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May 22, 2004
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US Airways, Machinists Hit Impasse

Wednesday, September 1, 2004; Page E01

Cost-cutting talks between US Airways and its machinist union broke off yesterday after the airline said the union's proposed money-saving ideas were not enough to help the carrier avoid bankruptcy.

Union leaders met with airline officials at the carrier's Arlington headquarters to outline operational changes that union officials said could save the carrier about $100 million.

To avoid its second trip into bankruptcy court in two years, US Airways has said it must cut about $1.5 billion in annual costs by the end of September. The airline wants workers to contribute $800 million in pay and benefit cuts.

US Airways mechanics have rejected additional concession talks, but union leaders said they would propose operational changes aimed at helping the carrier reduce its costs. Among the union's suggestions were a reduction in the outsourcing of mechanics' work and a sharp cut in the number of supervisors.

US Airways spokesman David Castelveter said the proposals failed to address the needs of the airline.

"We told them that it is time to immediately begin negotiations with the company and that the time for avoiding the real issues which confront us is over," he said.

A spokesman for the mechanics union declined to comment on the meeting.

Meanwhile, US Airways executives yesterday continued to negotiate on concessions with leaders of the airline's pilots union.

US Airways is hoping the pilot leaders will agree to take the latest proposal to the group's rank-and-file for a vote. The carrier is seeking $295 million a year in concessions from its pilots.

US Airways continues to trim its costs to sustain its operations. The airline has a $110 million pension payment due Sept. 15. Later this month, it must demonstrate to the Air Transportation Stabilization Board that it has reduced its costs enough to meet requirements of a $900 million loan guarantee granted by the federal panel.

US Airways has sought concessions from workers three times in the past three years. During the airline's bankruptcy reorganization last year, employees gave up $1.2 billion a year in pay and benefits.

Meanwhile, US Airways is finalizing its plans to reduce "some" positions within its sales and marketing department as part of its overall restructuring. Also, more than 150 management positions that have become vacant this year remain unfilled, said Christopher L. Chiames, US Airways senior vice president for corporate affairs.

Like most financially struggling carriers, US Airways is trying increase the number of travelers who purchase their tickets from its Web site to reduce distribution costs.
SKY HIGH said:
US Airways, Machinists Hit Impasse

Wednesday, September 1, 2004; Page E01

Cost-cutting talks between US Airways and its machinist union broke off yesterday


This is not a problem. You see when the mechanics vote down the TA then the IAM will have them revote because they won't understand the first time.
We told them that it is time to immediately begin negotiations with the company and that the time for avoiding the real issues which confront us is over," he said.

Oh please!!!! Maybe they dont want to negotiate since they have done enough. :rant:

That's funny that you say that. After the last round of voting for concessions the "YES" votes won for the CWA by five votes. The whole voting process was a disaster. When the process started the union reps were trying their hardest to talk everyone into voting "yes". Then when the voting packets were sent out, some never received them and some that were not supposed to vote received them. Then days after the voting commenced it was announced that something was wrong with the phone-in system and everyone that had already voted by phone had to revote. After the fact many assumed too many "NO" votes had flooded the system too quickly and that's why there "was a problem with the phone-in system" (if you get my drift). From what I heard some forgot to revote and some never even heard that they had to revote. HMMMMM! Then when the count came in that it was a big ole "YES" a union rep was running around asking everyone why they voted "yes".

Well, it was requested by many to have a recount or to vote again because of how close it was and because of all the "problems". What do you think the answer was? A BIG FAT "NO"! Now, do you think that if the end result had been the other way around that the request would have been granted. You bet! It wouldn't have been requested by the members it would have been done...period. Just like the IAM, they would have revoted until the concessions were voted in.

Very suspicious. So, does it really matter how the employees of this company feel and how they vote?
SKY HIGH said:
US Airways, Machinists Hit Impasse

Wednesday, September 1, 2004; Page E01

-To avoid its second trip into bankruptcy court in two years, US Airways has said it must cut about $1.5 billion in annual costs by the end of September. The airline wants workers to contribute $800 million in pay and benefit cuts. -


They keep coming out with this same tripe, but the press never seems to focus on the fact that management has admitted that they have no intention of instituting the non-labor savings of $700 million until 2007. This, of course, is to give the labor savings time to kick in and thereby eliminate any need to change the way USAirways does business. Why? They have admitted to the ALPA Negotiating Committee that they have NOT YET identified the $700 million in non-labor savings!

But I digress.

The real point is that if the need the $1.5 billion by the end of September to avoid bankruptcy, how can that possibly happen if the $700 million non-labor portion will not be effective until 2007?

Why doesn't the media see this discrepancy?
Bottom line is the company is really not interested in cost savings ideas, all they want is the elimination of jobs!!!! :down:
well may be the bankrupt judge will see what kind unfaithful mgmt team usair has and see if he'll come up with a better deal that wont be as bad as what this inept mgmt has.
bobcat said:

That's funny that you say that. After the last round of voting for concessions the "YES" votes won for the CWA by five votes.


I still don't know why people have any faith in an electronic voting system that is impossible to monitor or recount.

We live in a generation that is happy as long as they can tune in to Jerry Springer!