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It's time for another town hall in PHX


Feb 15, 2006
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Not too long ago Scott Kirby visited Phoenix fleet service for about 30 minutes . While his presence was appreciated it allowed very little time for fleet to ask questions and receive thorough answers . It is hoped that both parties have since taken the time to reflect and consider some of the issues that were brought up at that meeting .
Still as much dialogue as there was at that one half an hour meeting , there just hasn’t been enough communication with the company . Many fleet service workers feel that there is little or no communication between fleet and corporate as to where this company is going and what it’s “visionâ€￾ is . Hence this is why many now turn to message boards such as this or rely on rumor as to whats “reallyâ€￾ going on at the company . That is why Doug parker’s presence is being requested , town hall style . Almost 2 years ago Doug parker visited our PHX station up in the British airways conference room answering many if not most of our questions .
A lot of West fleet service workers feel ignored by this company , and most of them are hard working , honest folk just trying to make a living .Several people out here are feeling side tracked and forgotten about by Doug and would like to be reassured that he still cares about his former workers.

The above is the general mood of several of the fleet serivce workers on the PHX ramp , i for one did attened the town hall 2 years ago and did find it informative , i can say that while i may sound radical on this board i always belive in keeping an open mind as do most of my co workers . Furthermore , perhaps Doug might be able to glean some helpfull ideas from the workers on how to make us into a stronger more efficent airline .
I think Town Hall's are way overdue in the larger stations. I think what is really needed is not to have Doug give a speech highlighting what many employees already know or even answer many questions but instead pass the micraphone around the room and let concerned employees voices be heard about all the (easily fixable, yes EASILY FIXABLE) things that are currently and in many cases recently wrong with this company. Since management is known to visit these boards I think Tempe's biggest problem is believing because we have been making money and revenue is up everything is okay. They just don't realize just how bad so many things are out in the field, and most of those problems where caused by poor decisions by Tempe. Perhaps a few quarters of likely losses and drops in revenue will be what it takes, but some Town Hall's where Doug, Scott, and few other key people acutally "LISTEN" to what's going on and actually have an "Open Mind" that maybe some of us know what we are talking about and many changes should and need to be acted on swiftly !


Since management is known to visit these boards I think Tempe's biggest problem is believing because we have been making money and revenue is up everything is okay. They just don't realize just how bad so many things are out in the field, and most of those problems where caused by poor decisions by Tempe. Perhaps a few quarters of likely losses and drops in revenue will be what it takes

Lets hope it doesnt take "A FEW QUARTERS" of losses for the wunderkids in Tempe to realize that things could be better if they listened to some of their people who work the front line and get to hear and live "the real story" of USAirways every day and not what someone wants someone else to be told.
Maybe when he's done there he can come to PHL..please please. :up: :up: :up: :up:
Is it really necessary? The two town halls we had in PIT resolved nothing. The second PM one started right on time, despite the fact that there was a ramp closure and many attendees were late because they were working to get the flights out after the ramp closure was lifted.

Why not just go down to the breakrooms, speak plainly and take lumps as necessary? Maybe a cup of coffee or a cigarette with those who bust their butts on a regular basis. And not just for an hour; make it an all-day affair. It would make sense to see what is actually going on instead of being briefed by a brown-noser who tells you what they think you want to hear.
It would make sense to see what is actually going on instead of being briefed by a brown-noser who tells you what they think you want to hear.

Think of the brown nosers who would be out of a job.

They would just come here in their extra free time.
Yes, we were there almost two years ago when Mr Parker answered every question concerning customer service and proceedures and equipment with a graph or a chart. We might have all charted the amount of difficulties and divided by passenger mile and cost and revenue and then equal it out to "Take it in the AFT".
We need to have Mr. Parker and Mr. Bill Chandlee square off in the breakroom. They are the ones at each others throats. We might be "spinning our wheels" but we're going to make them smell the BURN! Rally April 12 HQ 3-6pm.