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If You Choose To Book Online, You Are On Your Own

Well, gee, if that is the case, then why bother keeping you around at all...?

Guess we should invest the time and effort into improving our website so that all of the above CAN be accomplished with ease.

Thanks for the constructive suggestion. Good luck in the job search.
Rico said:
Well, gee, if that is the case, then why bother keeping you around at all...?

Guess we should invest the time and effort into improving our website so that all of the above CAN be accomplished with ease.

Thanks for the constructive suggestion. Good luck in the job search.
Speaking of pathetic! Pathetic pops up.
Sorry Rico......

Still plenty of job security because the website is a piece of CRAPOLA! They have been improving and it is still a piece of CRAPOLA! And if you need any help, you won't be talking to a US employee, you will be speaking Spanglish to someone in South America who has no idea of how to provide you with technical support. Ju no what I men?

Most Preferred members are screaming about the Atento employees......

And why do they have to have the fake names? It can't be that bad?
Pathetic to me would be to selectivley service our customers based upon the manner in which they choose to utilize our airline.
Do you expect me to fly differently for those passengers that booked online...?

I guess someone buying a ticket from a "non union" ticket agent deserves our scorn as well...?

Why dontcha count yourself lucky that the call volume remains high enough to justify your continued employment rather than deciding which passenger of ours deserves your help.

If your bank's ATM gives you problems, would you not expect and deserve help from the person at the bank or on the bank's phone line...?

I fail to understand why everyone keeps talking about this airline as if it is different than the rest of the business world we deal with daily in our own lives.
Hmm, I do not remember many people with a spanish accent the last time i visited Alabama, and athough it is in the southern United States, I think "South America" is a somewhat confusing thing to call that fine State.
bookmdano said:
Thanks Schatzee,
It is that bad. The filth and trash that our unrecogonized front line is subjected to is disgraceful. I'm sure that anyday "Walmair" will be controling the airline industry. There is no more any dignity to flying than there is to hitchhiking.

And Rico is so clueless, I won't even waste my time any further. Obviously Rico hasn't figured out that usairways.com was outsourced to a company in South America. It's sad to think that anyone in the year 2004 still considers Alabama as South America (or ever did). This is not a good sign of the eastern US teachers abilities.
Great comeback. 🙄

You want a clue, heres one sport. If you want real job security, then you and your work group need to embrace the new technology and add the human element to make it better,

Not chant a moronic rant about union lblah blah, no help blah blah, Outsource blah blah...

Get onboard or get left behind. Simple enough.
Rico said:
Pathetic to me would be to selectivley service our customers based upon the manner in which they choose to utilize our airline.

***May I have your attention puhlease? This includes you A320rubberknees. This is exactly what CCY is doing. Want to book an award - 25k for a res agent to do it OR 20k if you book it yourself online. And the call goes like this:

Usairways, may I help you?

Yes, I am a Chp/Gold/Silver and I have been online for an hour trying to book an award. Your systems sucks. I know that if I book it, I use less miles but your website is horrible.

I am sorry Sir/Madam. You will need to contact 1-800-icnthelpu for technical assistance.

But I already have and I can't understand a word they are saying. They have a heavy accent and couldn't tell me why the system is not working. Told me to call reservations.

Yes Sir/Madam, the company that handles our technical support is outsourced to Atento. They are located in South America. Sorry, but if I book the award for you, it will be at the higher mileage. And those routes you can't book online because the system can't handle it, too bad, they'll be at the higher rate too.

This is everyday!!!!! Very embarrassing and not a thing the res agent can do to help the customer. Gotta get to the next call...............
Rico said:
Great comeback. 🙄

You want a clue, heres one sport. If you want real job security, then you and your work group need to embrace the new technology and add the human element to make it better,

Not chant a moronic rant about union lblah blah, no help blah blah, Outsource blah blah...

Get onboard or get left behind. Simple enough.
Our group screamed for years for new technology, do you think the past CEO's gave a ratsass about spending 1 dime in improving the technology within the company? NO. We could be where JetBlue is, if our CEO's could have closed their wallets and opened their ears.
Schatzee said:
Rico said:
Pathetic to me would be to selectivley service our customers based upon the manner in which they choose to utilize our airline.

***May I have your attention puhlease? This includes you A320rubberknees. This is exactly what CCY is doing. Want to book an award - 25k for a res agent to do it OR 20k if you book it yourself online. And the call goes like this:

Usairways, may I help you?

Yes, I am a Chp/Gold/Silver and I have been online for an hour trying to book an award. Your systems sucks. I know that if I book it, I use less miles but your website is horrible.

I am sorry Sir/Madam. You will need to contact 1-800-icnthelpu for technical assistance.

But I already have and I can't understand a word they are saying. They have a heavy accent and couldn't tell me why the system is not working. Told me to call reservations.

Yes Sir/Madam, the company that handles our technical support is outsourced to Atento. They are located in South America. Sorry, but if I book the award for you, it will be at the higher mileage. And those routes you can't book online because the system can't handle it, too bad, they'll be at the higher rate too.

This is everyday!!!!! Very embarrassing and not a thing the res agent can do to help the customer. Gotta get to the next call...............

Thank you..thank you.. thank you..
Yeah, I get real sympathetic for you when I read the post you first wrote and then deleted.

Back to square one. If an customer calls you for help, It is your job to help. So just do your job, and stop feeling so downtrodden because technology has shifted some of your "production" to the internet rather than your phone line. I know many SYR res people that would like to have your "problems"

Issues with the Website should make you feel needed, not angry. As I said before, it gives you a reason to remain around. jetBlue is considered a industry leader in their use of technology, but they also stress the human component in their operation.

Attitudes like the one you displayed, and then removed show that you need to get with the program, and look to help make the "sale" when the website falters.

ATM's are mega-popular, but Banks are hiring tellars still as ATM's are good for some things and not for others.., as machines can do certain things better than people, and people can do certain things better than machines.

Just leave the chip off your shoulder and realize that you role might be changing, but it is no less important. If some one has to call you for help on a complicated issue, then that is a good thing, right...?

Peace B)
Rico, I have no problem in what you are saying with regards to technology. I think what everyone else is saying that:

1 our web page is sadly behind the industry leaders, and that is a deterrent to U as a whole, as customers can book on OA at the same price. so why bother hassling with a problematic site.

2 the outsourcing of .com Help would have been preferrable to a company that understands English, not that the employees "meet the minimum requirements of our language" (as we have been told) and that they knew their job. Why do you think Delta has closed 2 centers in India?