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International Shannon

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SNN - Speedy recovery!

Your absence on USAV - however temporary - will be felt by all. Nobody can reproduce your brand of humor, even though some try.

And I'm sure the customers miss you. Even those who don't know you from Adam's Off Ox. They just know that the last time they went through the drive-thru on Billy Graham Pkwy, the employee knew that the correct assembly order for a properly made Wendy's burger is: mayo, ketchup, pickle, lettuce, tomato, onion, burger, mustard, bacon, bun. And they know that theirs doesn't taste quite right.
Please give Shannon my best. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. Mama
Shannon I've known you for way more than a year now! You without any doubt are probably the only person I've ever met that could piss me off and make me smile under sixty seconds click!

Get better and lay off on the Cinnamon Dolce Lattes, they're probably the issue if you tell your Mocha-approved Doctor just how much CDLs the free-loading passengers are hooking you up with 🙂

Take Care,

Hope you get well very soon! We'll be keeping you in our prayers. We miss you!

I have been absent myself lately, but I ALWAYS look forward to reading Shannon's posts from her Wendy's cash register. Much love, chica, and get well soon!
Please get better soon, Shannon. We all miss you here. It's just not the same without hearing about Wendy's.
I pray that the joy in your life remain steady and constant now.

I pray that you return soon.

come home

2 US
** UPDATE **

I received a text from Shannon. She has a prolapsed valve, but this will be able to be treated with medicine and will not require surgery.

She should be released from the hospital tomorrow!
I am back home!! Awwwwwww!!!! Thank you for all my happy get well love because you know outside of Wendy's and the Internet, I really do not do much else - - as you can imagine I was going crazy in the gnome cottage hospital with nothing to do. I watched Jerry Springer whenever I got all bittersweet though and I was like *sigh* I really miss work....

I saw five red cars in a row today, so that means I am going to have a super good day, I usually only see three, which means a good day and four is a very good day. I try to stay away from yellow cars because five yellows in a row is a black day because I do not like yellow.
So, since it is a super good day, I wanted to come on and let you know that it made me feel all warm like fresh chili to read all your love. Thank you thank you!!!

I know, I'm not making any sense. I have booty blocker pills to keep me from shaking my booty and making my heart rate go up. I will post more when I am coherant. Special love to my 903AW and my Hot Fuss Hawaiian for making me feel extra special with phone calls. Two hundred red cars for GuntherA320 who is my sunshine.

You make me happyyyyyy!!!!

Thank you and I mean it !! I'm on stupid bedrest for a month so I bet I'll be on here alot. Prepare for the rediculousness.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery. It's important for heart-health that you separate your work from your personal life...I would advise choosing the fruit cup with the combo meals instead of fries. Also, water instead of soda would be a healthy option. It's hard to believe the toll that working at Wendy's can have on a person!

Get well soon! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
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