Imamec said:Sorry A320, in the rush to judge, I mistook you for USA320Pilot.
You should think about changing your handle, the only thing that caught me, was when you agreed with me. 😛
USA320Pilot said:ALPA's legal and financial advisor's told the RC4 that each company proposal would get worse. Guess what. They were right and now the pilot's have to suffer because of the RC4 actions.
The reason it continually got worse was because the MEC was divided. They knew that they could scare folks into anything, and it became increasing obvious to all that they had the upper hand, and could impose virtually ANYTHING they wanted to. Much of this was the fault of none other than 320 himself and his propagandist ways, even though he is continually proven to be in error. The bottom line is that UAIRQ is probably done, and may not even be around for the holidays. Knowing what I do, I sure wouldn't recommend that any of my family buy tickets for holiday travel on UAIRQ. Gotta feel nothing but sympathy for the employees that invested years of their lives at UAIRQ, only to get dumped on like this.USA320Pilot said:ALPA's legal and financial advisor's told the RC4 that each company proposal would get worse. Guess what. They were right and now the pilot's have to suffer because of the RC4 actions.
magsau said:It is 12 total years with the company. Once a pilot hits the 12 year mark he receives no additional raises unless he can upgrade to a new piece of equipment or the company gives raises. If I am not wrong, I believe all of the US pilots would be a the 12 year step on the pay scale due to the furloughs leaving no one with less time on board.
The avg pay time would be between 850 and 1000 hours for the year.
A320 Driver said:I had my handle first dangnabbit!
A320 Driver :huh:
USA320Pilot said:ALPA's legal and financial advisor's told the RC4 that each company proposal would get worse. Guess what. They were right and now the pilot's have to suffer because of the RC4 actions.
Atlantic said:As it played out for the pilots, we took a bigger hit for holding out. That's a fact.