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Is This Just A Rumor?


Now I understand what you were saying, the work was unscheduled. I assumed this was something that needed to be done on the overnight and was scheduled work.

Yes, PHL is a mess. I am sure nothing has changed there. The big issue is lack of accountability there. I am sure nothing will happen to anyone for that. Makes a lot of sense of PIT to have the tooling when they have one daily A330, and no heavy like CLT does. Oh, lets not worry about PHL having it, they are only the transAtlantic "Gateway".
Contact OSHA or at least your Union Safety Representative...you have alternatives without fear of reprisal. Or will a brow beaten excuse surfice ???

fast response,
We have Contacted OSHA, The Department of Labor and the FAA for the dirty practices of the company.
Our Union Safety Coordinator was FIRED for doing his JOB. Tagging out equipment that was unsafe to use.
Brow beat I dont think that is correct. But you wonder why we are all "malcontents"

AOG Replies...I guess you are in need or some new management..as well a new union representation....but excuses Vs. proactive action will have to surfice again in this case....or so you lead me to believe.

PROACTIVE you say. We cannot do a damn thing here unless we get management approval. we have to ask a manager if we can tag out a broken piece of equipment.
Read your revised manuals. So yeah take the bull by the horns and get the jobs done. Worry about what level you get put on at the end of the night cause you didnot raise your hand and ask a manager

AOG Replies...and this is but another so called manager that needs to be shown the door...via a boot lift !!!

Well ,very true, however these are the managers that Dave keeps can you explain this to me? Any manager that shows concern for employees is not around long.
Cannot have managers having signs of weakness.

AOG Replies...Again corporate Safety , Union safety reps...or OSHA need to be contacted. This is in direct violation of corporate policy...and the MPP...You can't fear exposing the truth ...and fear losing for doing so , but if excuses work for ya?

EXCUSE me!! like I said before we have had good people step up to the plate.
LONG time employees who worked to make this place better for the collective good only to be shown the door after doing SAFETY WORK. The company said get this these folks out and out they went. It was easier to get rid of the person saying hey this is BROKE than it was to spend the $$ to get it fixed.
Violation of corporate policy? Might I ask you to tell me what policy.
This Corporate Policy is rewritten daily to suit the needs of the company. But if you would share with me I would pass this information on to the folks that will find it interesting. As I said OSHA , Dept. of labor and FAA is all over this one.

AOG Replies...are you an at will employee?...are you in a right to work state. Termination has to be for substantial reasons...and speaking the truth is no grounds for termination unless you are a troublemaker with a history supporting that fact.

Termination does not have to be for substantial reasons at all.
It can be for what ever reason management can make up.
History... No history, no levels, no issues.
Call PHL local get the facts.. These folks have recommendations, Can Do's from the company, Above and beyond the call of duty certificates. Good people who have given years of dedicated service and because they saw a problem and tried to get it fixed shown the door.
Again I say Mr AOG. call the local IAM office get the facts. Before you believe me.
The company has shown disregard for contracts over and over. This is no different.

I no longer have time to continue this banter with you I have a job to go do.
but after my shift I will be happy to show you the light.
Talking or debating with an already defeated soul is beyond pointless from my perspective.

You showing me the light??? What a laugh...you're in PHL , you'd be hard pressed to find a light , much less one that works to begin with.

We sent you some...but your stores failed to meet the flight par usual...now rasta man is basking in its glow in Jamaica....at U's expense of course.

Good luck with your endless quagmire in PHL....we'll work around you like always...and still spoon feed ya as always too...much to our chagrin.

No hard feelings....but I'm over this exchange Ho Hum !!!
Mr. OAG,
One last thing.
Until you have walked a mile in the folks at PHL's shoes You really should hold your tongue.
Since you feel you are SOOOO much better feel free to come to PHL and change it.
There is not one agent in PHL that does not strive to do the best job they can.
Day in and day out.
And for you to say other wise is a slap in your union BROTHER/SISTER faces.
Now all of us in PHL are bored with you. Good day. No hard feelings

I just read the whole exchange between U and AOG and from my chair it confirmed a lot of stories I've heard a thousand time over about PHL.

PHL does indeed have MGT. problems and also cultural problems within the working ranks as well. A living rift if you will?

You spoke of "Agents" giving their all , where did AOG man ever speak out against agents? I do believe he confined his comments directly to issues about stores and maintenance where he obviously has some degree of insight too.

I also believe you instigated some hostilities with the PHL (FUP) slap in the first round...and he responded in kind , did he not? and without being over the top hostile.

