How To Run A Winning Card Drive.

Get real, The TWU has done a hell of a lot better job of protecting jobs than the amfa. TWU leadership is hands down better than the amfa's especially here in Tulsa (what a fiasco). Is that all ya got? Yoohooo. You there Delle? Hello? Boy! now would be a good time to show up Delle? Wheres Delle? Honestlly, does it really take a so highly touted A&P licensed mechanic to repair a seat or glue carpet to a closet? How about deicing a plane? I don't think so. Evidently the membership didn't think so either when they voted on the contract. I would ventue to say that the day those SRPs got their "come to work for AA letters" was and remains one of the happiest days of their lives. They knew they were going to make damn good money repairing seats and gluing carpet to closets. The same exact reason you opted not to work in general aviation. In fact the pay scale of a licensed A&P mechanic working in general aviation is probably a more realistic and accurate measurement of what your skill, knowledge and integrity is truly worth. The amfa has managed to destroy the mechanic class and craft for years to come. What has happened at NW and United is clear evedence of that. Talk about a surplus of mechanics. How can any labor force have any real clout with such an abundance of (by now) hungry experienced licensed A&P mechanics. I bet the trade schools are just thrilled with the amfa too.

I find it hard to believe that you honestly think I would reveal my identity. For what purpose? I could not care less about who you people are. In my opinion the only thing relevant here is what you have to say, or more importantly, what I have to say (that was a joke for you amfa guys). Revealing my identy to some of the people in this forum is kinda like sending my steak back to the cook at a restaurant, I don't like snot on my baked potato any more than having my vehicle keyed out in the parking lot. I've got a pretty good sense of what amfa integrity is all about. My mama did raise no amfa fool.
Strake said:
Get real, The TWU has done a hell of a lot better job of protecting jobs than the amfa. TWU leadership is hands down better than the amfa's especially here in Tulsa (what a fiasco). Is that all ya got? Yoohooo.
Then why is there a record number of Candidates for Union Office in the current Local Election, and everyone of them are campaigning on "CHANGE"?

Are you voting for Randy McDonald and ALL incumbents also?

I notice you "Still Have a Job and Proud of It", then why you bitching about "shared sacrifice"? Those management employees need their jobs also. If you "saved" all the jobs, then you need the management also?
Dave we know you feel that we have to many employees! But why not get involved with the RO committee and bring more work inhouse? You seem to have some extra time on your hands.

It is a shame that you feel that supporting certain people for an election is to help the Amfa drive instead of helping the Membership! That is like laying everyone off going over the 38% cap and letting Amfa keep the Money! Where is the honor and integrity in that?
Checking it Out said:
Dave we know you feel that we have to many employees! But why not get involved with the RO committee and bring more work inhouse? You seem to have some extra time on your hands.

It is a shame that you feel that supporting certain people for an election is to help the Amfa drive instead of helping the Membership! That is like laying everyone off going over the 38% cap and letting Amfa keep the Money! Where is the honor and integrity in that?
Helping the AMFA Drive is helping the Membership!

Nothing could be better for the members than getting rid of the TWU.

What part of "CHANGE IS NEEDED" don't you understand?

You are apparently for change also, but only the kind of change that leaves unelected Dictators in control of our future. If you are so opposed to Randy McDonald being Local President, I doubt that you just came to that opinion last week. If you had the AMFA Consitution, you could have re-called him a long time ago, instead of throwing a record number of Candidates at him, most running an AMFA platform of change.

No Direct Election of International Officers

No Recall of Local of International Officers

Federal Judge rules that under the TWU Constitution changes or amendments to your Labor Agreement dont even have to be voted on.

Where's the Accountability and Democracy in that?

GO get involved in what?
Ken MacTiernan said:
The Line and Overhaul are united.
I bet they were at NW too! I wonder how those AO guys feel now? How many hangars are they tearing down up there?

From what I understand, the amfa guys on the line at AA are pretty pissed off with the way you amfa guys here in Tulsa have performed. As they should be. You gotta figure though, you have a "welder" running the show (one of the first to go whould amfa get in). Go figure. The kicker here is you guys picked him!
Strake said:
I bet they were at NW too! I wonder how those AO guys feel now? How many hangars are they tearing down up there?

From what I understand, the amfa guys on the line at AA are pretty pissed off with the way you amfa guys here in Tulsa have performed. As they should be. You gotta figure though, you have a "welder" running the show (one of the first to go whould amfa get in). Go figure. The kicker here is you guys picked him!
Actually in the AMFA drive no one was picked by anyone people just kind of assumed certain jobs and ran with it, we were all just basically self proclaimed Organizers.
There was going to be an Election today to do exactly what you said elect people to do certain Jobs but now that the NMB has said there will be no vote I am pretty sure that there will not be an officer Election, what would be the point.
Raptor said:
Actually in the AMFA drive no one was picked by anyone people just kind of assumed certain jobs and ran with it, we were all just basically self proclaimed Organizers.
There was going to be an Election today to do exactly what you said elect people to do certain Jobs but now that the NMB has said there will be no vote I am pretty sure that there will not be an officer Election, what would be the point.
Raptor, where has the NMB stated there will not be an election?
Ken MacTiernan said:
Raptor, where has the NMB stated there will not be an election?
Ken they said that we were 57 cards short to have an Election, and a NMB decision has never been overturned.
Raptor said:
Ken they said that we were 57 cards short to have an Election, and a NMB decision has never been overturned.
You are a liar on several fronts.

