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HUD Launches Scheme To Racially Diversify Suburbs

With all the White guilt you and others are suffering, why don't you call up BaRack and see if he'll let a black, inner-city, family of nine, move in with you. Surely you wouldn't have a problem with that !
And the diminishing numbers of wackos you want in office specialize in piss and moan.

Is that called the Bush Mirror? You're looking at the guy in the mirror pissing and moaning was all you did when Bush was in. Oh but I forgot. A self-absorbed bigot only sees what suits him and all others are wrong.
Post #66

No it was true, moron. My ex-sister-in-law lives out of state and is kind of hard to see and talk to. But the story is true, and like I said, if it happens to me, I won't hesitate to use the reverse-discrimination suit! Your next line will probably be-how convenient. Non the less it is true.