I chose not to comment on UA as it doesnt effect me and didnt.
I choose to comment on the M&R TA as I was a member for 20 years and was on the Negotiating Committee and my friends and my son's mother will be working under it.
See I have a brain and I make my own informed opinions and decisions, no one tells me how to think or what position to take.
The IAM leadership is for the M&R TA, and yet I stated and will state again, if I voted it would be a NO.
I am pro-alliance for several reasons, all which make perfect sense to me.
For one its a waste of time, energy and money for the unions to fight each other.
Second the chance of any of the groups becoming unorganized is great as the PMUS employees arent happy and its quite clear the PMAA folks arent happy either, and they would take that out on the unions, not the company, you know who the real problem and enemy are, the company.
And much can be accomplished uniting the two sides from the begining, instead of the middle or end.
Also look at how the IAM and the TWU already agreed upon seniority so there isnt the debacle that happened with Reno Air and TWA when they were merged into AA.
Look at UA, both PMUA and PMCO are both IBT and they dont have a seniority agreement, not a JCBA and its been several years since that merger. While PMUA is laying off mechanics yet PMCO is hiring, and they are not giving preferential treatment to PMUA mechanics in getting those jobs.
And having a unified front before going into JCBA is the best thing, look at PMUS Pilots, nine years and still JBCA for PMHP and PMUS pilots.
And it took eight years for PMUS and PMHP FAs to get a JCBA.