I''m voting no, no matter who''s jobs at stake

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Wilma - You vote no if you'd like to ...it's ur choice...

Lately we have superviors coming into the break room to get us if we are 2-3 minutes over the break schedule, they are stating that they will be watching us every 30 minutes...for unscheduled breaks...which are usually bathroom breaks...for a group or employees they want to vote yes...maybe they should start with the supervisors treating the reservations employees like adults. They have not done this in a constructive way, most are resenting the hardline tactic.

Congratulations on your new job, although I'm one still voting yes..only to try and preserve my current job...or maybe the severance. With management now onboard with the rest of us, I'll feel better about my vote. Had management not come onboard it would've been a no vote for me too. Will they keep coming back for more...only time will be able to answer that question...
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