Isn't This An Oxymoron?

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uza said:
Piney, do yourself a favor, save your fingers.

Get out more, the gym, work out, breath some eucalyptus.

Enjoy your life; you are not an employee like most are on here. We want you healthy so you can continue to fly with us.
I'm uncertain as to which is more repugnant, your patronizing attitude and behavior or your unwarranted arrogance. If you alone were representative of USAirways, it would fold.

Customers don't appreciate condescension in any form and they express thusly with their dollars.
I'm uncertain as to which is more repugnant, your patronizing attitude and behavior or your unwarranted arrogance. If you alone were representative of USAirways, it would fold.

Get out more, the gym, work out, breath some eucalyptus---this is the same advice I give you.

I don't see you on here posting love letters to management.

If you don't like my attitude, then make a choice, ignore it, it's not that hard to do.
Get out more, the gym, work out, breath some eucalyptus---this is the same advice I give you.

I don't see you on here posting love letters to management.

If you don't like my attitude, then make a choice, ignore it, it's not that hard to do.

You have absolutely no idea to whom you advise, perhaps you should be following your own advice?
Excuse me, but I don't need ANY employee to protect any form of integrity where I am concerned. AND, this right/wrong approach does not and will not ever work. Management, stop trying to be right. Labor, stop trying to be right. Got it?
uza said:
Get out more, the gym, work out, breath some eucalyptus.
Do I read you correctly? Do you actually have the gall to tell your customer on a public board to shut up, however subtly phrased? :shock:
Whats so amazing here as you people actually fall for this ROFL !!!! You guys are serious? Please let them speak their mind , maybe they have something good to say lets see. watch this ... Ok UZA were gonna do a little test . What do you think about when umm someone says the word Bull?
I am a 21 year f/a based in Pit the whole time. Teddy is the first rep we have had that has had any balls. The reason management doesn't like her is because she is not rolling over for them. Their credibility is gone and now they are going to stoop to questioning her character and motives? This shows you the type of leaders we have at u.
Yes, I am willing to put my job and career on the line this time. Management has done absolutely nothing with the $1billion + givebacks we gave them. And now they are back for more? Where is the plan besides concessions? Where is the revenue-generating plan?
Isn't it funny how during the first two cincessions that they wanted everyone at wn's wages? Now we are being compared with the jetblues and airtrans. I will not work for those wages. Will I be out of a job? Maybe. Will I still have bills to pay? Absolutely. But you know what? Sometimes you have to stand up for what is right. I won't be the first person to ever stand in the unemployment line and I won't be the last. Because this job is not worth a penny less than I am gettting now. If managemnt thinks that Teddy doesn't have a following they are so wrong. Everyone that I speak with on my trips are so glad that we have someone willing to go toe to toe with them. Even the f/a's in the other bases know that Teddy has our interest at heart. This is not an ego trip for Teddy. This is about professionalism, dignity, and standing up for what you believe in. If u ceases to exist because management wants to keep hammering the employees instead of tryin to run the company, then so be it.

I am truly baffled how a lowly "Sky Waitress" could out smart, out manuever all of that high priced management talent.

Isn't this the union team that refused the parity plus one percent concept a few years ago that mgmt proposed. The pilots embraced this concept and then received several pay raises as other carriers renewed their contracts over the years.

Yes it is and their reasoning was sound. We pilots (and management) expected pay cuts to follow. Little did we know that the United pilots would get their big raise, followed by Delta pilots.

And unlike the pilots at those 2 carriers, the F/A's there didn't get those big raises.


Thanks. The pilots union seems to be more savvy than most. Rather I should say I think they have more money, resources, etc. to hire professional analysts, attorneys, consultants, etc to make the big decisions. Is this case certainly the right one.

You and ones like you are the reason for unions.

Don't sweat Teddy because the IAM isn't giving either.

Yes, it would be better to shut the doors.
As I said, I am a 21 year f/a. I am 45 years old and hold a college degree. Teddy Xidas doesn't think for me or have me brainwashed. I do my own thinking. It just so happens that I agree with her 100%.

Crazyin Canton, I am a 48 year old Pit F/A with only 11 years and I agree with Teddy 100 %. I beleive I was the very first one to respond to this UZA yesterday when IT first inhabited the boards. I also know from just very recently being in the Pit Base that Teddy Xidas will prevail. We may be down on our luck just now, but we are not STUPID. And with this UZA's postings of late, I am even further convinced that Pit Local is very fortunate to have Ms. Xidas as our President.

I find what UZA has posted in the last 24 hours or so to be extremely dangerous, threatening and fierce. But I am not intimidated one bit. It has only resolved me to stand even further in my convictions. I am convinced now more than ever how low life our Mangement is. :angry:
ktflyhome said:
Crazyin Canton, I am a 48 year old Pit F/A with only 11 years and I agree with Teddy 100 %. I beleive I was the very first one to respond to this UZA yesterday when IT first inhabited the boards. I also know from just very recently being in the Pit Base that Teddy Xidas will prevail. We may be down on our luck just now, but we are not STUPID. And with this UZA's postings of late, I am even further convinced that Pit Local is very fortunate to have Ms. Xidas as our President.

I find what UZA has posted in the last 24 hours or so to be extremely dangerous, threatening and fierce. But I am not intimidated one bit. It has only resolved me to stand even further in my convictions. I am convinced now more than ever how low life our Mangement is. :angry:
uza is just trying to rile all you people up.........and its working!!!! STEP BACK, Take a deep breath, and re-tool your thoughts!!! Dont let management personell on this board get under your arss(Look at spelling , moderator)!! Remember... There is more to life than USAirways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD DAY.....MORE LATER :angry:
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