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Iam Members


Aug 24, 2005
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Your contract that you signed and voted in is not better than the contract the teamsters union has now nor the contract they are working on.
50% pay for the first sick day for five days?? How insane. They have full pay every day. Doctors note after 3 consectutive days
3 weeks vacation until 17 years? wow. We have four.
Many other things are worse than ours. Your conctract is floating around our shops. Maybe you should get our old contract and then ask our Union to see the stuff that is already agreed upon.
Many inconsistencies in what you believe as members and what is true. US Airways is not taking over America West. It is a merger. A bankrupt airlines cannot buy another airline. Keeping the name because it is more widely known.
Your union sold you guys out.
Get ahold of our union. See what you are missing. 200+ people have already signed the cards. Let keep it going. There will be no tail end no matter what union is picked. We will merge 3 of you to one of us. So lets just get it straight at which union is really better.
dont forget that the IAM also lost more than half of their own members because of their failure to negogiate a new contract. but yet the dues went up and are now at 22.45 a check. :down: 😳 :spam:
There is NO doubt the IAM leaves a LOT to be desired...

One Question, Where do the Teamsters stand on Seniority Intergration ?

menyou, When you get done going over the copy of the IAM mechanic's contract that you have, would you please mail it to the CLT. Hangar ?

No one here has seen it yet...Pathetic but True....
Well, obviously we have alot to lose with the seniority issue. Our company is only 20 or so years old. The number one person has 20 years. Most of us are about 5 years. Most of us think it is fair with your number 1-3 top people and then our top person. Then your 4-6 followed by our #2 person. Personally I think that they should get rid of all the old timers that are useless anyways and keep the young guys that are willing to do all the work. But that maybe a different issue in itself.
The head teamster guy (can't remember his name off hand) tried handing out that contract that you guys agreed on, but got escorted off the premises by some supervisors and the police. I am on my 3 days off so I will see if it is still around when I get back to work. If not I will let teamsters know. It has to be posted somewhere if we have a copy of it. Wont it be on the IAM website? Ours are. Along with the new contract in works. Well, so I have heard anyway.
January 21, 2005

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

With 79 percent of the active membership participating, 62 percent of District 141 members at US Airways have voted to accept a contract offer that provides the airline with more than $93 million in annual savings and prevents complete abrogation of the collective bargaining agreement.

Despite efforts by the Fleet Service Negotiating Committee to alter the company’s original October term sheet proposal, the terms ultimately presented to members reflect a bankruptcy process tilted heavily against employees. As one IAM member described the 1113© process, “We had a knife at our back and a gun to our head.â€￾

Among the significant achievements of the IAM negotiating committee: preserving the industry-leading defined benefit pension plan for Fleet Service members; preventing unrestricted outsourcing of all job classifications and maintaining health care coverage for members and their families.

I want to acknowledge the Committee’s efforts throughout this extraordinary and difficult period. Your negotiators made certain the company’s representatives were fully aware of members’ issues, concerns and frustrations in both large and small locations. In no way is the company’s final offer a reflection of their commitment and loyalty to their fellow members.

In the weeks and months to come, we will hopefully see an improvement in the conditions that led US Airways and four other airlines to seek bankruptcy protection. It is not encouraging, however, to see the price of jet fuel rising or airline executives who willingly engage in destructive fare wars.

One thing is certain: US Airways management is once again indebted to its employees for the chance they have given this carrier. We expect them to use this opportunity wisely and make every effort to restore this airline in a manner that respects the sacrifice you have made.

Sincerely and fraternally,

S.R. (Randy) Canale
President and Directing General Chairman
IAM District 141

Octobers Term sheet proposal that was unaltered that was voted on by the mechanics
Your information about the mechanics is wrong, the term sheet that was voted on in January is differant from the October one.

January 6th Term Sheet for Mechanic and Related

January 7, 2005
File: USA-18

US Airways Update
Company’s Final Offer

To: All US Airways Mechanic and Related Employees
At 9:15 last night the company gave your Negotiating Committee its final offer. We are in the process of reproducing this proposal for distribution to each of you.

We expect to get copies of the proposal to all local lodges as soon as possible. The local lodges will be responsible for distribution of this proposal to each of you.

We are in the process of scheduling meetings for a ratification vote and strike vote. You will be notified of the time and place of these meetings as soon as these arrangements have been made. You will be given a full explanation of the company’s proposed contract changes at these meetings.

Disregard all rumors, you will get the facts from your Union Representatives.

Thank you for your patience and support.

Sincerely and fraternally,
William O'Driscoll

January 21, 2005
File: USA-18

US Airways Update
1113© Vote Results

Sixty-one percent of the voting Mechanic & Related membership has accepted US Airways’ final 1113© term sheet proposal. Additionally, ninety-seven percent of voting Maintenance Training Specialists have ratified their tentative agreement with US Airways. Upon bankruptcy court approval, the new terms will be incorporated into revised collective bargaining agreements.

Regrettably, your vote came down to choosing between bad and worse. It is remarkable that thousands of IAM members would sacrifice their own jobs to give this airline and their remaining co-workers a chance to survive. This vote should be the final word in any debate over your commitment to US Airways.

I thank the negotiating committee for their work on your behalf in ensuring your issues were heard at the bargaining table, even under the most difficult conditions imaginable.

