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IAM Open House


Corn Field
Nov 11, 2003
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You're Invited

The IAM is the largest, most experienced airline union in North America.

Now that the Machinists Union has been certified as the new
collective bargaining representative for all US Airways Mechanic & Related workers, you are invited to come to the IAM Open House for US Airways—West Mechanics.

IAM Representatives will be available to answer your questions about the Machinists Union, the IAM’s plans to move forward, our structure and the services we provide to our members.

Stock Clerks who want to learn more about the Machinists Union are also welcome.
When: Wednesday, August 23, 2006
8:00 am—4:00 pm
Where: Airport Marriott
1104 N. 44th Street
Phoenix Arizona, 85008

Las Vegas
When:Thursday August 24, 2006
9:30AM till 7:00PM
Where:Nikki Lee's Sports Pub & Grill
I hope to see everyone there. I will bring in fliers to the hangar tonight. It is also on the IAM's local 142 website under merger news.
Funny thing here......PIT union office was queeried about LAS not having a local and having to attend meetings via the airways(I guess in PHX) and were quite interested in starting a local...in fact it was a subject of malcontent.
Look for exciting opportunities at your station..... 😉 Where ever you are.

Its nice to see disiplined inquiries as to representaion....

Time to work and grow together... :up:
Funny thing here......PIT union office was queeried about LAS not having a local and having to attend meetings via the airways(I guess in PHX) and were quite interested in starting a local...in fact it was a subject of malcontent.
Look for exciting opportunities at your station..... 😉 Where ever you are.

Its nice to see disiplined inquiries as to representaion....

Time to work and grow together... :up:

From what I've seen the West mechanics are very close knit group. Solidarity shouldn't be a problem. The stewards I met are very active and very helpful.
Sure would be nice to have an open house that everyone could attend some of us work 8 to 4 or longer, we need an early morning and evening meeting to cover all the shifts, If you are going to represent us you need to see all of us!
Sure would be nice to have an open house that everyone could attend some of us work 8 to 4 or longer, we need an early morning and evening meeting to cover all the shifts, If you are going to represent us you need to see all of us!
There is "NO" if involved!
I couldn't agree more! It seems we are to meet with them only at there convenience. :down: :down: :down:
A friend received this e-mail from IAM:
Date: [Fri, 18 Aug 2006 17:12:05 -0400]
From: Regan Tom <tregan@iamaw.org>

Subject: RE: US Airways Campaign Page Question

First, let me say that we are planning meetings in PHX and LAS next week; these flyers should be posted at the workplace over the weekend.

The first step of the process is to meet the folks out west and to discuss how we proceed forward and part of these discussions will be transition talks. Members from the east and west will be involved in these talks, so I would not worry about all the rumors you are hearing
about not including the America West folks in the process.

We look forward to meeting with you next week.

Tom Regan

This was in response to the following question. I removed the senders name and email address.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 2:47 PM
Subject: US Airways Campaign Page Question

> Name:
> Email:
> Classification: A&P Mechanic
> AmericaWest: V1
> USAirways:
> Location: PHX
> B1: Submit
> Comments:
> Because of the merger you have a chance to go back to the negotiation table now. Are you?
> If you are, are you going to get back our vacation, sick, disability insurance, better health insurance and decent wages that we can live on?
> Are you going to elect reps from AWA to sit on transition negotiation?
> Is there anybody in charge of these negotiations? If there is, can you send me the phone number please.

Posters have been put up in the PHX hangar inviting US Airways Mechanics and related workers, as-well-as stock clerks, to the IAM. Ref: 700UW's previous post.

Sure would be nice to have an open house that everyone could attend some of us work 8 to 4 or longer, we need an early morning and evening meeting to cover all the shifts, If you are going to represent us you need to see all of us!
I agree, one 8 hour time frame is not broad enough for everyone to attend. :down: There is a need for multiple meetings. :up: I recommend that everyone that agrees send an e-mail to Tom Regan at tregan@iamaw.org. Looks like he would know if more meetings are going to be scheduled.
Sure would be nice to have an open house that everyone could attend some of us work 8 to 4 or longer, we need an early morning and evening meeting to cover all the shifts, If you are going to represent us you need to see all of us!
they'll cover all shifts..... 😉
Before anyone thinks the IAM is so great ask the reps why:?

1) The Flying Tigers mechanics lost so much when merged with FedX the IAM did nothing.

2) The ex Eastern mechanics lost everything and again the IAM did nothing.

3) The TWA mechanics were stapled to the bottom of the list at AA. The IAM sold them out.

4) When the TWA mechanics laid off in St. Louis bumped into other stations they did not go where the lowest man was and so many of the people they bumped lost a year or more of work and the IAM refused to do anything. They did not want to be bothered.

Time they earn the dues they take.
First of all Fed Ex Mechanics were non-union.

Second, EAL the IAM went on strike against the tyrant Lorenzo, all other unions ALPA and TWU followed, it was the greatest showing of labor in years, it forced and banned Lorenzo out of the industry.

Third, The issue went to arbitration, Arbiter Kasher made the ruling, that is the process you had to follow, the TWU screwed the former TWA employees not the IAM.

Fourth, The IAM was not the certified bargaining rep of the AA employees they could not do anything legally.

Don't let the facts get in your way.
Before anyone thinks the IAM is so great ask the reps why:?

1) The Flying Tigers mechanics lost so much when merged with FedX the IAM did nothing.

2) The ex Eastern mechanics lost everything and again the IAM did nothing.

3) The TWA mechanics were stapled to the bottom of the list at AA. The IAM sold them out.

4) When the TWA mechanics laid off in St. Louis bumped into other stations they did not go where the lowest man was and so many of the people they bumped lost a year or more of work and the IAM refused to do anything. They did not want to be bothered.

Time they earn the dues they take.

Quit wasting time about the past that is not relevant today. Look towards the future and quit whining.
2) The ex Eastern mechanics lost everything and again the IAM did nothing.

IAM did nothing?

We as a collective group of concerned members weekly passed the hat for our brothers on strike against one of the worst management groups in labor history.

They may of lost it all in their stand but they told companies that they would not work under these condidtions..IAM did nothing?

IAM did everything.....you refuse to work under those conditions,Bub...you forfeit your job,shut the place down forever. 😉
Those who have read me know I am a die-hard unionist. You also know I have called it as I saw it regarding IAM.

My advice: The genie is out of the bottle and IAM is your representative.

At this point, the best course of action to protect your interests is to get involved and hold the IAM accountable. In PHX you have the mass to make that happen.

Make sure your stewards and committeemen are good unionists, not self-serving SOB's. YOU have control of these selections, not the district or international.

On to trickier matters. The IAM will probably appoint your AGC, and it'll probably be an AWA person. Be very aware of this - WHOEVER YOU GET WILL PROBABLY BE AGC FOR LIFE! The Politburo had more turnover, and the hoops to jump thru to unseat an AGC are nigh insurrmountable.

Moreover, the IAM appoints 'made' men, who unquestioningly follow the international diktat. Who among your ranks has been the go-to guy for the IAM? You may not even know - fleet in our region didn't know the name of our AGC until he had been appointed.

Find out! If this guy is acceptable, ok. If not, hold a mock election in PHX and send the results to the IAM. This will be your last chance to have your voice heard.

AGC is a crucial slot. They de facto decide how your contract will be enforced - which grievances advance, and which ones die a quiet death.

One last thing. The AGC's are supposed to file quarterly reports on grieveance activity. Make them do it, and make it available to the membership.

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