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Iam Negotiations


Your stating of the letter of the law is correct, and on the surface it appears items 1-6 and item 9 are all there. They are also the easiest to meet.

Items 7 and 8 regarding bargaining in good faith and rejecting the agreemtns without cause seem to be harder to define and it all depends on how Judge Mitchell interprets what happens. Whenever you bring a third party into things, you can never predict what will happen, but I am sure both sides are better off finding common ground.
That is true.

This judge is very smart and Very Pro-debter.

But the company is playing hardball, and I don't think there is anyway for the IAM or any union to bring out a T/A that will eliminate 50% or more of the workforce while the executives get rewarded for failure.
You keep saying that the iam presented proposals to USAir on Wednesday and Thursday. Since you keep saying that over and over, what were the proposals?
700UW said:
First of all I don't care what Jerry Glass says, he is not a trustworthy man, and just because Jerry says something it should be gospel?

I don't think so.

I don't care what Glanzer says when he is paid by US Airways to do a report for ALPA, and he has no airline experience and seems like a conflict of interest to me.


Well first of all you and 320 should be put in that pool of people for what you say not to be taken as gospel and another thing you act just as pompous and selfrighteous as 320. And before you say it no I am not jealous of you like you like to say. I know exactly who you are and would never want to be you or any where near your shoes. When I found out what what the IAM was doing with you my jaw dropped. What in the world is the IAM thinking.
usa320pilot....please give us the respect that was given to your group regarding your caving to the companies demands and your disrespect towards those elected by your members to represent the MAJORITY interests....we did not post mindless rants regarding the outcome of alpa and their future as you seem so apt in doing regarding IAM and their members....... please get a life .
your constructive comments as usual are always welcome,but;however...keep the little nyaa nyaa nyaaa crap within your labor group.....
regards and respectfully,
You know it does not matter what you think UVN. No one died and left you boss.

Are you a bankruptcy attorney now?

If not, I suggest you stop practicing law on the internet.
700UW said:
You know it does not matter what you think UVN. No one died and left you boss.

And what you think does matter? Well who died and left you boss? I will post what I think on here I just as you post what you feel. Your feeble attacks at me and my posts are just that.... feeble. Its so funny how when someone posts something you don't like or that proves you wrong you try to change subject and or make feeble attacts at the person trying to degrade them. The chameleon... but you can't hide from the truth we know you for what you are.

700UW said:

Are you a bankruptcy attorney now?

If not, I suggest you stop practicing law on the internet.


So you are an attorney right? Otherwise I suggest you stop practicing law on here as you continue to suggest to others. Practice what you preach. Oh wait your access to her qualifies you right? Hmm reminds me of one of your infamous quotes
Glad to see stick to the topic at hand, NOT!
700UW said:
Glad to see stick to the topic at hand, NOT!

As usual a feeble attempt at diversion when you are pinned down. But since you tried why is your post below not off topic but mine always are? lol Ready for another diversion? Have at it.

700UW said:
You know it does not matter what you think UVN. No one died and left you boss.

By the way are the practicing attorney comments on topic? Those where on my post that you diverted to being off topic.

lol Ready for another diversion? Have at it.
By the way 700 it works much better when you don't respond to me and hide under your rock. You always end up caught in your diversion attempts and then resort to your crude degrading comments. You would serve yourself much better by putting me on ignore so as to stop your grief. You really make yourself look bad enough without my help.
Bottom line is I really dont care what you have to say, I just reply to you, since you have to respond to everything I post, and I am not scared and gonna hide from the likes of someone like you.
700UW said:
Bottom line is I really dont care what you have to say, I just reply to you, since you have to respond to everything I post, and I am not scared and gonna hide from the likes of someone like you.

Off topic Off topic Oh wait it is ok for you not anyone else. I forget so easy.

If you don't care why do you keep making a fool of yourself on here?

Two lies on this post of yours. (remember you are the one that picks apart words)

1. I do NOT respond to EVERYTHING you post. Easily verified.

2. You hid for months from me when I brought you to task for being wrong about 1113 and 1114 differences. You wouldnt respond to my PM's, to a topic I started on it and to an email from your own attorney proving you wrong.
usairways_vote_NO said:
Well first of all you and 320 should be put in that pool of people for what you say not to be taken as gospel and another thing you act just as pompous and selfrighteous as 320. And before you say it no I am not jealous of you like you like to say. I know exactly who you are and would never want to be you or any where near your shoes. When I found out what what the IAM was doing with you my jaw dropped. What in the world is the IAM thinking.

Could it be that 700 has a position all lined up to fall back on if UAIR goes Ch. 7? Could it be that 700 has a position all lined up with the IAM?
Maybe, just maybe that is the reason 700 is all confident and wanting the demise of the airline. It's all starting to be clear.....

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