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It's Official. The SWAMP is very soon about to DRAIN. Flynn pleads Guilty !

About half of what Trump tweets makes me cringe, but I gotta say I like the unfettered access to what he's thinking on any given topic. I also love the fact that the handlers on both sides don't have a lot of room to spin things later....
I like wurst.
Wurst and cheese on garlic bread is delicious.😀
Try it Sometime.
Wurst is delicious! I'll take your advice xUT and try it with cheese on garlic bread 🙂.
New Braunfels Tx. Wurstfest is a 10day salute to Sausage, beer and music held
every Nov. It's fun! 😀
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The problem for liberals is that this was *after* the election (unlike the "oops" reporting made by ABC which subsequently tanked the financial markets last week before a retraction was made....).

Trump was officially the President-Elect, and it's common for transition teams to be talking with key allies and superpowers. There were no written treaties, and or official policy statements.

Here's what that Conservative bastion of journalism Slate had to say on Logan back in January 2017:

Nothing significant has changed since then, so anyone talking about Logan is either talking out of their arse or suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The fact remains that the best Mueller has been able to come up with so far is a plea deal with at most six months in prison and a $9,500 fine for lying to the FBI.

That's it. Seems to be all hat and no cattle as they like to say in Texas...

The problem with conservatives is that any law that gets in their way is ignored. And, I beg to differ with you about "nothing significant." Flynn told the Russian ambassador to cool it over the sanctions just imposed by President Obama and Congress (the one with the Republican majority) for meddling in the election. According to several news sources (as a defender of Dear Leader you may ignore because it is FAKE NEWS sources), Flynn told the ambassador that the sanctions would be dealt with as soon as they (T and company) got into office.

The reason why nothing significant changed is that the FAKE NEWS sources got wind of the plan to cancel the sanctions and reported it. Of course your boy denied any plan to do so. If that's not meddling in foreign affairs when you have no legal standing to do so, I don't know what is.
About half of what Trump tweets makes me cringe, but I gotta say I like the unfettered access to what he's thinking on any given topic. I also love the fact that the handlers on both sides don't have a lot of room to spin things later....

Except that you have access to thinking that changes more often than a kaleidoscope and has less coherence and pattern. The only thing he is constant about is his childish ad hominem attacks on anyone that he thinks disagrees with him. Well, those people and Hillary. He also doesn't seem to realize that she is not in office.

How did you like his latest tweet that leaves him open to obstruction of justice charges? He just stated yesterday that he knew long before charges were brought that Flynn had lied to the FBI and was the other, previously unmentioned, reason for firing Flynn. It was the day AFTER Flynn's chat with the FBI that Trump asked Comey to let the investigation of Flynn end. Oops! If he wasn't involved in any of the chat with the Russian, how did he know that Flynn had lied about the topic of the chat? I think he desperately needs a spinmeister at the moment.

I know. I know. His lawyer supposedly sent out that tweet over Dear Leader's account. Problem: Trump himself has stated that anything that goes out over his tweet can be treated as policy, dogma, and revealed truth.
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Forgot to mention, a Republican strategist said today on one of the news talk shows--Meet the Press, I think--that he now does not expect Trump to make it a full year in office. From his lips to God's ears. Now that's a Republican I can agree with. 😀

One other thing...totally unrelated to this post. Flynn served briefly as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency before Obama fired him. How did he not know, or at least suspect, that the Russian ambassador's phones were tapped? Even I knew that we tap the Russians here in the U.S. AND, the Russians tap us in Russia. That's been a given since the Stalin days.
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Bears is it really Trump your after?
Forgot to mention, a Republican strategist said today on one of the news talk shows--Meet the Press, I think--that he now does not expect Trump to make it a full year in office. From his lips to God's ears. Now that's a Republican I can agree with. 😀
Oh really? What "Republican strategist"? On what "news talk show"? "Meet the press"?...... You think? When?
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"Meet the press", insn't that on NBC? And isn't NBC affiliated with the Hearst organization? And I believe aren't they noted for their "Progressive", or "Liberal" leanings?....... Now would it be a stretch, in today's political environment, to say that whatever is broadcast on NBC just might be a little bias?
About half of what Trump tweets makes me cringe, but I gotta say I like the unfettered access to what he's thinking on any given topic. I also love the fact that the handlers on both sides don't have a lot of room to spin things later....
I like also.
Makes it much easier for the prosecution as he tweets himself in to impeachment and/or prison.
I like also.
Makes it much easier for the prosecution as he tweets himself in to impeachment and/or prison.
I tend to agree. But remember Trump is not a politician! That's why the people elected him! I guess time will tell?........ But wasn't Clinton impeached? And if I recall, he ended up finishing up his term.
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I tend to agree. But remember Trump is not a politician! That's why the people elected him! I guess time will tell?........ But wasn't Clinton impeached? And if I recall, he ended up finishing up his term.
In U.S law impeachment is the same as filing a criminal charge against someone. In this case specifically a charge of misconduct against a holder of public office. A number of people mistakenly think that to say someone was impeached is the outcome. However, just as in a jury trial, the public office holder must be found guilty of the alleged offense. Clinton was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives, but was not found guilty by the trial body--i.e., the U.S. Senate. Same outcome with Andrew Johnson, the only other President impeached.

