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Is the West Coast Toast?

[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/20/2002 7:22:08 PM Dea Certe wrote:
[P]Jay,[BR][BR]It's possible due to Dr Bronner telling the press he would take us into Chapter 7 has frightened many people from booking away from US Airways. This was not "leaked" from the unions, this came straight out of Dr Bronner's mouth.[BR][BR]Another reason could be Ben Baldanza's $100 change fee. Especially since every other carrier realized what a huge mistake that was and rescinded the change fee. [/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]Just a point of clarification. I believe Ben has the "standby fee" named after him, not the change fee. They are two different fees.
Catch-22: the early west coast departures exsist so passengers have at least a snowballs chance in hell of making a trip to Europe. Cut out the early bank and anyone on the west coast can not make many of the trans-atlantics.
On 6/16 I took the 6:30 AM out of Seattle down to Tampa. The front line folks were excellent. The line was VERY long and they were very efficient and fast while also being VERY polite. The plane was full. I asked if it was overbooked, and the fellow told me "believe it or not, I actually do not need volunteers this morning." Sounds like he does need them regularly, doesn't it?

BTW, you can fly RT from Tampa to Seattle for $200.50. It's twice as much from 6 other places that I checked - all of which are a lot closer than Tampa.

Oops, wrong forum, for that comment, sorry

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