Don Rodgers is the ELECTED Chairman of the Organizing Committe in Tulsa.

And when I was Chairman, I too was ELECTED. Something you would have to actually be an organizer and attend meetings to even know.

And the NMB has NOT said we are short of anything. I am the one that said if the ruling stands we are 57 cards short. The BOARD has not even made a ruling, only an investigator has. So why don't you study up a little more before spewing BS?

You are nothing more than uninformed and spewing falsehoods, same actions that lead us to relief that you are no longer considered one of us.

You have always been either unable to keep startegy close to your chest, or you are spewing falsehoods pretending to know what is taking place around you.

Your lies, and uncontrolled anger place you in perfect position for TWU advocate of the Year. It won't take much to win Dan, just keep up what you are doing and you are a shoe in.

You should at least spare your credibility and despense with the lies. And your anger issues could be resolved by joining the Thompson, Howard, McDonald clan.
Decision 2004 said:
Helping the AMFA Drive is helping the Membership!

Nothing could be better for the members than getting rid of the TWU.

What part of "CHANGE IS NEEDED" don't you understand?

You are apparently for change also, but only the kind of change that leaves unelected Dictators in control of our future. If you are so opposed to Randy McDonald being Local President, I doubt that you just came to that opinion last week. If you had the AMFA Consitution, you could have re-called him a long time ago, instead of throwing a record number of Candidates at him, most running an AMFA platform of change.

No Direct Election of International Officers

No Recall of Local of International Officers

Federal Judge rules that under the TWU Constitution changes or amendments to your Labor Agreement dont even have to be voted on.

Where's the Accountability and Democracy in that?

GO get involved in what?
Become informed and you will see the difference, Under the TWU it only takes one member to file a valid complaint to start the process to remove someone, Under Amfa it is virtually impossible to recall. Dont be fooled by the half-truths amfa is famous for.

Click here to read the difference!
First you say I am a liar and then you say I am uninformed which is it there is a difference a lie is an intentional untruth uninformed is not knowing what the truth is make up your mind, once again you think you know what everyone thinks and what they are about are you a Psychic or just psycho :lol:
It makes no difference to me what you consider me to be anymore than it makes any difference to you what I consider you to be ;)
I am glad that I am able to get you so upset Dave that makes me really happy and you know it does, there would be atleast one good side to joining the TWU and that would be not being on the same side as you I allways hated that part, I didn't come to many meeting because you were allways there being a pain, and I really just got tired of seeing and hearing you :lol:
As far as being angry I am the happiest guy in the world not angry about anything anymore it sounds to me like you are the angry one :lol:
but hey that's ok a little anger never hurt anyone right. ;)
so you just keep on being mad Dave and I will just keep on being a happy go lucky guy without a care in the world.
As long as the TWU is on the property at least we won't have to worry about you being an officer that allways did worry me alot.
There is a silver linning in every dark cloud if you look hard enough Davey boy. :shock:

you know Dave, Don is a pretty decent guy but you are just an emotional wacko with a temper :blink:

Don't worry be happy Don't worry be happy Don't worry be happy :lol:

Remember guys 2:00pm at bigsplash today we will all be holding hands and singing coombyah in an effort to get along
I spoke with a guy that use to work with you. He said you were pretty much worthless and as far as fighting a greivance you always sided with the company. I havn't got the 2001 version of the twu constitution but I will try and find one because the older copy I do have doesn't have a provision or procedure for recall of international officers. I'm thinking if there is a recall procedure it is reserved for international officers to recall international officers and not a recall procedure for the lower local level scum to recall these unelected untouchables.
Scorpion, I think what you are talking about is that in 1997 they deleted Article XXII from the twu Constitution, which was a recall Article. They figured if you cannot remove an International officer why should you be able to remove a local officer.

Since then in the 2001 Constitution they have added Article XXI. There is a procedure, It says, if you do not carry out the local or international executive boards wishes they will suspend the local officer. Then they hold a meeting and if they have an agenda to remove the officer, they will, if the local or International Executive board does not want the officer removed then he stays.

Ultimately there is no membership say, in the long run the unelected International Executive board, if they so desire will have the last say.

Screen Cature from the 2001 afl-cio twu constitution.
I read your little click here link, it wasn't out of the twu constitution but I gave you the benefit of the doubt before I called a spade a spade.
Rusty's post was out of the twu constitution and something doesn't jive between what your link says and what Rusty's post says. HHHHHHMMMMMMMMMM
Could someone with the amfa constitution PLEASE post the process for ousting lets say Delle Femine?

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