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IAM District 142 Negotiations Update

Meetings are done each month at the local, the district does not handle local lodge meetings.

Check your local lodge web page.

What are the web pages for the locals?
Or are there none for such small stations as PHX, LAS, PHL etc.
This shouldn't came as a surprise to anybody, old boss same as the new boss!!
Well said fanlube and Bird Doctor!! :up:

Lets look at it this way IF.


Some of you boys and girls need to open your eyes, That LIGHT at the end of the tunnel is a TRAIN. 😱

So as said Old Boss Same As The New Boss! Been there and done that.
Either way, the IAM is GONNA F### you, like they did before. Thats why we are the LOWEST paid in the industry!! :down: Hey, but DOOGIE get's his!!! :shock:
it is a waste of time to go to a local meeting. Going to a meeting will net you no more info than staying at home. It's not about anything you can do, but rather about workers getting screwed by a communisitic, injust political machine that is out to take your money and throw accountability down the john. The IAM = Too many secrets.

Here is a web page with the locals listed, you will have to find out what # local lodge is your area.

I know PHL is 1776, not sure PHX and LAS.

IAM Local Lodges

Here is a better list.

Transportation Lodges

Thank you for the info.
So I go to what is listed as the local for PHX, which is supposed to be 2559. I get the following.
The page cannot be found
The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

No big deal right, things happen. So I go to the PHL local site 1776 (cute). Guess what, the last meeting shedule is for SEPTEMBER 5, 2006. OH, and NO INFORMATION about what was in the union or company offers.

I ask again,
What did the company offer?
What was the IAM counter?
Why is this information not available to Employees/Members?
it is a waste of time to go to a local meeting. Going to a meeting will net you no more info than staying at home. It's not about anything you can do, but rather about workers getting screwed by a communisitic, injust political machine that is out to take your money and throw accountability down the john. The IAM = Too many secrets.

You need some help from a very good head doctor because at this point your life consists of living to slam the IAM. Obsession is a serious disorder that needs prompt attention least we read about the spill over in the papers.

Coming on here and saying the moronic things you do constantly about the IAM is not only tiring but scary knowing there is a real live individual hitting the keys while foaming at the mouth filled with hate and bitterness as the readers shake their head wondering when the top will blow.
Contact your GC or call the District Lodge in MCI.
it is a waste of time to go to a local meeting. Going to a meeting will net you no more info than staying at home. It's not about anything you can do, but rather about workers getting screwed by a communisitic, injust political machine that is out to take your money and throw accountability down the john. The IAM = Too many secrets.

Yeah and your logic is one of the contributing factors to the decline of unionism in the USA...you make me proud.
Yeah and your logic is one of the contributing factors to the decline of unionism in the USA...you make me proud.

I agree with you. My logics, by facts, that the IAM has done a despicable job and actually screwed over its members, is not condusive to an increase in union[ism].

Thank you for the info.
So I go to what is listed as the local for PHX, which is supposed to be 2559. I get the following.

No big deal right, things happen. So I go to the PHL local site 1776 (cute). Guess what, the last meeting shedule is for SEPTEMBER 5, 2006. OH, and NO INFORMATION about what was in the union or company offers.

I ask again,
What did the company offer?
What was the IAM counter?
Why is this information not available to Employees/Members?

I did find this address. I don't know if it's a structure or a just mailing address:

IAMAW Local Lodge 2559
1841 N. 24th Street, Suite 4
Phoenix, AZ 85008
I agree with you. My logics, by facts, that the IAM has done a despicable job and actually screwed over its members, is not condusive to an increase in union[ism].

Your contagious logic that has already befallen a vast majority of the unionized masses in the US.Why do so many quickly point out fault but then have not the time to administer a cure?
And what did the AGW or FSU do for the rampers?

Since you appointed yourself and Mike Pruitt grandpoobas and never did anything except divide and give fasle hope.
Your contagious logic that has already befallen a vast majority of the unionized masses in the US.Why do so many quickly point out fault but then have not the time to administer a cure?
I wouldn't finally know the answer to that question Dell other than they are just reading the handwriting on the wall.

I myself was deeply involved in the IAM, went to every meeting and many conventions, representing about a 1,000 workers at the district level for one of the IAM's biggest locals. That's how I know the IAM and its structure is a ripoff and its futile to try to change its impotence, because of all the daylight I and others burned trying to 'fix it'. Not even a huge viagara pill could keep the IAM from its impotence in helping the working people of America.

I should have already known by reading its INTL constitution which gives exclusive powers to the INTL. IAM Locals are powerless as the IAM is extremely top heavy. I will say that it isn't entirely the constitutions fault since years ago the IAM was more useful in attempting to serve social justice.

When I didn't like what I saw, I tried to coordinate a competing officer ticket to get those I personally saw as 'leaches' out of office. I was successful in putting together a multi employer ticket that even included "Diehards" that would die for the IAM. But, in the end, the undemocratic system was a stonewall, and not surprisingly, the IAM even violated that [See DOJ and DOL suits].

My conclusion was that any time spent trying to 'fix this union' is a complete and utter waste. It's just the perfect storm of worker apathy and union boss unaccountability.
BTW, it is much harder to vote out an IAM Boss than it would be to just get rid of the whole union. Nonetheless, a taunting task indeed.

Hopefully, a delta merger would trigger a vote where I believe the great majority of workers will finally have the democratic opportunity to 'wash out' the IAM off US AIRWAYS property.

Just an opinion Dell. I will give your question some points though by saying it is a plausible question. I think most people are so damn busy today that they have little time to even consider their collective bargaining situation. Perhaps ironic.
Generally speaking, there is a huge cancer for unions called member apathy. Members want unions to entertain them but in the end, the opium has seemed to silence the masses anyways. The apathy has created an environment for the leaches to rise and multiply enough to pimp and corrupt the entire.

I think if one is to research the cultural phenomena that it will show an environment not condusive to unions or solidarity. A radical shift would have to take place within the American Labor movement to make unions more of an internalized and legitimate part of society. Such a shift, imo, would not occur at the top of the unions, they are already damned and I would think it impossible for the bloodsuckers to stop feeding.

At any rate,

I wouldn't finally know the answer to that question Dell

At any rate,


What you're referring to is not new. It all started back with the fall of man. It's not a union problem, it's not the members problem and surely it's not [your] problem although you made it seem that way. Pouring acid all over everything or using scorched earth policy isn't the answer either.

You have become part of the problem by adding to it with your hate fill rants of bitterness and rage. That approach never worked and never will. You can’t go around screaming in everyone’s face and expect to be listened to let alone be taken seriously.

Sure there are problems and always will be, but until [his] return and until then stop being part of the problem.

Start your own more friendly moral union, or take up crocheting.
What you're referring to is not new. It all started back with the fall of man. It's not a union problem, it's not the members problem and surely it's not [your] problem although you made it seem that way. Pouring acid all over everything or using scorched earth policy isn't the answer either.

You have become part of the problem by adding to it with your hate fill rants of bitterness and rage. That approach never worked and never will. You can’t go around screaming in everyone’s face and expect to be listened to let alone be taken seriously.

Sure there are problems and always will be, but until [his] return and until then stop being part of the problem.

Start your own more friendly moral union, or take up crocheting.


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