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IAM/TWU aim low.......

robbedagain said:
did u forget the signing bonus?  did you fail to read the scope?  or are you just a plain IAM hater?  From what I have seen and read on our new TA  this deal is a helluva improvement  over the last 2 or so rounds   
Cross Utilization: The Company may utilize LAA (Legacy American Airlines) employees to
perform LUS (Legacy US Airways) maintenance work at any location (excluding base) where
IAM and TWU represen
t aircraft mechanic and related employees and at any location where
LAA employees perform non
base work covered by the LUS agreement (including where
locations may be separate for the accreted groups).
Is it common to concede this prior to a JCBA?
The big cherry appears to be the VEOP, yet...
In the event of a headcount overage or the need for a reduction in force which
occurs prior to ratification of a JCBA
The Company will be prepared to commence JCBA
negotiations within thirty (30)
days from date of ratification
Doesn't appear VEOP has much teeth to it?
What is the headcount at USAir in the AMT class?
We at AA have just under 8,000.
josh ill tell what is a joke,  a banker who has never worked in the airline industry before  who thinks he knows all of the inner works of the union and all.   that is a joke in itself.  I still have yet to decide which way I will vote  but for FSA the scope is so much so improved compared to before   As cb mentioned in the US thread  the signing bonus is to make up for the no raises in 2013.     Personally I can see the FSA passing the contract  but I think M&R may not pass  and I do agree they did not get a good deal but then that's just me. 
Post the whole proposed changes, see you didnt.


Scope and Job Protection
Job Protection
No furlough protection effective DOS: no employee will be furloughed to the street at any Line Station (providing the employee exercises his seniority to the fullest extent) as a result of any flight activity that may be transferred from LUS to LAA
Cross Utilization: The Company may utilize LAA (Legacy American Airlines) employees to perform LUS (Legacy US Airways) maintenance work at any location (excluding base) where IAM and TWU represent aircraft mechanic and related employees and at any location where LAA employees perform non-base work covered by the LUS agreement (including where locations may be separate for the accreted groups). In exchange for the cross utilization provisions contained within this paragraph the Company agrees to provide additional job protections as defined below
Job Protection
No displacement: Effective with the implementation of Cross Utilization by classification, no employee within that classification, will be involuntarily displaced from their current location  (Non-Base) at any common location and including the accreted groups.
The relocation of covered employees at the OCC, including other associated employees (See below), at the merged carrier will not be considered a violation of the above Job Protection provision
Associated employees may include:
QA Auditors -PHX, PIT and CLT
Material Controllers –PIT
Sr. Planners–PHX, PIT and CLT
Material Planners -PHX, PIT and CLT
Maintenance Planners –CLT and PIT
Sr. Tech Doc Specialists –PHX and PIT
Tech Doc Specialists -PHX, PIT and CLT
Maintenance Control Technicians –PIT
In the event of a relocation of work as a result of the merger, amongst the accreted groups, the company agrees to meet with the IAM to discuss a relocation package for affected employees.
The job protections described above will apply only to those employees whose names appear on the Mechanic and Related System Seniority List (including Stores, Accreted groups) as of the date of ratification of this agreement and shall not apply in circumstances where the Company’s non-compliance is caused in substantial part by Conditions Beyond the Company’s Control.“
Conditions Beyond The Company’s Control” shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (1) an act of God; (2) a strike by any other company employee group or the employees of a Commuter Air Carrier operating pursuant to an authorized codeshare
arrangement with the company; (3) a national emergency; (4) involuntary revocation of the company’s operating certificate(s); (5) grounding of a substantial number of the company’s aircraft; (6) a reduction in the company’s operation resulting from a decrease in available fuel supply caused by either governmental action or by commercial suppliers being unable to meet the company’s demands; and (7) the unavailability of aircraft scheduled for delivery

1AA said:
What is the headcount at USAir in the AMT class?
We at AA have just under 8,000.
As of 6-2-2014, I'm seeing 3445 in the AMT list.
Don't think they are all here though, but it's a pretty close number.
bigjets said:
From the APA
Wilson remains hopeful that the three pilot contracts can be combined into one that rewards pilots for their contributions to the carrier.
“I think we will have an assimilation of the two unions into one and a joint collective bargaining agreement before the end of the year,” Wilson said.

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2014/03/15/5652255/merger-brings-fresh-start-new.html#storylink=cpy
Aiming to reward the pilots for their contributions to the airline.
From the APFA
The union’s goal is to “achieve a joint collective bargaining agreement that is the best in the industry,” Glading said. “When the company is earning money, then everyone should reap the benefit of that.”[/size]
Reap the [/size]benefits, from a joint contract.
From the IAM[/size]
The IAM’s O’Donnell said some of his members haven’t had a wage increase since 1999 and are frustrated that they are making almost $2 less an hour than their counterparts at American.[/size]
Instead of aiming for compensation equal or better then SWA, UAL, or DAL they want  the pay that the TWU negotiated for the merger to be supported.
From the TWU[/size]
In the meantime, Peterson said, some work issues could be improved, such as adding holidays so mechanics have the same number as nonunion workers at American.[/size]
“There are things they could do, if they chose, outside of collective bargaining to at least make the workforce feel like there is going to be some difference,” Peterson said.

