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Is This Just A Rumor?

Yes we do fail at a lot of things!!!

This morning in PHL was a classic example too. Acft 675 (A330) required a fuel cell entry....yet PHL had sent ot all of their tank entry tooling equipment to PIT as unserviceable 4 days prior.

To the un-knowing this may seem like nothing...but consider that PHL is one of three major stations that is dedicated to perform this task. CLT and PIT being the other two.

The tooling was available from PIT or CLT..but due to certain parts of this kit being HAZMAT materials , the first flight out of PIT this morning was un-achievable. The delay in waiting to ship on the second flight may have caused a cancellation of the PHL/SJU flight...or caused an Acft substitution and delays?

The issue is paying attention to detail. Had PHL had a dedicated Tooling Dept. instead of just stores clerks whom often fail to see the scope of PHL's contribution to our operation....Serviceable Tooling would have been ordered to replace their Un-Serviceable Tooling at the time their stuff was found to be defective four days prior to the actual need.

Keep in mind...we never know when this need might take place outside of heavy maintenance (Scheduled)

4 days passed between the time they shipped out the tooling to the "Mother Shop" in PIT....but nobody considered ordering/requesting timely replacements in advance.

The issue is two-fold. Management fails to see that PHL needs a dedicated PHL Tooling Staff....and PHL often fails to see the need to act in a proactive Vs. reactive manner.

The end result is a mutual "gaggle-phuck" that hinders the operation...and leaves the paying passenger hanging out to dry. Regardless...the blunders continue to stack up...and nobody ever acts to correct this stuff from either side of the equation.

If you fail to plan? Plan to fail !!!!!
i dont know why we fly rjs into atl when it should be flown bu mainline jets. I thought the rjs were supposenly built to fly from mid-sized airports to the hubs and bring in more dough to the crooks of ccy?

Probably the fine folks in "Workload Planning" failing to plan again. Wouldn't it be nice if someone looked at this during the 1600 meeting?
Chip Munn said:
Lufthansa, US Airways start code-sharing

See Story


Thanks for posting basically the same press release again, Chip. Once again, why is there no talk of the upcoming STAR alliance anywhere? I find the silence deafening. I doubt they failed some check and are being denied admission (I am sure service was looked at beforehand), but you have to wonder.
N628AU said:

Probably the fine folks in "Workload Planning" failing to plan again. Wouldn't it be nice if someone looked at this during the 1600 meeting?

Workload Plannings job is not inventory control of allocated tooling.

Yes the 1600 conference call could have saved this problem , if it was in fact a forecasted task?...but it boils down to PHL Stores and Maintenance Management not doing their jobs to begin with.

The problem boils down to grass roots accounability....which PHL has never ever been held accountable for.

The Philly Factor is the issue...and nobody with any grits at the top will take it to task....and WE all pay....especialy those that pay us. :angry:
"PHL needs a dedicated PHL Tooling Staff"

Don't go saying the "S" word!
Dave wants an airline without employees...don't you know?!

I agree it may not be "their job", but this seems like it was an important task, and someone should have gone just a little farther than the boundaries of one's job to ensure the tooling was there. If it was a narrowbody, I could understand it getting overlooked, but an A330? Those job cards really need to be verified that everything is on hand. From what I understand from your post, the tooling was not even showing in PHL. I hope my good friend is not falling into the old trap of only doing the minimum required! You are better than that, and better than to defend that.

Anyone that has spent any amount of time in tooling, planning, or MCU, should know to always expect the unexpected when it comes to the black hole of PHL! Should this not have been on the work release, and someone noted the tooling was not there? Was a document kicked? Was the priority listed correctly? Did someone take the time to make sure it was addressed before leaving it to 3rd shift to handle?

Hope all is well with you and everyone in the office!
robbedagain said:
i dont know why we fly rjs into atl when it should be flown bu mainline jets. I thought the rjs were supposenly built to fly from mid-sized airports to the hubs and bring in more dough to the crooks of ccy?
Wow, you're just peaches and cream. Your alter moniker isn't LavMan, is it?

Anyhow, in a lot of airline routings, airlines that fly aircraft into another airline's hub are often reduced in size and gauge. There aren't that many competing big jets at PIT given US's hold on the hub.
N628AU said:

I agree it may not be "their job", but this seems like it was an important task, and someone should have gone just a little farther than the boundaries of one's job to ensure the tooling was there. If it was a narrowbody, I could understand it getting overlooked, but an A330? Those job cards really need to be verified that everything is on hand. From what I understand from your post, the tooling was not even showing in PHL. I hope my good friend is not falling into the old trap of only doing the minimum required! You are better than that, and better than to defend that.

