraveler said:
Forgive me for returning to the topic but I have thought that UA and CO would make a nice couple. CO does everything for UA that it doesn't have networkwise. Someone has to pony up a bunch of cash to make it all happen though. If UA can get itself out of bankruptcy, it may be willing to entertain a merger option like this.

The industry will consolidate but it also requires rationalizing hubs and eliminating duplicated capacity so simply putting UA and CO together doesn't quite accomplish what is needed. There is alot of duplicated east-west flow capacity in CLE/ORD/IAH/DEN. You really don't need three large smaller mid-continent hubs and another smaller one. Gordon's point is valid - the world would truly be covered.

If CO and UA were able to hitch up, NW would very much go into play since AA and DL both want and need Asian route systems. I also suspect there would be an attempt to rationalize the fleet and the successful winner for NW's hand might be willing to swap either the A320 or 73NG aircraft to rationalize both new megacarrier fleets.

Excellent post, "WT" !!!!!!!!!

I'm not denying that ol' GORDO is'nt a bit knowlegable, but he gets a little "full of himself" from time to time !!

Trust me, GORDO WILL retire, HAVING NEVER become "the second coming of Robert CRANDALL"

If IMHO CO and UAL "consummated their wedlock", AA and NW would be an AWESOME sight to behold !!!!!!!!!!!! (The fact that AA and "Big Red" are $$$ healthier, would'nt hurt either.

(MY) "Bottom Line", I hope Gordo's prognostication of legacy mergers "bears fruit" !!!

(AA and NW) PLUS "cozy" relationships with their "cousins" BRITISH AIRWAYS and KLM, would send me into a state of "delirium' !!!!!!!!!
(Jesus, I hope "delirium" is spelled right, OR in fact, even a word) !!! 😱 😱

I don't think anyone is ready to jump on the dance floor yet. There's too many people standing in line at the court house.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Excellent post, "WT" !!!!!!!!!

I'm not denying that ol' GORDO is'nt a bit knowlegable, but he gets a little "full of himself" from time to time !!

Trust me, GORDO WILL retire, HAVING NEVER become "the second coming of Robert CRANDALL"

If IMHO CO and UAL "consummated their wedlock", AA and NW would be an AWESOME sight to behold !!!!!!!!!!!! (The fact that AA and "Big Red" are $$$ healthier, would'nt hurt either.

(MY) "Bottom Line", I hope Gordo's prognostication of legacy mergers "bears fruit" !!!

(AA and NW) PLUS "cozy" relationships with their "cousins" BRITISH AIRWAYS and KLM, would send me into a state of "delirium' !!!!!!!!!
(Jesus, I hope "delirium" is spelled right, OR in fact, even a word) !!! 😱 😱

Main Entry: de·lir·i·um
Pronunciation: di-'lir-E-&m
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from delirare to be crazy, literally, to leave the furrow (in plowing), from de- + lira furrow -- more at LEARN
2 : frenzied excitement <he would stride about his room in a delirium of joy -- Thomas Wolfe> Don't worry....CAL is taken for the next 20 years (NWA)