PineyBob said:
It's not my job to determine HOW the bag got damaged! When you open up a $300.00 bag and parts of the frame come out in pieces I think it's safe to say that it was mishandled. It was interesting that there was no damage to the outside just the frame.
As to your other point, I agree that you don't need and MBA to know that if my bag is loaded last and it's the first bag off, It then is the first bag in the cart....thus it's buried under the other bags coming down.
Frankly the tone and attitude of your post speaks volumes! Far more than one of my razor tongued snappy retorts ever could convey about what's wrong in PHL. It isn't a PineyBob Problem! The problem is your customer unfriendly and overall negative attitude.
Mr Bob.
The frame was broke on your bag. sorry to hear that, hope you got the warranty.
As far as our tone and attitude of post. we mean you no disrepect and wish not to provoke anyone. However, there are things that are not in the light here.
Our beloved company, has forced several of it loyal employees to be away from their loved ones and homes to be here in PHL and other places as well.
Which can cause some to have attitude.
And before you say get another job. Many of us have put a lot of years in and actually enjoy our jobs. And we are willing to sacrifice for a while. Many are even counting days till retirement. However the company continually disrepects contracts and treats us like #'s. There are agents that have been forced around the system with more years than the entire Sr. VP and CEO combined.
Customer Unfriendly, If I recall your other posts you said Delta was the worst.
I would hope that you would not lump everyone that tries in PHL with the bad apples. We are not all the evil seed that needs aborted as you seek.
I have to think that those of us that do give it 100% are just a little tired of hearing how horrible a job we do. We can only work with the crap we have. I give every customer the respect they derserve. I handle every bag as if were my Mom's.
I am at that gate when you do finally get there after sitting on the tarmat for however long. I am giving it 100 % to get you your bags so you can get on the road. But because I am in PHL I am to be aborted with the trash.
It is a shame that Crushed, others and I can not get any respect for the job we do.
We go that extra mile and have a employee file full of proof.
Just my misfortune that I happen to be relocated here to PHL and it counts for squat.
Seems I am guilty by association. But I should feel ok about you telling me I should be aborted. Sorry no disrespect sir. But give us a break