Anyone that has spent any amount of time in tooling, planning, or MCU, should know to always expect the unexpected when it comes to the black hole of PHL! Should this not have been on the work release, and someone noted the tooling was not there? Was a document kicked? Was the priority listed correctly? Did someone take the time to make sure it was addressed before leaving it to 3rd shift to handle?

Hope all is well with you and everyone in the office!
N628AU....it's not a debate on who's job it is. PHL is responsible for the status of thieir allocated tooling period , especially in light of them being a "Dedicated" Fuel Tank Entry " Station.

This was an important task....and it was "Un-Scheduled"....hince the increased need for internal accountability times 10.

The issue you pose of narrow body Vs. A330 or B767 is pointless. A person flying either...at any price has paid for the same degree of on time on target perfection...I do not seperate the importance of one Vs. the other , both get my best efforts !!!

Job Cards were not a factor on this...You are reaching for debate sake.

Don't worry about me falling into any traps....and I'm going to rack you good for that comment

The issue is this...and even a a piece of granite should be able to absorb this. The problem is the lack of individual accountability...all to often PHL specifically...if you will reflect back for just a moment.

The rest I won't even aknowledge Mrs. Murphy...it's an exercise in Dicky Do....for a collection of Dicky Don'ts .

I believe you have slipped into a CCY way of blame shifting with negative yields...Vs. creative problem solving....the problem is a core issue....and it starts and ends there. Solve the core problems..and the worries will be much fewer to everyones satisfaction

All is well at the office.....or at least it was until I read your blanket coverage of BS.....It's the accountabality of the individual that makes the collective accountabilty work as a team.....maybe you should go to Harvard too.
AOG-N-IT said:

The problem boils down to grass roots accounability....which PHL has never ever been held accountable for.

The Philly Factor is the issue...and nobody with any grits at the top will take it to task....and WE all pay....especialy those that pay us. :angry:
Philly is a junk hole.
If the equipment is on it last leg it is shipped to PHL to be used.
That goes for all work groups in PHL. Jacks for maintence to use as an example, have rusted handles and leak oil. Tugs and carts are broke and a hazard for fleet service.

As for being proactive rather than reactive PHL is forced to work with their heads down and not complain. Or your gone. Anyone who is proactive in PHL is terminated.
We here in PHL can site several case of this.

As a manager once told me. Just because that problem constitutes an emergency to you does not mean it constitutes an emergency to me. Gee that belt smoking on the bag sorter is a real problem to me. To bad management felt otherwise.
Bag sorter incident in June is a great example
How many employees told management. Hey this thing is making BAD noises.
Management said so dont listen to it.
how many employees told management the belts are smokin on this thing.
management said is it still movin use it.
How many times have fleet service reported a no brake situation on a tug only to have management remove said tag for the next shift to use. which is illegal however we have proof of manager removing tags by his own confession.
PHL is forced to work with their heads down and not complain. Or your gone.
When you are Proactive here it is almost a direct attack to management and they feel threatend that you might actually know something.

Yes the PHL factor is there but it is not the employees. We need a management that gives a crap about running this airline rather than Yes men for Dave and that hassle the employees.
And in Philly fashion I will close with FUP!!!!
ITRADE said:
There aren't that many competing big jets at PIT given US's hold on the hub.

AA mainline metal to DFW and shortly MIA. UA mainline metal of varying varieties to ORD. The occasional NW DC-9, DL MD-80s to ATL, CO to IAH, Airtran to ATL, and HP to PHX.

No real jets at all.

To be fair, the US/UA combination probably holds AA to ORD on RJs, as does US to EWR. The Avros that NW tends to fly are closer to mainline that today's RJs.

But to address the example given, US is the only carrier on the PIT-ATL route that has apparently abandoned mainline metal for RJs. What does that tell you?
fast said:
AOG-N-IT said:

The problem boils down to grass roots accounability....which PHL has never ever been held accountable for.

The Philly Factor is the issue...and nobody with any grits at the top will take it to task....and WE all pay....especialy those that pay us. :angry:

Gee that belt smoking on the bag sorter is a real problem to me. To bad management felt otherwise.
Bag sorter incident in June is a great example
How many employees told management. Hey this thing is making BAD noises.
Management said so dont listen to it.
how many employees told management the belts are smokin on this thing.
management said is it still movin use it.
Philly is a junk hole.

AOG replies...No truer words were ever spoken !!!

