It Finaly Has Happend

Doc said:
I almost fell out of my chair
Well at least you are still sitting upright, others are face down having no where else to fall. The retirees are next with reduced pensions and no medical while this crazy management asks favors from people they abused and used up. This is Corporate America’s new agenda, for those who will permit it to continue. Reading some posters it will indeed continue. Amazingly it will.
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PHL wakes up every morning many bodies short just from layoff alone
..... add a few sick calls and your done.

BOS had 50 future employees at the ready but when they fininised the paper work only 2 were left go figure 7.00hr....... pay for you own uniforms and get paid 50% when you call in sick no pension why work here......???????????

This whole thig was more management than any thing ........

I just hope the pain ends soon.......

There are some people who care about their company versus those that are blood-sucking leeches that only care about them self. This is volunteer work to help a good cause, which doesn't have to only be for a Tsunami disaster.

I would not expect most of the regular regular posters to participate in Philadelphia. After all for many of our posters it is better to take than to give.


USA320Pilot said:

There are some people who care about their company versus those that are blood-sucking leeches that only care about them self. This is volunteer work to help a good cause, which doesn't have to only be for a Tsunami disaster.

I would not expect most of the regular regular posters to participate in Philadelphia. After all for many of our posters it is better to take than to give.


Look whose talking!!!

I will read it and cry for joy when the suffering for the employees is finally over and laugh at the fools who followed a vile management team to the ends of the earth.
USA320Pilot said:

There are some people who care about their company versus those that are blood-sucking leeches that only care about them self. This is volunteer work to help a good cause, which doesn't have to only be for a Tsunami disaster.

I would not expect most of the regular regular posters to participate in Philadelphia. After all for many of our posters it is better to take than to give.



You know USA320Pilot, you're absolutely correct! Shame on the employees not volunteering their time. Why on Earth would they want to spend their precious holiday off time with their families and friends -- how frickin' selfish of them! Quelle horreur! On the flipside, how honorable of those employees who would rather tell their family and friends sorry I'd rather spend my holiday off time pulling the company out of another #### hole. What a neat concept. :blink:
Fly said:
Are you working for free USA320Pilot?

Fly, please!!! US Airways cannot afford to have passengers throwing donuts and coffee at the volunteers. I wonder, is the company going to offer 'combat pay' during this call to duty? :p
The items for which the company is asking for volunteers, Line Queing, Direction-Giving, Greeting, etc, will do exactly nothing to prevent a situation similar to Christmas. This does not resolve the under-staffing issue, since these volunteers are not being asked, nor could they if they were asked, help with the operation. The volunteers are not loading baggage, working as connection baggage runners, or as flight attendants. They will not check passengers in, check baggage in, nor work the gate podium. While I am sure that the passengers they help will be appreciative, they will not add any meaningful solution to prevent a re-occurance of the Christmas nightmare. The whole things is a charade for the consumption of the media. "See, look at the quick action our management team has taken!" The reality is that management has made its bed, and now it must lie in it.
Funguy2, my thoughts exactly. They need to offer time-and-a-half to get to the meat of the operational problems. The company assumes the worker bees don't have a life and should just drop everything at their beck and call. Well, that's crap! What happens when you beat a dog enough? He comes back and bites you! Duh!
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USA320Pilot said:

There are some people who care about their company versus those that are blood-sucking leeches that only care about them self. This is volunteer work to help a good cause, which doesn't have to only be for a Tsunami disaster.

I would not expect most of the regular regular posters to participate in Philadelphia. After all for many of our posters it is better to take than to give.



How dare you say I don't care you don't know me....Really please tell me why we should save you ...keep your license you may need it to drive a bus……
You amaze me …your group is the part of the cause of some of this… that’s right I said it…..remember all that main line flying you all wanted well you got it ……
Making 250,000.00 flying 75 hours shame on you….Your me too clause
pension crap don’t even get me started about your pensions….How in word did you need such a lucrative pension when your making 250,000.00 oh that’s right GREED..

What will resolve the PHL issue is when all PHL IAM positions, yes I said all, are outsourced after January 6.

I believe the company may no longer desire a TA with any IAM unit and the government may be backing the company’s new action.

Is that “painfulâ€￾ enough?

It's too bad that the IAM leadership and some malcontents are hurting the rank-and-file, but the company's offer for concessions may be closed. Now it's most likely time for "imposition and replacement".


USA320Pilot -there are alot of things that could be said to describe you, but are not appropriate here. Let's just suffice it to say you are an idiot.
USA320Pilot said:
What will resolve the PHL issue is when all PHL IAM positions, yes I said all, are outsourced after January 6.

I believe the company may no longer desire a TA with any IAM unit and the government may be backing the company’s new action.

Is that “painfulâ€￾ enough?

It's too bad that the IAM leadership and some malcontents are hurting the rank-and-file, but the company's offer for concessions may be closed. Now it's most likely time for "imposition and replacement".



For a person with a listed phone number that was a pretty dumb thing to spout off about.

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