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If We Go To War

AP Tech

Sep 4, 2002
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I think in act of war, the severance package can be voided in the current IAM contract. So guess what...all those who voted "yes" for the severance are out of luck. I think when we give up the additional 5% Dave will through us some type of bone. It may be additional upgrades or perhaps you can now have two friends on your term pass. Its all part of the new "labor friendly" U
That was pre "Dave", this group running the company now are a much smarter bunch. I am sure there is somthing in the contract that will prohibit the payback. I hope I am incorrect!
This management group is so evil, that they will have been holding my vacation pay (I am out on a voluntary leave in lieu of furlough) for over 30 days, hoping to get that extra 5%. I call the benifits people and they say it has been processed, but won't be sent out until, until, until... It reminds me of the time that U was the ONLY airline to screw all of us Gulf War Vets out of vacation accrual while in service to the country--like we asked to go to war. Of course, shortly after that, Rome-Milan was disapproved the first time.

They WILL get your 5% one way or the other!
And if you believe you will see that money again, the pilot group will get their full pension!
I''m just curious, if we go to war, what does Dave and the other Country Club boys give up? I''m giving another 5% (about $6,500) more per year. Brings my total GIVEBACKS to around $110,000 per year. The way I figure, I almost have one of those luxury boxes at one of the stadiums (Pit or PHL) half paid for. Gee, that means I should be able to use the box for about 7 games. No, just give me my 4 First Class upgrades.......
Did we not get 200% back in 1994 and 1995 when we gave back our 3.5%? [BR][BR]Yes we did!
The 5% is not a giveback, it is a temporary wage reduction for upto 18 months when W attacks Iraq or an act of domestic terrorism that impacts air travel. The money is to be paid back monthly.
DO you get the 5% back with interest or do you just get back the 5% over the 18 months or over a quicker time frame? Just wondering on the outside.....
That was pre "Dave", this group running the company now are a much smarter bunch. I am sure there is somthing in the contract that will prohibit the payback. I hope I am incorrect--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Where does it say we get it back.....I've totally lost intrest in this thing already. I can't see us getting anything back.
The last IRAQ war lasted 100 hrs.Why are we paying it back for 18mos? What are Dave and his henchmen doing with the money and the interest paid on it?
I have a question about term passes. Last year it seams they gave us 4 first class upgrades because we had paid for our term passes. I thought this was the future way--not paying for term passes.
Then I get a notice to send $75 for me and spouse to get our term passes. Do we pay or don't we??
On 1/18/2003 10:53:04 AM Flufdriver wrote:

Where does it say we get it back.....I've totally lost intrest in this thing already. I can't see us getting anything back.

All labor groups have the same language.It is a deferral of wages, the money will be payed back to the employees.

"In the event that (a) the U.S. invades Iraq (meaning that the U.S. initiates a
sustained aerial bombardment of those parts of Iraq that are not within the
current no fly zone or introduces substantial numbers of ground troops into the
territory of Iraq), or (B) there is an act of terrorism which in either event has a
material adverse impact on commercial aviation, there will be an immediate 5%
pay deferral of base pay implemented for all employees for up to 18 months.
(Should this condition occur, the Company will meet and confer with the Union
regarding implementation of the pay deferral.) The deferral will begin to be
repaid starting in the first month following the end of the deferral and will
continue to be repaid in as many monthly installments as were covered by the
deferral. In the event that US Airways Group reports a pretax profit with
respect to any quarter during which they pay deferral is in effect, the deferral
will immediately stop and repayment will begin in the next month to continue
for the same number of months as were included in the deferral."
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/17/2003 5:30:37 PM Biffeman wrote:
[P]Did we not get 200% back in 1994 and 1995 when we gave back our 3.5%? [BR][BR]Yes we did![/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]And we spent a week on the line for "language".[BR][BR]Boy did -----"[STRONG]we get it back[/STRONG]".[BR][BR][BR]"[STRONG]Yes we did[/STRONG]!"--------Right[BR][BR]And here we are now.[BR]The years of concessions never end.[BR][BR]Let me pay more for medical insurance so you can dump lavs, and others can be tug slugs.[BR][BR]While I might not agree with Chip on most issues, i find it appauling that some schmuck off the street trys to ridicule, and throw stones at a [STRONG]faa certified airmen.[BR][/STRONG][BR]Keep this little fact in mind [STRONG]Pilots, Mechanics, Dispatchers are all liecense required positions. We did not get our positions while riding the coat tails of others.[BR][/STRONG][BR]You are here only because we are here.[BR][BR][STRONG]And don't ever forget it.[/STRONG][BR]

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