Where US Airways goes from here is now out of our hands. Hopefully management won’t waste the substantial sacrifice you have agreed to make.

Sincerely and fraternally,

William O’Driscoll
President and Directing General Chairman
700UW said:
Your information about the mechanics is wrong,

As they say: Semitics...

The IAM provided me with a pension which I really am grateful for, but, a little big BUT: Today I am grateful I am no longer under the IAM's work rules and policies one must live under. For the dues the members are paying it's a damn shame what the membership now receives. Voted on or not! One can do a hell of a lot better minus the union dues, it's a fact, I am living proof. I now make more money with benefits that blow away anything the IAM negotiated for in its entire history.

I can see why the unions of today get a bad rap. I also agree with the statement made above that all the dead wood should be let go, letting newer younger men take over who really want to work.

Spending 35 years as a working class man and working both in union and non union environments I do have a unbiased perspective of the pro and cons of unionism.

Corporate America has been very successful in tearing to shreds the unions’ once powerful jaws. Being a union member today only means you pay union dues, nothing more and a lot less. Like the stock market your dues are being thrown away on a bad investment and you are losing big time.

Think about it: A negated contract provided by due paying members that is beyond horrible, setting the ground work for Corporate America to make American workers into nothing more than legal slaves. Health benefits that are so bad you need a second mortgage to pay the Co-Payments. Vacation reductions that are shameful, a sick day policy that is a joke, holidays cut in half, pensions taken away, on and on. So I ask: Why in the hell would someone want to pay union dues?

I am "not" slamming unions and like I said I am glad I got my "little" pension. My points here are facts and it's a fact that being a union member today is doing nothing except feeding the beast who is eating you alive.
700UW said:
Your information about the mechanics is wrong, the term sheet that was voted on in January is differant from the October one.

January 6th Term Sheet for Mechanic and Related
January 7, 2005
File: USA-18

US Airways Update
Company’s Final Offer

To: All US Airways Mechanic and Related Employees
At 9:15 last night the company gave your Negotiating Committee its final offer. We are in the process of reproducing this proposal for distribution to each of you.

We expect to get copies of the proposal to all local lodges as soon as possible. The local lodges will be responsible for distribution of this proposal to each of you.

We are in the process of scheduling meetings for a ratification vote and strike vote. You will be notified of the time and place of these meetings as soon as these arrangements have been made. You will be given a full explanation of the company’s proposed contract changes at these meetings.

Disregard all rumors, you will get the facts from your Union Representatives.

Thank you for your patience and support.

Sincerely and fraternally,
William O'Driscoll

January 21, 2005
File: USA-18

US Airways Update
1113© Vote Results

Sixty-one percent of the voting Mechanic & Related membership has accepted US Airways’ final 1113© term sheet proposal. Additionally, ninety-seven percent of voting Maintenance Training Specialists have ratified their tentative agreement with US Airways. Upon bankruptcy court approval, the new terms will be incorporated into revised collective bargaining agreements.

Regrettably, your vote came down to choosing between bad and worse. It is remarkable that thousands of IAM members would sacrifice their own jobs to give this airline and their remaining co-workers a chance to survive. This vote should be the final word in any debate over your commitment to US Airways.

I thank the negotiating committee for their work on your behalf in ensuring your issues were heard at the bargaining table, even under the most difficult conditions imaginable.

Where US Airways goes from here is now out of our hands. Hopefully management won’t waste the substantial sacrifice you have agreed to make.

Sincerely and fraternally,

William O’Driscoll
President and Directing General Chairman
700uw, Lest we Forget, The IAM decided to hold a second vote on the same Pathetic offer..

For those that do not know or "forgot", The first vote came back NO..

Now, a REAL union would of taken the wishes of the membership the FIRST time, But NOOOOO, The union leadership was successful in scaring a small percentage of the membership into CHANGING their vote on the SECOND time around. [Which should of never been held]. Shameful
Can you please show me when a second vote was conducted on this final offer?

We voted one time in a two day period January.

Seems you are still holding on to the past of what happened in 2003.

There was no second vote on the current collective bargaining agreement.
700 is correct on this one. Most figured that since the IAM forced the one in 2003 down our thoats with a second vote, this one would end up the same way. Many did not even vote just thinking it was a waste of time with the outcome already decided.

Myself on the other hand am proud to say I have not missed any election since being eligible to vote, my philosphy is U no vote U have no right to #### and complain about the outcome. FYI ....I voted against that so called contract forced down our throats!!!!
700UW said:
Can you please show me when a second vote was conducted on this final offer?

We voted one time in a two day period January.

Seems you are still holding on to the past of what happened in 2003.

There was no second vote on the current collective bargaining agreement.
700UW, You're a real Beauty....

You can play your little games all you want, It will not change History...

It does not matter if these [2] votes were held in the year 1903.....[2] votes were taken on the SAME offer.....Deception and Denial do not hold up well against FACT..

Please take the time to read my post again, I said NOTHING about the FINAL OFFER, I stated "PATHETIC" offer.... Try Again 700...If you want to split hairs, Then we'll split hairs.
You are the one who responded to my post about the January 05 concessions, you stated:

insp89 said:
700uw, Lest we Forget, The IAM decided to hold a second vote on the same Pathetic offer..
I just asked you to prove that we voted twice on the same offer of the latest round of concessions.

Not my fault you made a mistake. 😛

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