It's out

[quote name='LGA Fleet Service' post='348740' date='Feb 3 2006, 07:47 PM']Wait until they spring the dues increase on compensate for the lost revenue from the members that were laid off...[/quote]
Already happening on a local-by-local basis, my friend....

[quote name='Work'n short' post='348691' date='Feb 3 2006, 04:24 PM']I believe the reason is to give them more time to sell this piece of sh@$..they are planning a roadshow at every station so that they can tell everyone what a "good" deal this is...[/quote]

I can't imagine the vitriol those guys are going to face..Serves 'em right, though.

as for the time it's taking for the voting to be completed...maybe it's so they can determine how the vote is going day to day,and if it's not going the way they want it to.........well maybe they can just take care of that.It should be abundantly clear the kind of integrity we as I.A.M members are dealing with.This is not a "deal" to vote on,it's more like a murder suicide.

Good points. I'm curious about the actual voting times at each place and how it relates to the station's actual work schedule(s). At my station fully 2/3 of the staff do not work while the polls are open (or immediately before or after). For my crew and I, it means coming 3 hours prior to the start of our shift. I would like to think they'd do whatever they could to encourage as many votes as possible, but I guess I know better. :angry:
Already happening on a local-by-local basis, my friend....
I can't imagine the vitriol those guys are going to face..Serves 'em right, though.
Good points. I'm curious about the actual voting times at each place and how it relates to the station's actual work schedule(s). At my station fully 2/3 of the staff do not work while the polls are open (or immediately before or after). For my crew and I, it means coming 3 hours prior to the start of our shift. I would like to think they'd do whatever they could to encourage as many votes as possible, but I guess I know better. :angry:
We are getting the same deal with the voting time.I'm not surprised though.If your in one of the stations thats staying maybe they figure your votes as yes and they are not worried if you and your crew show...I'm thinking they are only concerned about how many YES votes there are out there.They have already mailed a fiftyfive gallon drum of vasiline to our station....may as well start lubing up.
Work'n short--

If you don't mind me asking, is your station one of the ones they want to close? If so, what is your plan (retire, "enhanced severance," bump, etc.) if this POS gets ratified?
Work'n short--

If you don't mind me asking, is your station one of the ones they want to close? If so, what is your plan (retire, "enhanced severance," bump, etc.) if this POS gets ratified?
This June I will start my 21st year with this company.I am 39 years old.The "enhanced severance" isnt worth sh&% to me,Im to young to retire and this is all I have done for 20 years.I work in a four hour rule station which is the 4th station I have worked in.I was a ramp chief for 6 1/2 years.I will have no choice but to bump somewhere.My self and four other folks in my station alone will be choosing this option as there really is no other to consider at this point.Most of the smaller stations out there have very senior people who are not old enought to cash it in and to old to start something else.I believe Northwest has gotten their money out of me,being four hour rule we do it all...loading,unloading,gate,ticket counter,luggage...ect.We are a very busy diversion station with a large runway so we end up with alot of cancelled flights from other cities.Yesterday alone was a clusterf%$# and I cant waite to see the 9 dollar hour scabs making this work.In short...Northwest has my family over a barrel..I will not sell my home but I will commute if I have too...I have 2 kids in highschool and I wont uproote them for Bobby Disgrace....
[quote name='Work'n short' post='349310' date='Feb 5 2006, 06:12 AM']This June I will start my 21st year with this company.I am 39 years old.The "enhanced severance" isnt worth sh&% to me,Im to young to retire and this is all I have done for 20 years.I work in a four hour rule station which is the 4th station I have worked in.I was a ramp chief for 6 1/2 years.I will have no choice but to bump somewhere.[/quote]

Many people I've talked to seem to be in the same boat. I don't think either the IAM or the company have banked on this.

My self and four other folks in my station alone will be choosing this option as there really is no other to consider at this point.Most of the smaller stations out there have very senior people who are not old enought to cash it in and to old to start something else.I believe Northwest has gotten their money out of me,being four hour rule we do it all...loading,unloading,gate,ticket counter,luggage...ect.We are a very busy diversion station with a large runway so we end up with alot of cancelled flights from other cities.

