How To Run A Winning Card Drive.

Steve Connell said:
Sorry Dave if I'm not impressed. You're a legend in your own mind.
maybe they could do a role reversal

Don could be the Dad and Dave could be the Mom :p
My World said:
maybe they could do a role reversal

Don could be the Dad and Dave could be the Mom :p
Not only does the structure of the twu suck, so do most of it's supporters. Their antics will help to keep us focused on the next drive. If you don't think there will be another drive, keep toking on that crack pipe!!!

No Vote, NO PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep the Faith...........AMFA NOW!!!!!!!!!!
How does supporting the amfa help you in your "profession", if doing so eventually results in the loss of your job? Well, not everyone but if you are just looking at North West's numbers, quite a few. The amfa history speaks for itself and so has the TWU membership. The amfa has lost again. The amfa has missed the best opertunity it will ever have here at American Airlines. So why the "No vote no peace" slogan? You see Radman, if you don't have enough cards, you can't have a vote. Got it? What kind of name is Radman? How old are you? 15? Duuuude! And please, show some of that integrity that you amfadites wear on your shirts, where did I ever say or imply that the majority of the people that support the TWU would cross a picket line? Can you not read or do you have a comprehension problem? I guess you could just blame it on your amfadite mentality. On the contrary, if anyone would cross a TWU picket line it be would surely be an amfadite. Its a well known fact that the amfa is a union raiding association. Why then would a "me first" amfa supporter NOT be inclined to cross a legitament unions picket line? Now please, mr. amfa guy, grow a frigging brain, get off your high horse, turn around and come back, you're going the wrong way. :D
And how do you feel about having cabin service people considered MECHANICS?

That does wonders for our profession!
if anyone would cross a TWU picket line it be would surely be an amfadite.

TWU picket line?

Ok all wise one, explain to me through your concessionary negotiated contract with its "No Strike Clause" when and where the picket lines will form?

While you are at it, give us a history lesson of the strike activity of the TWU Local 514 for the members of your precious local.
Hopeful said:
And how do you feel about having cabin service people considered MECHANICS?

That does wonders for our profession!
I thought that was a government ruling and not a union one, correct? I believe all unions are hamstrung with the mechanics "and related".

As long as it was brought up, how would one go about ridding the mechanics of the "related"? Petition the government?
Thanks for the compliment BUCK. Coming from a dupe like yourself really means something. Really! Being or becoming wise comes with age does it not BUCK? I really consider myself a REALIST. Oh, and its a "NO STRIKE /NO LOCKOUT CLAUSE". Quit being a buckhead. How do you amfa dupes sleep at night knowing that if amfa was able to get in at American, that those all those low senior amts that you talked into signing cards would lose there jobs? You should be ashamed. Theres still time to turn around amfa guy, there is an end to the amfa road your on. Its with the loss of your high paying job. I guess you could always get into general aviation maintenance. I wonder what that pays??? What good are those A&P licenses if your not working in the aviation industry? Turn around while there is still time. Come back amfa guy.....come back......
Strake said:
Thanks for the compliment BUCK. Coming from a dupe like yourself really means something. Really! Being or becoming wise comes with age does it not BUCK? I really consider myself a REALIST. Oh, and its a "NO STRIKE /NO LOCKOUT CLAUSE". Quit being a buckhead. How do you amfa dupes sleep at night knowing that if amfa was able to get in at American, that those all those low senior amts that you talked into signing cards would lose there jobs? You should be ashamed. Theres still time to turn around amfa guy, there is an end to the amfa road your on. Its with the loss of your high paying job. I guess you could always get into general aviation maintenance. I wonder what that pays??? What good are those A&P licenses if your not working in the aviation industry? Turn around while there is still time. Come back amfa guy.....come back......
The existing concessionary agreement between the TWU International and American Airlines becomes amendable in 2009...

Unless the company needs to frighten the TWU into submission again. Then the 2006 early openers will be available. It is possible that the TWU International could beg for the last concessions in an attempt to continue the dues generating machine of the TWU International. How do you sleep at night knowing that you have devasted the mechanic class and craft of the whole airline industry? The damage is so widespread that our grandchildren may never recover thanks to the TWU. YOu have no idea what would happen with AMFA on the property.