If the equipment is on it last leg it is shipped to PHL to be used.

AOG replies...and if you think that's unique to just PHL...YOU are a DREAMER !!!

That goes for all work groups in PHL. Jacks for maintence to use as an example, have rusted handles and leak oil. Tugs and carts are broke and a hazard for fleet service.

AOG replies...If the equipment provided PHL is so sub-standard...and the Lock-out Tag-out system for un-safe equipment is dis-regarded by your local management? Contact OSHA or at least your Union Safety Representative...you have alternatives without fear of reprisal. Or will a brow beaten excuse surfice ???

As for being proactive rather than reactive PHL is forced to work with their heads down and not complain. Or your gone. Anyone who is proactive in PHL is terminated.
We here in PHL can site several case of this.

AOG Replies...I guess you are in need or some new management..as well a new union representation....but excuses Vs. proactive action will have to surfice again in this case....or so you lead me to believe.

As a manager once told me. Just because that problem constitutes an emergency to you does not mean it constitutes an emergency to me.

AOG Replies...and this is but another so called manager that needs to be shown the door...via a boot lift !!!

How many times have fleet service reported a no brake situation on a tug only to have management remove said tag for the next shift to use. which is illegal however we have proof of manager removing tags by his own confession.

AOG Replies...Again corporate Safety , Union safety reps...or OSHA need to be contacted. This is in direct violation of corporate policy...and the MPP...You can't fear exposing the truth ...and fear losing for doing so , but if excuses work for ya?

PHL is forced to work with their heads down and not complain. Or your gone.

AOG Replies...are you an at will employee?...are you in a right to work state. Termination has to be for substantial reasons...and speaking the truth is no grounds for termination unless you are a troublemaker with a history supporting that fact.

When you are Proactive here it is almost a direct attack to management and they feel threatend that you might actually know something.

AOG Replies...and this again is not unique to just PHL , many of us work with or have to work around exactly this same mindset...but we don't let our operations become an un-accountable basket case in light of it.

Yes the PHL factor is there but it is not the employees.

AOG Replies...No all true Amigo/Amiga. I deal with PHL almost hourly...and the prevailing attitudes are often the exact problem...some work harder at getting out of work..than just doing whats asked of them to begin with. The lost tooling , spare parts , missed loading of Acft with AOG parts is not a management flaw...but I'll take your word for it..You obviously have your share of screwed up management too.!!

We need a management that gives a crap about running this airline rather than Yes men for Dave and that hassle the employees.

AOG replies...You are in definate need of better management..No Bones about it !!..but some internal spring cleaning and attitude adjustments wouldn't hurt a damn thing either...especially with the importance that is thrown PHL's way within the operations scope.

And in Philly fashion I will close with FUP!!!!

AOG replies...I won't attempt to attack your character for that comment...in Philly fashion , you have done that well enough on your own.
ClueByFour said:

AA mainline metal to DFW and shortly MIA. UA mainline metal of varying varieties to ORD. The occasional NW DC-9, DL MD-80s to ATL, CO to IAH, Airtran to ATL, and HP to PHX.

No real jets at all.

To be fair, the US/UA combination probably holds AA to ORD on RJs, as does US to EWR. The Avros that NW tends to fly are closer to mainline that today's RJs.

But to address the example given, US is the only carrier on the PIT-ATL route that has apparently abandoned mainline metal for RJs. What does that tell you?
AA runs the big jets probably because DFW is AA's biggest hub with nearly 70,000,000 passengers a year for the entire airline. So, you're going to expect bigger aircraft with so much volume.

AA's flights out of STL are RJs. AA's MIA flights are currently RJs, with some transition to jets. As you noted, AA's ORD flights are all RJs.

CO flies B-1900s out of CLE, mostly ERJs out of EWR, and mostly ERJs out of IAH.

NW flies a mix of ARJs and DC-9s out of both DTW and MSP. There is no MEM-PIT service.

UA flies jets out of IAD, Turboprops out of IAD, and no service from DEN.

DL flies mostly jets from ATL (at least three RJ flights) and all RJs from CVG.

If you were to look at CLT, its similar. The biggie airlines run mixed RJs and jets, the smaller majors tend to run more RJs.

I am new on this board and do work for this airline. I will tell you that all of our flights that used to be on mainline jets were full out of pit phl and clt to ATL all of the time. Now some if not most of the most loyal customers are turning to Delta airlines to get home to Pit or wherever and due to that, delta is or has add/added another flight--an md-88 from atl to pit. something is wrong here when we are flying half scheduled rjs with a few jets to atl.

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