So there will always be a political issue in any impeachment of the sitting President. For instance, the Senate was majority Democrat when Clinton was impeached and acquitted. Unless, Trump were to be found guilty of treason or something else serious--murder, perhaps--it is unlikely that a Republican majority in the U.S. Senate would not acquit him.
The problem for liberals is that this was *after* the election (unlike the "oops" reporting made by ABC which subsequently tanked the financial markets last week before a retraction was made....).

Trump was officially the President-Elect, and it's common for transition teams to be talking with key allies and superpowers. There were no written treaties, and or official policy statements.

Here's what that Conservative bastion of journalism Slate had to say on Logan back in January 2017:

Nothing significant has changed since then, so anyone talking about Logan is either talking out of their arse or suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The fact remains that the best Mueller has been able to come up with so far is a plea deal with at most six months in prison and a $9,500 fine for lying to the FBI.

That's it. Seems to be all hat and no cattle as they like to say in Texas...

Mueller is in a flat spin suddenly......calls to end the probe......Trump bias among his investigators.

The problem with conservatives is that any law that gets in their way is ignored. And, I beg to differ with you about "nothing significant." Flynn told the Russian ambassador to cool it over the sanctions just imposed by President Obama and Congress (the one with the Republican majority) for meddling in the election. According to several news sources (as a defender of Dear Leader you may ignore because it is FAKE NEWS sources), Flynn told the ambassador that the sanctions would be dealt with as soon as they (T and company) got into office.

The reason why nothing significant changed is that the FAKE NEWS sources got wind of the plan to cancel the sanctions and reported it. Of course your boy denied any plan to do so. If that's not meddling in foreign affairs when you have no legal standing to do so, I don't know what is.

Funny Jim, I can remember the last administration looking the other way on many laws and even getting slapped around by the Supreme Court.

Except that you have access to thinking that changes more often than a kaleidoscope and has less coherence and pattern. The only thing he is constant about is his childish ad hominem attacks on anyone that he thinks disagrees with him. Well, those people and Hillary. He also doesn't seem to realize that she is not in office.

How did you like his latest tweet that leaves him open to obstruction of justice charges? He just stated yesterday that he knew long before charges were brought that Flynn had lied to the FBI and was the other, previously unmentioned, reason for firing Flynn. It was the day AFTER Flynn's chat with the FBI that Trump asked Comey to let the investigation of Flynn end. Oops! If he wasn't involved in any of the chat with the Russian, how did he know that Flynn had lied about the topic of the chat? I think he desperately needs a spinmeister at the moment.

I know. I know. His lawyer supposedly sent out that tweet over Dear Leader's account. Problem: Trump himself has stated that anything that goes out over his tweet can be treated as policy, dogma, and revealed truth.

You are forgetting that Trump acted on a recommendation from Rod Rosenstein, DAG. So it would be safe to say Rosenstein obstructed justice too?

Forgot to mention, a Republican strategist said today on one of the news talk shows--Meet the Press, I think--that he now does not expect Trump to make it a full year in office. From his lips to God's ears. Now that's a Republican I can agree with. 😀

One other thing...totally unrelated to this post. Flynn served briefly as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency before Obama fired him. How did he not know, or at least suspect, that the Russian ambassador's phones were tapped? Even I knew that we tap the Russians here in the U.S. AND, the Russians tap us in Russia. That's been a given since the Stalin days.

Meet the Depressed......LOL

Who was the NBC host....Brian Williams?
In U.S law impeachment is the same as filing a criminal charge against someone. In this case specifically a charge of misconduct against a holder of public office. A number of people mistakenly think that to say someone was impeached is the outcome. However, just as in a jury trial, the public office holder must be found guilty of the alleged offense. Clinton was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives, but was not found guilty by the trial body--i.e., the U.S. Senate. Same outcome with Andrew Johnson, the only other President impeached.

So there will always be a political issue in any impeachment of the sitting President. For instance, the Senate was majority Democrat when Clinton was impeached and acquitted. Unless, Trump were to be found guilty of treason or something else serious--murder, perhaps--it is unlikely that a Republican majority in the U.S. Senate would not acquit him.
All hypothetical, because as to date, there are no grounds for impeachment. As much as you would wish otherwise!
All this is fun, but in reality, nothing will happen.
Sure, the country will be divided but Trump will just blame the DemoRats and his lemmings will pronounce victory.
Just watch!