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I'm more versed in part 91 ops, but is there a difference (as far as the regs and company policies) between a MX checkout flight and a ferry flight? If this flight took off and returned to CLT as part of a MX check, is it technically allowed for any non-essential passengers to be on board?
I'm just curious - not trying to get anyone busted.
To be management demands less than a two digit IQ and I have never been able to dumb myself down that far.

I believe any captain should have the authority to take whoever he damn well pleases, not to bump paying pax. I have an in-law who flies for a foreign carrier into/out of the US and he takes whoever he damn well pleases on the jumpseat.

The fact that American pilots are so stupid as to buy onto such idiotic restrictions compared to the rest of the world just shows how many cowards fly the US skies. Damn sheep.

What an idiotic statement, Captain should be able to take whoever he/she wants on the jumpseat? What do you think they own the acft? Pay for fuel of another body who might have purchased a ticket? Feed that person? Have our res agents/rampers work for that freebie? What a bonehead!!

Shark....say your a capt and take one of your neighbors for a ride on a company aircraft and theres an accident, who does the neighbor hold liable? I'd be willing to say you would think the company is the one that should foot the bill....
The Captain has absolute authority when it comes to operation and safety of flight. Absent those criteria, that authority doesn't give him the right to violate company policy or FAA regs. While I would love to be able to jumpseat with the Captain's blessing, I agree with the FAA reg that prohibits non-crew (or those with explicit jumpseat privs).

I know that before 9/11, many foreign airlines allowed passenger visits to the cockpit DURING flight. I was able to sit with the crew on an Air France 747-200 for about 30 minutes once (circa 1999) and was high as a kite for days after. I know of others who were allowed to sit up front in the Concorde during landings. Sadly, those days are over.
is it technically allowed for any non-essential passengers to be on board?
Technically, if there are passengers in the cabin you have to have the full complement of F/A's. That pretty much means that test flights can't legally have non-essential personnel just along for the ride unless they "occupy" the cockpit jumpseat (at least on paper). The same would go for ferry flights if F/A's aren't on board.

Many ferry flights do have F/A's, though. The last one I did before retirement was IAH-GSO - a maintenance problem in IAH put us behind for IAH-CLT-GSO flights so we ferried (with F/A's) to pick up our schedule in GSO. As it happened, we had a non-rev family of 4 plus an FAA inspector on our original flight that were going to GSO, so they all rode along with us. Heck, the FAA inspector even agreed to "inspect" the aft galley so the non-revs could look at the cockpit enroute.

What an idiotic statement, Captain should be able to take whoever he/she wants on the jumpseat? What do you think they own the acft? Pay for fuel of another body who might have purchased a ticket? Feed that person? Have our res agents/rampers work for that freebie? What a bonehead!!

Yeah, I can see where that would seem idiotic, to a sheep.
I think less than 19 people can fly without Flight Attendants

I really hate to do this.

There are different "test" flights. Some, one can only have FAA specified personnel. Others may or may not include cabin personnel, depending. Others may be more properly termed "positioning" flights, which may or may not demand a minimum compliment of flight attendants, even though not a revenue flight, one non-rev almost guarantees a requirement of a full complement of flight attendants.

I _always_ demand a fax detailing the type of flight and who or what may be transported. Any grey area will always be in favor of the employee.

I have found lately that the US/HP abuse of the Spectre system has led to a series of successive "waivers" on MELs and maintenance. I always demand a fax with a FAA signature on such a waiver, not that it would help me just before impact, but the fact that I always fax a copy to a safe place will protect my spouses assets. (Not that I think she would benefit from such a defunct organization but she could be protected and let all you other saps pay the bill).

BTW, US/HP is the only airline in the world to abuse the Spectre system, that from Vietnam, China and a host of middle east countries. It would be really nice if US could lead for once instead of always cutting corners, since the HP acquisition.