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I'm Outa Here

don't miss ultra on your way thru grimshaw, he's a good one to try.
Thanks Maggie, i will make sure i make it in there. 🙂

I am going to try to find every company between there and here and see if anyone has something for me. I head out tommorow (sunday).

Apprentice :huh:
Hello from Yellowknife.

Nice town...no work. I came up to late. I was tossing bags in planes at YVR when I should have been tossing resumes in DOM's hands. Oh well. I am here for another week at least while I figure out what my next move is.

That is all for now. Anyone have any advice?

Scratching his head, and bug bites,

Apprentice :huh:
You should go to the gold range and go try out some of the local talent, who know you may may find someone to help you forget all of your troubles. Tell them your a pilot tho , it works better.
If you make it out of there alive and when your heading through Dawson Creek with your new family . Stop in at Northern lights college at the hanger and check out there job posting board. I remember it is usually quite full.
There's a fixed wing company in Norman wells that allways has ads in the papers looking for anybody , I think there called Northwright air or something . Its the only charter company up there, but don't think of driving up there as it is only accesable in the winter by road . Would be worth calling them before you leave.
I hope this helps you and I hope your enjoying the long days up there as i miss them, But i've done my time up there.
Good news everyone!

I found work. :up: Spent today reading the MPM, and MCM, and CARs 571, and AWM 571, and have taken the Aircrew Reference Manual back to the tent to read. This is all apart of the initial training. My head hurts but I am happy to have my first job.

Thanks everyone for the advice and the encouragement. 😀

Apprentice :huh:
congratulations there fricken'

Glad to hear the literature you referenced is aviation related. We'd be a tad put down if you were telling us that you were reading about how to flip burgers and cleanliness prevents e-coli.....

Care to divulge where and who you're working for? That way some of us could find you, say hi, or some could find you and beat some sense into you....

Either way, we hope to have a daily/weekly/monthly report on your progress. Let us know all your firsts...and always remember, as one experienced engineer has told me, it's ok to screw up, just don't do it a second time....
BRAVO ZULU or in regular talk Well done!
Good luck, and maybe this Pilot will cross your engineer ways some day! :up:
Congrats Frickin A. :up: :up:
Those guys are awsome to work for and you will experience and see things that the majority of people only read about in National Geographic!! Also, when you have the chance, go to a little place called Bullocks, fresh fish with all you can eat home made fries!!!
The only piece of advice I will give you besides the normal stuff is ALWAYS COME FORWARD AND ADMIT WHEN YOU F-CK SOMETHING UP!!!!!
Good luck 😀 😀
Hey all

Got the weekend off to get settled in here. I've done 3 days of paperwork. Can't wait to get onto the floor. I've been writing a test the last couple days. Flipping through manuals untill the smoke escapes from the wires in my head. I am learning lots though. The back of my hand it getting red from the slaps I have been recieving. 😀 I am having a great time though.

I have found the Gold Range... :shock:

That is all for now.

Apprentice :huh:
It's nice to see someone who packed his bags and heading north looking for a job instead of sitting in the south whining about the lack of work :up:

Good luck FA and for the rest of you that are out of work ---pay attention to the entire thread - you will learn something about perseverence :bye:

I don't like quoting people, so I'll just manually type out what you said (it's more personable that way)


what about if you can lay the blame on someone else and get away with it? Is that OK too? :up:
Magseal, just because you get away with it all the time, doesn't make it ok! :up: :up:
(sorry Maggie, I saw an opening so I took a shot!!!)
was just reading through the old threads and realized that we haven't heard from FA for a while!!! how about an update... things still going well??
Hi all

Time for an update. I have been working up here for 5 months now. I have been working on 206s, 500Ds, 206LR, AS350s and 212s. One day I am helping with a LR engine change and the next I am regressing a 500 swash plate. One day I even found myself in a field in Fort Nelson at 2am assisting in a couple of cyclic servo changes on a 212. The logbook if filling up quick, but it seems that for everything I learn, there are 10 things I realize I know nothing about. I need a larger knowledge intake manifold I guess. I am looking forward to the summer as I should be ready to go to the field. The guys coming back sure have some great stories and pictures. Speaking of the guys, there sure are a lot of characters up here…and a lot of guys with a lot of character. Although the money is tight (no surprise if you have ever been an apprentice) I am glad I came up.

I guess that is all for now.

Apprentice :huh: