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If You Choose To Book Online, You Are On Your Own

MCORORES is CORRECT and longingforpiedmont you could have talked to anyone. That is very consistent in Res. You book your reservation on line it is your responsibility to choose the correct flights, date and time, add the correct passenger name, address, phone, etc, and READ THE RULES of the ticket that you are purchasing. If any mistakes are made the person that booked online is responsible, as are travel agents, not US, and 99% of the time no waiver will be granted and an itinerary change will incur applicable fees.

If booked directly with Res and a mistake is made and reported in a timely manor, Res WILL take responsibility and correct the error.

When you book on line that is the chance you take. Advice.....take your time, READ ALL RULES AND RESTRICTIONS and check and double check before you press that "buy" key.

I was just kidding MCORORES. But I have done this before and didn't catch it in time. When calling the CP desk I have never asked that the fees be waived. I was responsible and as a result I took the hit.

What is even worse is that I have done this and showed up at the airport on the wrong day. Talk about feeling stupid. :lol:

And just case no one HAS told you today. You folks in res are the best!!!! Keep your chin up!
longingforpiedmont...no offense taken, knew you were joking. BTW do like your user name...ahh memories!!!!!
whlinder...if an error is made when the reservation was made over the phone with res is corrected. Some pax now try and take advantage of that scenerio though. We do have ways to go back and take a look at past date fares and see if the booking code was actually available. If it was and the fare was applicable presto the change is made with no additional fees involved. Seems the most common error I come across is a longer layover time when the better layover time was available. It does seem ironic to me that when the passenger claims the date is wrong and when I go back to see what class was available and if the fare was applicable and find out that it was not, when the pax finds it cost he/she more money they usually keep what they have. The few that "correct" the error that was made usually pay the difference of the fare only from my past experiances dealing with the situation.
Please disregard previous post, that was in error. Would like to thank ' longing4piedmont for the words of encouragement, we rarely hear that is Res except from passengers. Schatzee, you are so right on the mark about .com bookings. Personally, I receive many calls daily from passengers who have a .com question or need assistance. Lately many have said they could not understand the person at the technical/navigational support number. I think that Usairways.com needs to be made more user-friendly or we need to be given more than about 200 seconds or less in order to help the passengers, which by the way, I really do enjoy doing.
My favorite one is still the bulk tickets just like priceline. When you book with priceline 3 times it pops up on your screen NO CHANGES NO REFUNDS...amazing when they call you to see if they can change the ticket and they did the purchase and reservation for themselves.