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Jun 5, 2010
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As part of the alliance the IAM wants to negotiate for AA workers to join the IAMNPF. Is anyone at AA interested in joining? As it is it's a pathetic $86 multiplier that is impossible to live off and future benefits are subject to be cut depending on negotiations.

Anyone want a part of this nonsense? It's part of the alliance/association.

The formula for anyone joining is not the same as the IAM guys that have been in it from the start. Then you have to be vested for 5 years or so. Most guys at AA will be retiring in 5 to 15 years so there will not be any real value to it. I think that is all the IAM and the TWU can come up with to join the alliance.
When the US M&R went into the plan the IAMNPF Vested everyone right away.
700UW said:
When the US M&R went into the plan the IAMNPF Vested everyone right away.
no one in the TWU wants any part of it anyway get a clue. We don't want the alliance no way no how no part of it
700UW said:
When the US M&R went into the plan the IAMNPF Vested everyone right away.
Do you have a link on that?
ibt promised a 10 year look back vestment into the ibt retirement fund.
Guess what never happened.. 😛
iluvaa said:
no one in the TWU wants any part of it anyway get a clue. We don't want the alliance no way no how no part of it
Question is, will be allowed to vote no on it???
It would actually have to be negotiated to have the company pay for. Im not interested anyway. Get a higher 401k match.
Sign an AMFA card
Get rid of the alliance
Get rid of the twu
If they want it it cant be good
look what they have done to the profession
Send them packing or drag out this BS alliance for the next ten years ...
xUT said:
Do you have a link on that?
ibt promised a 10 year look back vestment into the ibt retirement fund.
Guess what never happened.. 😛
At US we did get fully vested if we had 5 years at the time we got the pension., those with under 5 years had their time count towards their 5 year vesting. That said, I'll still only see a few hundred a month when I'm eligible to collect, because I only accrued for about 4 years before I left.

For vested employees it's been a great deal. IAMNPF Is 109% Funded!!
We traded a 3% 401K Match for the defined benefit IAM Pension. We have Mechanics retiring next month that will collect $475 a month for life. That's only 5 years in the plan.
$475 x 12 x 20 years = $114,000
3% of $70K = $2100 = $11,000 + - Your gain or loss on investment.
I don't want to participate in ANY BENEFIT PROGRAM run by ANY union...Just look at how the TWU scammed us first out of 5% equity then took another 5% because of a lawsuit by the retirees.
No thanks.
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