I would have thought 4 hour rule stations would be the one "type" of place NW would have kept (at least most of them, anyway). That's an efficiency you just can't match.

Yesterday alone was a clusterf%$# and I cant waite to see the 9 dollar hour scabs making this work.

Same here.

In short...Northwest has my family over a barrel..I will not sell my home but I will commute if I have too...I have 2 kids in highschool and I wont uproote them for Bobby Disgrace....

Where do you think you might go? Since you have Grey and Black book time, what will you use?
One thing that works fairly well is, that if you guys can get 4 people to xfer to MSP, or DTW, and grab a so-so apartment, sharing expenses, and work your shift trades among yourselves, to benefit yourselves so you can get home for "3" full days, It's bearable.

Especially if all 4 have Large seniority.
(example, Each man spends 4 days in the hub(32 hours), and works 2 double shifts on day 2+3(16 More Hrs.....equals "48" hours pay, with 3 days off, plus any O/T on day 1 + 4)
Mathamatically, "all of it", can work.

Good luck

One thing that works fairly well is, that if you guys can get 4 people to xfer to MSP, or DTW, and grab a so-so apartment, sharing expenses, and work your shift trades among yourselves, to benefit yourselves so you can get home for "3" full days, It's bearable.

Especially if all 4 have Large seniority.
(example, Each man spends 4 days in the hub(32 hours), and works 2 double shifts on day 2+3(16 More Hrs.....equals "48" hours pay, with 3 days off, plus any O/T on day 1 + 4)
Mathamatically, "all of it", can work.

Good luck

Is this what you meant?

Each man spends 3 days in the hub(24 hours), and works 2 double shifts on day 1+3(16 hours) Total hours 40 with "4" days off plus any OT on day 2
I have no doubt the IAM would try a revote ala USAir, but A) I'll just vote "no" again, and 2) at this point, I'm not sure that it'll come to that. Too many folks ruled by fear ("but, Kevin how else will I make the payments on my brand new truck? What about the boat? The house that's three times larger than I need? We'll just be lucky to have a job.")....

I agree. I made a decision years ago not to be ruled by fear. I work for myself making much less then I'd ever thought I could live on and voila I'm still here!! I'm considering returning to the industry, but [/i]only on my terms! I don't use money/pay as my ONLY decision making indicator. Everyone has to decide for themselves what is worth it for them, or not.
Sounds like MSP & DTW may look like MEM did for years with guys commuting from all cities that Southern (and then Republic) used to serve.
havnt picked a city yet...waiting to hear the vote count.Plus,..the pilots may make this whole thing easier on anyone looking at this the way I have to.If they walk there will be no worries anymore.
[quote name='Work'n short' post='349723' date='Feb 6 2006, 01:46 PM']If they walk there will be no worries anymore.[/quote]

Very true...The way things look right now (not to good), that will be the ultimate "decision maker" for all of us.
I wish you all the best. It looks like Dougie Stealin and friends are pushing for Chapter 7.
There are too many people afraid to vote it down, you'll see.The hubs will carry the votes, they always do. :down:

The Frightened Machinist is actually coming to your stations try to tell you with a straight face how "good" a deal this is? :blink:

The Frightened Machinist is actually coming to your stations try to tell you with a straight face how "good" a deal this is? :blink:


Believe it.

It's not a "roadshow" per se; they'll be on hand during voting times at each particular station to answer questions. If I had to guess, I'd say damn near everyone has already made up their mind on how'll they'll vote, so it's kind of pointless.
Believe it.

It's not a "roadshow" per se; they'll be on hand during voting times at each particular station to answer questions. If I had to guess, I'd say damn near everyone has already made up their mind on how'll they'll vote, so it's kind of pointless.
Kev....what would you say the general consensus is in your station?.You are in one of the 40?...What will you do if the bumping comes your way?