Tell me how the card drives at the AMFA represented airlines ( thats plural ) are going?

General Aviation pay? Keep up the concessions and you will get us there.
Troyer is damn good at name calling and childhood playground tactics.

How well can he "machine" parts? I hear that he does very little work and most co-workers hate the man!
Buck please explain to us what you would do different when you are in negotiations representing the membership knowing NW and united have sent 10,000 AMT's out the door waiting to do our work at third party maintenance bases?
Checking it Out said:
Buck please explain to us what you would do different when you are in negotiations representing the membership knowing NW and united have sent 10,000 AMT's out the door waiting to do our work at third party maintenance bases?
So your answer is to give up more than anyone else? Outside of bankruptcy? To lower the standard way below those who went bankrupt?

10,000, is that this weeks number? Next week 20,000? You talk as if we have not lost jobs, how do you account for the fact that we have over 2000 less mechanics on payroll now than we did two years ago and that AA spends more on outsourcing than ANY other airline? Add to that the fact that AA has increased capacity.

According to the Washington post article by Sara Kehaulani Goo AA spent 465.2 million on outsourcing compared to UALs $304.2 million and NWAs $286.2 million. AA spent more on outsourcing than Alaska and America West total maintence budgets-combined!
Bob Owens said:
So your answer is to give up more than anyone else? Outside of bankruptcy? To lower the standard way below those who went bankrupt?

10,000, is that this weeks number? Next week 20,000? You talk as if we have not lost jobs, how do you account for the fact that we have over 2000 less mechanics on payroll now than we did two years ago and that AA spends more on outsourcing than ANY other airline? Add to that the fact that AA has increased capacity.

According to the Washington post article by Sara Kehaulani Goo AA spent 465.2 million on outsourcing compared to UALs $304.2 million and NWAs $286.2 million. AA spent more on outsourcing than Alaska and America West total maintence budgets-combined!
Wow! 465.2 m-i-l-l-i-o-n? I guess "they can do that" when little jimmy can't get an R.O. report because he does not know how. According to the twu, we have the lowest outsourcing in the industry. Is that just another twu lie? Appears so.

Anything from the twu cowards? cio? twuer?

You amfa guys turned your back on the TWU, your fellow co-workers and even your so called leadership here in Tulsa. See the patern here? Can you say turncoat? Seems to me it would be easy for you to come on back. Speaking of your leadership, this is old but still relevent. How sorry can you be to stand out there in the hall at the TWU sponsored debate and let that poor amfa dupe wallow there at the mic by himself? I mean, why even show up? How can you explain that? Thats what I call good old amfa integrity. :D
Bob Owens said:
According to the Washington post article by Sara Kehaulani Goo AA spent 465.2 million on outsourcing compared to UALs $304.2 million and NWAs $286.2 million. AA spent more on outsourcing than Alaska and America West total maintence budgets-combined!
465.2 million, I can see em now!!

But, But, But, wait, the AMFA, the AMFA, the AMFA!!!! LMFAO
Strake said:
You amfa guys turned your back on the TWU, your fellow co-workers and even your so called leadership here in Tulsa. See the patern here? Can you say turncoat? Seems to me it would be easy for you to come on back. Speaking of your leadership, this is old but still relevent. How sorry can you be to stand out there in the hall at the TWU sponsored debate and let that poor amfa dupe wallow there at the mic by himself? I mean, why even show up? How can you explain that? Thats what I call good old amfa integrity. :D
strake, it was the twu that turned their back on the membership. But then you would know that. Tell me again how the "Change from within!" slogan was to help AMTs. Tell me again how jim little has the sole ability to vote on our contracts. Tell me again how the twu can allow osm/srps to remove licensed AMTs from the back shops and this is NOT outsourcing. Tell me again how the twu can allow ramp to perform air starts, deicing, push backs, work done by AMTs at one time and that is not outsourcing.

There is no leadership in the twu international. Only unelected, greedy men who care only about dues and worrying about issues that do not effect our craft. The only dissention in the twu is between the twu and their membership. The Line and Overhaul are united. Layoffs in either work group will have dire effects on the other.

Step out into the light and stand up like a man. State your name if you are so proud of the twu and your profession. It's easy now. After all the twu tells you there is no election right? ;)

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