Having read more , he offered you reasonable recourse within the confines of safety concerns and corporate policies, you met that with typical Philly-esque excuses and left handed insults. Not exactly good spirited..or an open minded approach for a person claiming to seek sound resolve is it?

I see that AOG slapped back with some tongue in cheek humor...and maybe that was a tad much? , but remember you cast the first nasty blow....he spoke the truth and it struck home.

I hear from countless friends that were bumped from PIT, that many work groups within PHL won't even speak to one another in a breakroom , how can a house divided like that function as a team ? Simply put it can't..or won't. This is not to say that CLT or PIT is not without it's share of issues but you have prooven some rumors that have lived for years. Nice Work

I know without fail , should I have to be bumped with my 20 plus at U from PIT to PHL ? I'll just take the lay-off instead of enduring the commute to airline purgatory.

Thanks for the clairity in a possible life choice. :unsure:
"I also believe you instigated some hostilities with the PHL (FUP) slap in the first round...and he responded in kind , did he not? and without being over the top hostile."

Anyone who thinks that "FUP" is a slap doesn't know what it means!!
Please check out "www.ForUnionPeople.com" before you embarrass yourself any further!!
Proceeds from the shirt sales have gone to Fleet Service brothers/sisters who have been wrongly terminated!!
If that's a slap then you've gotten way too sensitive in your crystal palace.

:up: FUP :up:
Thanks Crushed,
There are folks here who are for the collective good. Nice to know you are here.
ANd you are right they have no idea what it means.
FUP :up:
fast said:
Thanks Crushed,
There are folks here who are for the collective good. Nice to know you are here.
ANd you are right they have no idea what it means.
FUP :up:
If you're a true union member who supports your fellow brothers and sisters, you better know what FUP is! :up:
PineyBob said:
EXAMPLE: As a CP they put the little "Priority" tags on the luggage. In PHL that ensures that your bag comes out last. I did an experiment over a total of 8 return flights. When I checked in for my flight to PHL I had the T/C put the tags on 4 times and leave them off 4 times. 100% of the time tagson = LAST, no tags = FIRST!

US in PHL is the only place that can delay a bag on a direct flight.

I now make sure I can pack all my stuff in a carryon when I go to PHL, If I need to check a bag I fly out of TTN if possible, that's the disgrace that PHL baggage has become. I have gone as far as sending laundry out to be cleaned mid trip to avoid having to use the large bag US gave me because the PHL rampers destroyed my original one.

Fast, I'm not buying one word of what you're selling.

The PHL house needs a complete cleaning from Station Manager on down, it is an abortion.
It doesn't take a MBA to know that if they tell you your bag will be loaded last and it's the first bag off, It then is the first bag in the cart....thus it's buried under the other bags coming down! Unless of course you have an extra cart to put it in.....Ha....extra carts...in PHL....Ha!! As with everything US does....It looks good on paper!
And Piney how did the Ramper destroy your bag? Jump on it? Rip it open with their bare hands? Or did it get stuck in one of the many non-maintained belt systems? Or the carts that have sharp metal edges exposed?
Yeah...it's our fault.....Give me a break!!

Priority tags are on bags for a reason, they are to be put on the belt first for two reasons. (1) It is a service issue (I believe that is the original topic of this thread), and (2) IT IS YOUR JOB! Don't give me this first on, last off or whatever nonsense. Set the freakin thing aside and load it on the cart last, it is not rocket science.
PineyBob said:
It's not my job to determine HOW the bag got damaged! When you open up a $300.00 bag and parts of the frame come out in pieces I think it's safe to say that it was mishandled. It was interesting that there was no damage to the outside just the frame.

As to your other point, I agree that you don't need and MBA to know that if my bag is loaded last and it's the first bag off, It then is the first bag in the cart....thus it's buried under the other bags coming down.

Frankly the tone and attitude of your post speaks volumes! Far more than one of my razor tongued snappy retorts ever could convey about what's wrong in PHL. It isn't a PineyBob Problem! The problem is your customer unfriendly and overall negative attitude.
Mr Bob.
The frame was broke on your bag. sorry to hear that, hope you got the warranty.
As far as our tone and attitude of post. we mean you no disrepect and wish not to provoke anyone. However, there are things that are not in the light here.
Our beloved company, has forced several of it loyal employees to be away from their loved ones and homes to be here in PHL and other places as well.
Which can cause some to have attitude.
And before you say get another job. Many of us have put a lot of years in and actually enjoy our jobs. And we are willing to sacrifice for a while. Many are even counting days till retirement. However the company continually disrepects contracts and treats us like #'s. There are agents that have been forced around the system with more years than the entire Sr. VP and CEO combined.

