Oh Yes, I remember it well. I from MCORO where a piece of hard candy was then acceptable, and a drink, but no food. Absolutely no food. Not a package of crackers from the machine. Nothing (unless you hid it.) Now, I am not saying Everybody routinely ate plates of spaghetti while on the phones; many times it was Chinese food too. The point I'm trying to make here is that in general Pittsburgh Agents did what they wanted to do and mgrs and supervisors tended to "look the other way." And oh yes, I forgot to mention the cell phone rule, the one that nobody paid any attention to either. They went off constantly on the sales floor, even though their use was forbidden. In Orlando.... you'd have been in big trouble. After working in San Diego Res and then Orlando Res, working in Pittsburgh Res was like being on vacation, at least from my personal observations. Sorry Pittsburgh Res.. nice group of people you definitely are, but you have no idea how good you've had it compared to the other Centers, the ones with all the great productivity (like Orlando), the ones they closed down, the ones with all the hard-working, dedicated people; so many lives were really ruined... sorry to be rambling but why in the Heck didn't they consolidate all those Res Centers at the time of the PSA/Piedmont mergers instead of just "run them all" so as not to upset the apple cart? So many bad, bad business decisions. At least at that time, people could have made some decisions about their lives, where they wanted to go, what they wanted to do, not just expect that nothing would ever change.... There.. I'll shut up... Thanks for listening! (but I'm not bitter.)