Your contract that you signed and voted in is not better than the contract the teamsters union has now nor the contract they are working on.
50% pay for the first sick day for five days?? How insane. They have full pay every day. Doctors note after 3 consectutive days
3 weeks vacation until 17 years? wow. We have four.
Many other things are worse than ours. Your conctract is floating around our shops. Maybe you should get our old contract and then ask our Union to see the stuff that is already agreed upon.
Many inconsistencies in what you believe as members and what is true. US Airways is not taking over America West. It is a merger. A bankrupt airlines cannot buy another airline. Keeping the name because it is more widely known.
Your union sold you guys out.
Get ahold of our union. See what you are missing. 200+ people have already signed the cards. Let keep it going. There will be no tail end no matter what union is picked. We will merge 3 of you to one of us. So lets just get it straight at which union is really better.
50% pay for the first sick day for five days?? How insane. They have full pay every day. Doctors note after 3 consectutive days
3 weeks vacation until 17 years? wow. We have four.
Many other things are worse than ours. Your conctract is floating around our shops. Maybe you should get our old contract and then ask our Union to see the stuff that is already agreed upon.
Many inconsistencies in what you believe as members and what is true. US Airways is not taking over America West. It is a merger. A bankrupt airlines cannot buy another airline. Keeping the name because it is more widely known.
Your union sold you guys out.
Get ahold of our union. See what you are missing. 200+ people have already signed the cards. Let keep it going. There will be no tail end no matter what union is picked. We will merge 3 of you to one of us. So lets just get it straight at which union is really better.