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Is he/she a looker? (US crews and customers)

Well to all you senior FA's, I have always found you to be the most congenial and atractive.

As for me. " I got a spot on the top of my head waiting for a small toupee
I got a tire around by gut from sitting on my but and it's never gonna go away"

I like walks on the beach and rolls in the hay. if interested call me 555-555------
I will say that I have noticed several F/As over the past few years that are way to old to aid in an evacuation. When I think that the eldest F/A at U began in 1957 which would put her well into her 60s. Now how quickly would she be able to evacuate a cabin full of pax? Let's be realistic here. I'd much rather have a qualified 20 to 40 something than someone over the retirement age. Just my two cents.
FM2436 said:
Oh-man-oh-man will that be sad. A few weeks ago I flew US Airways from Salisbury to Las Vegas (connecting in PHL). The F/As (all females) between PHL and LAS were O.L.D. One, who was pushing the drink cart, had thick half rimmed glasses hanging off the end of her nose, a mess of a gray streaked hair-do, and just simply looked dumpy. She was really painful to see during the 5-hour trip. Thank goodness the F/A on both Piedmont flights were much younger than 50 and were pleasing to look at.
I posted this on another thread, pertaining to AFA and concessions. There are a vast amount of Flight Attendants who were hired in 89,who are still in their mid 30's and flight attendants hired as late as 2001 in their late 50's. Fortunately, age discrimmination went out the door years ago and have afforded the "elderly" guys and girls to experience a life long dream of having a job in the airline industry.

I have seen 35 year olds and 21 year old f/a's attendants look like something I wouldn't even take to a Hillbilly Jamboree. On the other hand, I have seen very beautiful 60 year old flight attendants that would certainly put Teresa Kerry to shame.

To each his/her own. Individuals make a choice, along with heredity factors as to how well they keep themselves kept.

Ironically, no one ever says a word about our elderly Male Flight Attendants. I guess their salt/pepper hair and little pot belly shows they are wise and capable. :huh: :huh:
FM2436 said:
Oh-man-oh-man will that be sad. A few weeks ago I flew US Airways from Salisbury to Las Vegas (connecting in PHL). The F/As (all females) between PHL and LAS were O.L.D. One, who was pushing the drink cart, had thick half rimmed glasses hanging off the end of her nose, a mess of a gray streaked hair-do, and just simply looked dumpy. She was really painful to see during the 5-hour trip. Thank goodness the F/A on both Piedmont flights were much younger than 50 and were pleasing to look at.
Gees, you need to take a trip down to your local strip club and buy yourself a lap dance. That’s probably as close to a meaningful relationship as you’ll ever get. Get a life ….. <_<

Probably one of those Wall Street A.H.'s.
It's been almost a year since I last flew US Scareways....but the FAs were practically using walkers to get around. I really thought that they would need our assistance getting off the plane.

Plus the whole "depressions of impotence" (also known as impressions of excellence) must have completely disappeared. I remember as a CSA back in the day, getting written up for my uniform looking like crap. Many of the FAs and CSAs look like they just got puked on by the cat.

Then again, getting paid what they get paid, there probably thrift store shopping for their clothes anyway.

ktflyhome said:
Ironically, no one ever says a word about our elderly Male Flight Attendants. I guess their salt/pepper hair and little pot belly shows they are wise and capable. :huh: :huh:
Nah... just cute B)
Since there are only about 150 f/a's at U that are over 60, all you people that are complaining must have really rotten luck to have gotten them all on your flights. I remember flying with a 75 year old male f/a to Germany a few years ago. He was a real sweet guy. No one seemed to mind that he was shuffling along. And believe me there was no way he could've evacuated the airplane at his age. I never heard a grumble from any passenger about his age, or little spare tire, or his thinning hair line. Mmmmmmm.

Oh and don't look for those 150 to all retire soon, probably only 50 have 30 years in to get max pension. The rest are pretty junior (less than 25) so they would take a huge hit if they left early.
PSA1979 said:
...believe me there was no way he could've evacuated the airplane at his age.
Then he has no business being an FA. Either FAs are there for our safety, or they're not. Personally, I believe they are, so I don't want any FAs that cannot evacuate the airplane. Imagine if he were on TWA843, for instance.
PSA1979 said:
Oh and don't look for those 150 to all retire soon, probably only 50 have 30 years in to get max pension. The rest are pretty junior (less than 25) so they would take a huge hit if they left early.
Isn't it crazy that over the past few years 25 years has become junior in the industry of F/As?
Light Years said:
Isn't it crazy that over the past few years 25 years has become junior in the industry of F/As?
It's not only crazy, but really sad. Difference being, these 25 year seniortity brothers and sisters think they rule the nest and are totally immune to what is going to happen. "I have 25 years....no one and nothing can touch me"!!!!! I am on whatever option I choose, I work whenever I want, I make over 50 grand a year. Pittsburgh downsizing??? Since when????

It is either watching "Dumb and Dumber" or "Clueless"!!!!!

By the way....glad to see you back. Been thinking about you. 😉
ANd what the heck is wrong being 50-if you don't look it?

FM2436 said:
Oh-man-oh-man will that be sad. A few weeks ago I flew US Airways from Salisbury to Las Vegas (connecting in PHL). The F/As (all females) between PHL and LAS were O.L.D. One, who was pushing the drink cart, had thick half rimmed glasses hanging off the end of her nose, a mess of a gray streaked hair-do, and just simply looked dumpy. She was really painful to see during the 5-hour trip. Thank goodness the F/A on both Piedmont flights were much younger than 50 and were pleasing to look at.
What a coincidence! I heard a USAirways FA complaining the other day about some old fa*t passenger she had from PHL-LAS. She said she was going to check with Crystal City to see if they could require the passengers be no older than 35, trim, fit and intelligent. I don't think there's a chance of that happening but she made the point that it would be better for employee morale if the passengers weren't gross and obscene looking.
AgMedallion said:
What a coincidence! I heard a USAirways FA complaining the other day about some old fa*t passenger she had from PHL-LAS. She said she was going to check with Crystal City to see if they could require the passengers be no older than 35, trim, fit and intelligent. I don't think there's a chance of that happening but she made the point that it would be better for employee morale if the passengers weren't gross and obscene looking.
That flight attentant was plane igorant. A big part of our job is accepting things as they come to us and keeping an open mind. I have never heard of a flight attendant commenting on things such as this.

Maybe you misunderstood. :unsure: :unsure:
ktflyhome said:
That flight attentant was plane igorant. A big part of our job is accepting things as they come to us and keeping an open mind. I have never heard of a flight attendant commenting on things such as this.

Maybe you misunderstood. :unsure: :unsure:

I was sarcastically trying to turn the tables on the original poster by showing how FAs could just as easily complain about how sexy/attractive the passengers are (or aren't). I guess next time I'll add a smiley.

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