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One that is U-N-R-E-G-U-L-A-T-E-D by anything other than market forces.
Abolish ALL Labor laws except those dealing with child labor and safety. 
End ALL Corporate subsidy, whether by tax credit or other means. If you make money in this country you pay a tax. The rate must be competitive against other countries so companies will want to come here and those that are here will repatriate the money they have kept offshore. Businesses rise or fall based upon their own merits, NOT some crony capitalist bargaining. 
Conversely people rise or fall based upon their own efforts not those of social engineers.
Ms Tree said:
No health regulations? No labor rules for hours worked or over time?
That's what UNIONS are for! Unlike most Libertarians I believe that true unionism is part of a check & balance that keeps the economy strong. Which came first Unions or Labor laws? Labors laws were enacted under the guise of fairness, but were nothing more than a power grab by monyied interests
SparrowHawk said:
Conversely people rise or fall based upon their own efforts not those of social engineers.
Fine ideas however THIS government rewards dependets, usury, and illegal immigration. The perfect 1 2 3 punch to the middle class. 
SparrowHawk said:
That's what UNIONS are for! Unlike most Libertarians I believe that true unionism is part of a check & balance that keeps the economy strong. Which came first Unions or Labor laws? Labors laws were enacted under the guise of fairness, but were nothing more than a power grab by monyied interests
I don't agree that work rules should be negotiated by a winner take all.  I think that is like voting on equal rights.  Everyone deserves to have fair (what ever that is defined as at the moment) work rules. 
If thats (money interests) then find a way to get the money out of the equation.  Don't throw the baby out with the water.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Fine ideas however THIS government rewards dependets, usury, and illegal immigration. The perfect 1 2 3 punch to the middle class. 
Sadly they do. However they do so because we allow them to do so. As a majority we have the ability to impose terms limits on those who act against us, which currently almost the entire Congress of the United States
Ms Tree said:
I don't agree that work rules should be negotiated by a winner take all.  I think that is like voting on equal rights.  Everyone deserves to have fair (what ever that is defined as at the moment) work rules. 
If thats (money interests) then find a way to get the money out of the equation.  Don't throw the baby out with the water.
Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it.
Now then who said the above?
That's why libertarians cant get elected to office in any significant numbers. 
If there are enough people who are willing to work for 'x' wage then the company has no need to negotiate anything.  And in your world, the company can pretty much do as they please inso far as wages and work rules are concerned.  The working stiff does noit have a say in it.
Like I said above.  I do not agree with the idea of work rules being negotiated by a postion of strength or weakness depending upon the supply of labor.
Since you ignored the question, I'll step in and answer it for you.
The above quote was from Malcolm X. He's right then and right now. Governments don't confer upon you what you already have. 
X was not Gandhi. When he talked about taking via strength or force.

If enough people are desperate enough to work under certain work rules then there is no reason for the company to change it. Not everyone wants to be involved with a union. I know I have no interest in it.
Ms Tree said:
X was not Gandhi. When he talked about taking via strength or force. If enough people are desperate enough to work under certain work rules then there is no reason for the company to change it. Not everyone wants to be involved with a union. I know I have no interest in it.
That's what living life as you choose is all about now isn't it? Me? Never worked union a day in my life. People have a fundamental right to live as I choose free from governmental interference in their daily lives. as an example, I am as pro seat belt usage as a person can get as their effectiveness is beyond question. I am equally opposed to seat belt laws.
What about seat belt laws for children?

Are you advocating the use of force to get work rule changes?
Ms Tree said:
What about seat belt laws for children?

Are you advocating the use of force to get work rule changes?
Minors can not form consent. So no.
The roll of Government is to p-reserve Liberty. Therefore the one and only roll is to prevent or prosecute the initiation of force. The days of Baldwin's, Pinkerton's and the intimidation and thuggery of some labor groups is one reason why we require some government. To keep the peace.
So you agree with government intervention. It's just a matter of degree.
SparrowHawk said:
Minors can not form consent. So no.
The roll of Government is to p-reserve Liberty. Therefore the one and only roll is to prevent or prosecute the initiation of force. The days of Baldwin's, Pinkerton's and the intimidation and thuggery of some labor groups is one reason why we require some government. To keep the peace.
Ms Tree said:
So you agree with government intervention. It's just a matter of degree.
The anarchist and the socialist going at it.
I am going to stay and watch this show.
Does anybody have any popcorn? 🙂
Hopefully these two mental cases will balance each other out.

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