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2014/03/15/5652255/merger-brings-fresh-start-new.html#storylink=cpy
The TWU is aiming for what the company GIVES the non-union employees
From the TULE president
Combining maintenance operations during a merger takes several years, Danker said. As a result, workers are unsure how many facilities the new management team at American plans to keep open over the long term.[/size]
I think it is a proven fact that give backs do not equal job security, just ask AFW, MCI, MSP, DTW, SJU, SUJ, SNA, CLE, etc etc[/size]
We PAY for this representation.This is probably why the APFA got more shares per FA and they got a 9% contribution to their 401k, not to mention the FA's got just about everything back that they gave up in bk. [/size]
This is pretty disappointing considering we are the largest skilled union and a member of the AFL-CIO. Is AMFA a member of the AFL-CIO? ( I know the answer ) [/size]
Delta is non-union.[/size]
It doesn't sound like we will be voting on the alliance of the TWU/IAM, and I'm not getting the feeling that the alliance is aiming to get a better contract then SWA or even UAL but are just comparing the two bad contracts that they negotiated. [/size]

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2014/03/15/5652255/merger-brings-fresh-start-new.html#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2014/03/15/5652255/merger-brings-fresh-start-new.html#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2014/03/15/5652255/merger-brings-fresh-start-new.html#storylink=cpy
Great post, with this info and the recent TA that the IAM negotiated, it's clear that the mechanics at the new AA are not being respected by either the union or the company.

You expect the company to get the best deal possible, but we are forced to pay these unions for this representation.
Great post, with this info and the recent TA that the IAM negotiated, it's clear that the mechanics at the new AA are not being respected by either the union or the company.
You expect the company to get the best deal possible, but we are forced to pay these unions for this representation.[/quote

During bk the pilots are getting a 17% and FAs are getting a 9% contribution to their 401k s, while the TWU get a 5.5% match. Not to downplay the FAs but to become a FA you need to be 21 high school diploma and interview well. Individual FAs got more equity from the company then mechs that's even before the TWU took part of our equity.
Duke787 said:
Great post, with this info and the recent TA that the IAM negotiated, it's clear that the mechanics at the new AA are not being respected by either the union or the company.

You expect the company to get the best deal possible, but we are forced to pay these unions for this representation.
Correct.  And any co that had representation like this would fire the representational co. for such POOR representation.  Which is exactly what the US and AA mechanics should do with their current representational unions in place currently, period...
bigjets said:
Great post, with this info and the recent TA that the IAM negotiated, it's clear that the mechanics at the new AA are not being respected by either the union or the company.
You expect the company to get the best deal possible, but we are forced to pay these unions for this representation.[/quote

During bk the pilots are getting a 17% and FAs are getting a 9% contribution to their 401k s, while the TWU get a 5.5% match. Not to downplay the FAs but to become a FA you need to be 21 high school diploma and interview well. Individual FAs got more equity from the company then mechs that's even before the TWU took part of our equity.
Maybe we should try to join APFA!
Unless I missed something the IAM deal does not even bring their Inspectors up to our BK wages. Their second contract eight years out of bankruptcy still has a lower hourly wage than our deal out of BK.
Current rate US= $28.48
Premiums Licx2=   $4.50
                 Shift=    $.63
                   Insp = $.75
DOS 3% Inc      =     $.85
       Total - $35.21
AA Current Insp rate = $30.10
Premiums Licx2=   $5.00
           MRT/Shift=    $.52
                   line =.55
 Total $36.17
One thing is obvious, this management team has a very low opinion of Inspectors, and the IAM caters to that. 
Inspection has a different rate the book at in 2011 for inspection was $29.90 in the old CBA, where did you get $28.48?
Current rate for Inspection under the old CBA with the two 3% raises received in 2012 and 2013 means that current inspection rate before the raises in the new CBA is $31.72 is the current base rate for inspection.
So if you take the current rate of $31.72 and add the two 3% raises you get a rate base rate of $33.65.
Your information is wrong.
Inspection has its own payscale, not the same as a Mechanic.
700UW said:
Inspection has a different rate the book at in 2011 for inspection was $29.90 in the old CBA, where did you get $28.48?
Current rate for Inspection under the old CBA with the two 3% raises received in 2012 and 2013 means that current inspection rate before the raises in the new CBA is $31.72 is the current base rate for inspection.
So if you take the current rate of $31.72 and add the two 3% raises you get a rate base rate of $33.65.
Your information is wrong.
Inspection has its own payscale, not the same as a Mechanic.
Guess I missed something, the deal still sucks, not even close to post BK UAL or Delta let alone SWA fed Ex or UPS.
Dont bother comparing it to our deal, I've said from day one it sucks, but you guys are running around saying that getting your wages up to our crappy one is some sort of accomplishment, at least we got to rid ourselves of Little, Videtich and Gless, you have the same people in place that brought you, and apparently are OK with keeping you, at the bottom. 
Largest airline in the country making record profits and you are willing to settle for a distant bottom of the industry contract-- Pathetic.  
US and AA are still two separate airlines, and the JCBA will take care of the rest.
The IAM as far back as last summer told the PMUS Membership that this is a temporary bridge agreement and will get the rest in JCBA Negotiations, it isnt a secret.
700UW said:
US and AA are still two separate airlines, and the JCBA will take care of the rest.
The IAM as far back as last summer told the PMUS Membership that this is a temporary bridge agreement and will get the rest in JCBA Negotiations, it isnt a secret.
What do you expect to gain in a JCBA where the union has even less leverage than section 6? UAL and the IBT have been talking for three years. If this is the best you can do in Section 6, eight years after leaving BK then I'd hate to see what you can do in a JCBA. You certainly didn't do that well in the last JCBA round with the America West deal that has left you way, way behind UAL and Delta who went into BK just after you and also went through mergers.  How many more decades will the IAM Leadership(?) be using BK as an excuse for poor deals how many billions does the carrier have to make before you demand a fair share? Where is the profit sharing? Oh yea, waiting for the JCBA, and maybe in 2017 we will see that. want to make things as easy for the company as possible as usual. 

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