i had a quest. i am a usairways f/a and last thurday i nonreved on b6 flt 44 mco -jfk. we ended up diverting to acy(atlantic city) because we were holding due to traffic flow into jfk and fuel was becoming an issue. we were on the ground in acy for about an hr. no one got off or on the plane. so when it was time to go, the crew re did the whole emergency demo. my question is why? no one got off the plane or got on the plane so i do not understand what was the point in redoing the whole thing. why not just reminde the pax to put there seat backs upright stow tray tables and fasten seat belts. and also on approach to acy the f/a's made the whole jetblue is commited to keeping fares as low as possible bit. why ? we were diverting. we were not going to our final dest. i guess its just habit. all in all though the inflight crew handled the situation very well .