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Iam Cwa

Wrong bucko.

IAM Mechanic and Related put an update out at 4:30PM, ramp is not meeting with the company.

700UW said:
Wrong bucko.

IAM Mechanic and Related put an update out at 4:30PM, ramp is not meeting with the company.


Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Your Negotiating Committee reconvened at US Airways headquarters today. The Committee met with management to discuss various issues.

Our economist is still going through the large amount of data provided to the IAM by the company; some of the information was received as late as yesterday.

The committee is scheduled to meet again tomorrow.

Whew, what would anyone do without an update like this?
I agree with 28yrs....."no information"
700UW said:
Don't be so sure on that.

Not so sure!!!

You can bank on it.. Plain and simple..

The IAM is going to sell out just like they did at UAL..

If they can save the dues of 800 mechanics and keep it going they will.
The best thing is it does not matter if you agree or disagree, PITMTC does not belong to the IAM.

Guess he does not realize if they outsource maintenance and close PIT, there won't be supervisors or managers left either.

And negotiations are confidential and you don't report everything that happens because today if both sides say X and agree, that can change tomorrow and become Y.

But I would not expect a non-union person to understand that.

And if you can understand that the financial analysis has to be completed before negotiations get really rolling, then you would be able to comprehend that that bulletin says.
700UW said:
The best thing is it does not matter if you agree or disagree, PITMTC does not belong to the IAM.

Guess he does not realize if they outsource maintenance and close PIT, there won't be supervisors or managers left either.

And negotiations are confidential and you don't report everything that happens because today if both sides say X and agree, that can change tomorrow and become Y.

But I would not expect a non-union person to understand that.

And if you can understand that the financial analysis has to be completed before negotiations get really rolling, then you would be able to comprehend that that bulletin says.

Since I have some time and am in the mood I will go over your post line-by-line to tell you what I think. First let me tell you what a proffessor told me once and never left my mind. Be careful with your choice of words. If you want to be taken seriously and sound educated in a debate then use the correct meaning of a word or read/sound like a moron to an educated person. So do not respond to me with "that's not what I meant" because that is how I read or listen to people: the way they write/speak.

Lines one and two. I never tell people that what they believe or feel does not matter, in God's world, we all do. Your damn right I don't "belong" to the IAM, do you?

Lines three four and five. You are wrong that I do not realize what the effects of outsourcing are. I am prepared to make decisions based on the outcomes of all (that I could come up with) scenarios in this situation. I do not go around bragging about being in the loop and all, but I DO know what the manpower issues will be in management numbers based on different outcomes of these negotiations. I KNOW you do not. And I will be affected by some scenarios directly. That does not make me worry too much. I do hope the negotiations do not take it in that direction for I will have to go look for another job and really do not want to. I educated myself enough to know where I stand. You and the rest of the average workers do not know where you will be. You either think you may or may not get bumped if they close PIT or if they close CLT or or they outsource utility or stores, or if they outsource half of heavy....................the list of uncertanties can go on and on in you mind. The union leadership, very well respectedly, would not even begin to speculate on the scenarios. I truly resect them for that, it is unecessary information to the memebrs since the negotiations are fluid at this time. Do not believe because you know something that someone else does not. Example "I would not expect a non-union person to understand that". What does being a union member have to do with knowing that negotiations can change? What? Give me support of this? Can I take from this statement that "all" union people do know? Again another example of word usage and phrasing.

700 you are very well informed, I will agree with that. You obviously take the time to research your information. In my opinion though, your motive is wacked out. You use your knowledge more to prove other people wrong than to help the people on here who want to learn. With a goal like that you lose credibiity.
Some free advice, because I do want your information for me. I am grateful that you spend much of your life on the computer researchiing things so I could get on once in a while and learn. It gives me time to enjoy life. Just post you research, do not constantly try to attack other peoples opinions. If I am going to use you as a source of information, I want to get the most for my time. I have to play with my kids and go to school and enjoy the company of my wife, and work. I rely on your information to sum things up. Your use of time makes mine more effective. So keep on living on the computer and give me clear and direct information. And take some courses on word usage so I do not have to figure out what you meant to say. It takes up more of my time.
Thanks again. 😉
The CWA is able to share what was discussed at their meeting, so why is it Confidential for the IAM? The IAM will keep it a Big Secret until they have a wondeful T/A for the members to vote on. During the past 2 rounds of concessions, nothing was know until it was in print awaiting a YES Vote.
yes vote to contract ramps in 5 mainline cities,brothers really protected
there own. Cant wait to see this one .
That is exactly what will happen. If the offer of $18 an hour made to the CWA represented is any indication of what the IAM-FSA will be offered. Hopefully this time all of the people that are not in the 6 stations to remain Mainline will Vote it down. Maybe some in the 6 stations will even realize that all of those Expressed may be coming into their station in the Future.
Sounds like negotiations broke off because CWA wouldn't bite on the absurd contract which included such great bennies as:

being sick a day and getting paid for 4 hrs....

Going from 10 paid holidays in previous contracts down to 5 holidays ....

Having partimers hired to get better shifts with nights, weekends and holidays off, so you with seniority... can work them....

Oh yeah...and the priveledge of getting laid off and getting called back at a lower wage than you were working at....Nice...

And outsoucing all and any jobs....

Quick question for you all...

Everyone agrees that the majors need to adopt to LCC workrules...

How many holidays do JetBlue rampers/customer service get paid for?

The answer: 3 (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years)

Wake up already, it is time.

Pay doesn't need to be cut as drastically as everything else, but the other "perks" should have been gone yesterday. 401K, profit sharing instead of pension, etc.

If I am the IAM, I say to the company "what do we need to do to keep as many jobs as possible on the property?"

Say to the company, "tell us what we need to give up in order to keep all MX (heavy included) on the property, and we will do it"

I bet MX would agree to a permanent 20% pay cut if they were given all heavy MX and their holiday's were cut to 3. Am I wrong?

People have said it is actually cheaper to do heavy inhouse as opposed to outsourcing. Prove it. Keep the jobs in house and do it for what the rest of the industry is doing. You all talk about how your wages are lower the WN, but the fact remains that WN still doesn't (and never has) paid for 10 holidays!
CWA has a new proposal on the web site,...http://www.cwalocal3640.com...although this is the unions proposal to the company...no clue on if the company will let them put it to memebers for a vote...?