Inept support services


Nov 20, 2006
Charlotte NC
Am I the only one out there that just abhors the inability of our contract services to do a decent job? I am mostly talking about Utility. And why oh why, do I have to get the Lav people out to my aircraft 2 to 3 times before they figure out that they have to put lav fluid back into the lavs!!!!
There is no more Utility, it has been outsourced for a couple of years now.
Maybe you need to reread the post, the word UTILITY was used.

Is it too big of a word for you?

Utility is a term in the IAM/US CBA.

Contract Cleaners and/or Vendors are not Utility.
Maybe you need to reread the post, the word UTILITY was used.

Is it too big of a word for you?

Utility is a term in the IAM/US CBA.

Contract Cleaners and/or Vendors are not Utility.

Would it be "grooming agent"

I don't see a specific description of a "lav dumper" could it be lavman

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Well, I'm sorry I wasn't exact enough but I think most people understand what I'm talking about.

It is so frustrating to call ahead of landing to get lav service,trying to stay ahead of the eight ball, only to have to call the "lav People" back to the aircraft to get it done again because they have either failed to dump all of the lavs or they have dumped them and not filled them back up or they have only filled the aft lavs and not the forward lavs and visa-versa. And sometimes they can't get the fluid in the lavs because of an obstruction yet don't tell anyone until after the fact. Then we need to have it written up in the mtc. log book. By this time everyone one is hopping up and down to shut the door and push back.

By not doing it right the first time or not telling us there is a mtc. problem in a timely manner wastes valuable time.

And they are using too much of the "blue stuff"(ozeum?) so the lavs still reek so badly they could gag a maggot.

I feel like I'm on a flying cesspool. :down:
I feel like I'm on a flying cesspool. :down:

Always trust your feelings.

BTW, the spray (perfumed?) is considered a hazardous material and the person using it needs to wear protective equipment (gloves and eye protection). (says it right on the plastic container).
There getting better,at least they have learned how to fuel there trucks in PHL so they can get to the A/C... :up:

If you break through the language barrier,youll find most of these folks to be really nice.They do need more training,and the equipt they us is worn out and beat up.

As you say outside labor has alot to be desired.Comunication
on your inbound flts has to go through channels as the service workers do not have direct intell into our ops,just info passed on.

Nothing that couldnt be fixed by a properly run operation,we have so many people working for us that has no clue how an airline should work its sad. :down: :down: :down:
People working for us that have NO CLUE how an airline operates is an understatement. I was on the 75E yesterday and it was on it's way to Europe when we got in. Well these two really young and quite funny guys showed up with airbus style carts FULL of meals and soda only to find out that they don't fit in the back. WHY didn't they semi redo the galley back there to accept those style carts. I mean it's not as if the 757 started going to Europe yesterday. Honestly! ! :rolleyes: I watched the poor guys have to take everything out of the carts and strategicaly stack them into the old 757 carts. The poor crew working that flight. :rolleyes: Oh yeah, the very same plane flew around with the aft lav stuffed for three legs. I don't know Spanish or whatever language they spoke so we went with it blocked. Again.... :rolleyes:
Maybe you need to reread the post, the word UTILITY was used.

Is it too big of a word for you?

Utility is a term in the IAM/US CBA.

Contract Cleaners and/or Vendors are not Utility.
But they are performing a Utility function....This morning in CLT over @ C10, three contract cleaners/utility/groomers were sleeping on the back of a truck in plain accountability
But they are performing a Utility function....This morning in CLT over @ C10, three contract cleaners/utility/groomers were sleeping on the back of a truck in plain accountability
They were done,waiting for the next flt to work,lol.What should they do polish the turd hurse.Come on,you relly dont understand the job.There not going to stand out side the truck at attention and wait,they just finished working 2 shifts. :up: :up: :up:
They were done,waiting for the next flt to work,lol.What should they do polish the turd hurse.Come on,you relly dont understand the job.There not going to stand out side the truck at attention and wait,they just finished working 2 shifts. :up: :up: :up:
I hope your not, they were working RON's.