The AMTs at AA "by a large margin" support AMFA. If not for some of the non A&Ps included in our voting block - AMFA would be representing the Aircraft Mechnanics & Related at AA already. The last AMFA drive at AA (back in 2004) fell short by only 45 cards. The same mistake will not be made twice. All the info from that card drive has been saved. The last minute additions from the TWU & AA of employees that should be included; as eligible to vote, for a new union. Including: dead employees, fired employees, management employees, retired employees, there was so much corruption - the TWU should have been ousted by the NMB on the grounds of fraud. They managed to convince the NMB - that close to 500 baggage handlers were eligible to vote in the Aircraft Mechanics representational election.
The Teamsters, I ran the guy off when he showed up at my front door. Talk about complete BS. Anybody want to pay an extra $400.00 per year in dues money? If you do - vote for the IBT. Do you want the Teamsters to take over you pension money - so they can put it into their already UNDERFUNDED retirement plans? How about dealing with more appointed, untouchable union types telling you how things are going to be, while they continue to live in the lap of luxury at your expense. Aircraft Mechanics in the IBT would be in such a small group, their concerns would never be heard.
The Teamsters, I ran the guy off when he showed up at my front door. Talk about complete BS. Anybody want to pay an extra $400.00 per year in dues money? If you do - vote for the IBT. Do you want the Teamsters to take over you pension money - so they can put it into their already UNDERFUNDED retirement plans? How about dealing with more appointed, untouchable union types telling you how things are going to be, while they continue to live in the lap of luxury at your expense. Aircraft Mechanics in the IBT would be in such a small group, their concerns would never be heard.