Customer Unfriendly, If I recall your other posts you said Delta was the worst.
I would hope that you would not lump everyone that tries in PHL with the bad apples. We are not all the evil seed that needs aborted as you seek.

I have to think that those of us that do give it 100% are just a little tired of hearing how horrible a job we do. We can only work with the crap we have. I give every customer the respect they derserve. I handle every bag as if were my Mom's.
I am at that gate when you do finally get there after sitting on the tarmat for however long. I am giving it 100 % to get you your bags so you can get on the road. But because I am in PHL I am to be aborted with the trash.
It is a shame that Crushed, others and I can not get any respect for the job we do.
We go that extra mile and have a employee file full of proof.
Just my misfortune that I happen to be relocated here to PHL and it counts for squat.
Seems I am guilty by association. But I should feel ok about you telling me I should be aborted. Sorry no disrespect sir. But give us a break
Getting back to the topic this thread was started on. . . .

This article was posted on the Star Alliance website on 9/23/03. If US was going to be exluded, I would think that they wouldn't name them in the press release.

Star Alliance voted ‘Best Airline Alliance’ in Business Traveller Awards for 2003

London, 23 September 2003 – Star Alliance, the airline network for Earth, has been voted ‘Best Airline Alliance’, at the prestigious Business Traveller annual awards held in London today.
Readers of Business Traveller magazine judged Star Alliance, the world’s leading airline alliance, to be better than its competitors in this year’s poll.
Commenting on the award, Jaan Albrecht chief executive officer for Star Alliance said: “This award underlines our commitment to providing business customers with a travel experience that is second to none. At Star Alliance we know just how important it is to have products and services that improve the travel experience for our customers. Star Alliance offers them a network that spans the globe, with access to over 550 lounges worldwide as well as the ability to earn and redeem frequent flyer points between all member airlines.â€
Star Alliance was established in 1997 as the first truly global airline alliance to offer customers global reach and a smooth travel experience. The members are Air Canada, Air New Zealand, ANA, Asiana Airlines, Austrian Airlines Group, bmi, Lufthansa, Mexicana Airlines, SAS, Singapore Airlines, Spanair, Thai Airways International, United and VARIG Brazilian Airlines. LOT Polish Airlines and US Airways are scheduled to join the alliance within the next 12 months.

Star Alliance

Management is on a "termination binge", fast -track to get rid of heads. Fast is correct in many of his points he cites. This management makes up their rules and tells the unions to grieve it. Management's veiw of "trouble maker" is one who challenges management, or the "new" established management status quo.

Folks can be terminated for "Insubordination", not only that AFA has the document to prove that management will even deny COPBRA coverage for insubordination which management believes is considered "Gross Misconduct". AFA will challenge this, as it goes against the ARISA laws of what is considered "gross misconduct".

Bob, these are facts, I have the document to prove the conditions for termination and "gross misconduct" to deny an employee COBRA coverage. This is new because COBRA denials were challenged. The list includes EVERYTHING anyone has been terminated for on the property since the beginning of man-kind.
Sorry if my "atytood" was ofensive to you.
The point that I guess I failed to make is that Corporate promiises you services that we (at least in PHL) do not have the tools to consistantly provide. In fact, we were seeing "Priority" tags on bags for a week before we were even told what they meant.
As for the "Ramper destroyed my bag" comment, I only wished to point out how silly it was to say a "person" damaged your bag. (They don't call the bag sorting system a "kicker" for nothing.)
All the PHL bashing on this board is done by people who "USED" to work there or "know a friend"... anyone on this board who is in PHL right now knows that we are tring our damnest to do our jobs with the crap that they give us.
There are Management positions open in PHL everyday....we NEED those of you who have figured out how to fix the problem.....come help us!

:up: FUP :up:
Do you really think anyone will step up.
No it is to easy to say we are ALL to be aborted.
Too easy to say they will continue to spoon feed us.
Too easy to say it aint rocket science here.
Too easy to throw stones than offer to see the problems and the lack of leadership we are working with here. You and I and the others can continue on in the knowledge that we make it happen here. Seems to me the job gets done. Planes fly in planes fly out. Folks get on planes folks get off planes. Their bags get to where they are . (sometimes) They pick them up (eventually)Someone has to be making it all happen. I am a transplant here as I have stated before. I have learned to work with the Philly culture. Most of us here are transplants. And work with what we have.
I concur with Crushed and I have stated before.
If you can do it better than welcome to our world we will see how long you have your "atytood".
Who is it on here that says,
If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. seem to apply here.
FUP :up:

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