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How things have changed!

Again,off topic,------- But I remmeber years ago, when I was still working on the west coast, two of my "comrades" and myself, were assigned to park Harrand Hammer's privote jet at the international terminal. After we parked it and the passengers departed, Customs ordred the crew to off load all luggage to be inspected. The crew looked at us as to say, " all right, get to it boys!" We had the privilege of telling them, "sorry, not our job man!" ------- Ever see pilots handel bags? I have!!! It is a sight to behold! ------- By the way, Harmmen Hammer's jet was the only American aircraft cleared to fly Soviot airspace, "unescorted" at the time!!! A prime case of both Communist sympathizer,and Capitalist! -------- As far as your last post,-------It's way before, even this old farts, time guy!

Hammer was a business man and part of the ruling elite. Money and power and what gets them those two are their only loyalty. If you just skim through the index of the link I posted you will see just how true that is. How is China a "commie" dictatorship yet it produces most of the goods we produced here and owns so much of our debt? Commies vs. capitalists is just a side show for the little guy, like WWF. The big boys know the game; its multi-level chess.
Hammer was a business man and part of the ruling elite. Money and power and what gets them those two are their only loyalty. If you just skim through the index of the link I posted you will see just how true that is. How is China a "commie" dictatorship yet it produces most of the goods we produced here and owns so much of our debt? Commies vs. capitalists is just a side show for the little guy, like WWF. The big boys know the game; its multi-level chess.

Having been to China twice I can only say its not what we were told it was. Sure people don't talk politics but thats only because the Chinese Communists haven't realized how to set things up so people believe they have have a choice. They are overt, "We are in control" whereas here its a shell game, well you can vote for the Democrats or the republicans but the Capitalists own both of them, "Will that be red or blue?"
The Chineese Communist party today are "communusts" in name only. Like you've pointed out, in reality they are capitalists through and through. Which in my opinon, is not a bad thing. ------- But then again, that all depends on what your opinon of "Capitalism" is! And we could go round and round on that one!
Having been to China twice I can only say its not what we were told it was. Sure people don't talk politics but thats only because the Chinese Communists haven't realized how to set things up so people believe they have have a choice. They are overt, "We are in control" whereas here its a shell game, well you can vote for the Democrats or the republicans but the Capitalists own both of them, "Will that be red or blue?"
I've never been to China but I know guys at work who have. You are right, the reality is not what we see in the corporate controlled media. They don't need to be slick like we are here and give an illusion of choice. The communist party is in control, and that's that. Maybe they're not true commies like MCI said but they are not capitalists. They are what Mussolini called "corporatist." Corporatism is the merger of state power and business interests; AKA: Fascism.
The chinese people don't have a tradition of personal freedom like we used to have in the U.S., so I suppose they are willing to put up with more crap. I'm not sure why they put up with it. What I am sure of is that the U.S betrayed Chang Kai Shek and the Nationalists, sent them off to Formosa (Taiwan) and installed Mao and his Communists, for the same reason the Bolsheviks were supported. So today China is the sweat shop to the world and the model for what the globalists want for all of us.
Having been to China twice I can only say its not what we were told it was. Sure people don't talk politics but thats only because the Chinese Communists haven't realized how to set things up so people believe they have have a choice. They are overt, "We are in control" whereas here its a shell game, well you can vote for the Democrats or the republicans but the Capitalists own both of them, "Will that be red or blue?"
Look no further than the SCOTUS decision in Citizens United v Federal Election Commission.

Back on topic; the price of a ticket is now low enough that an average, middle class person on vacation can actually travel by plane. Not so much back then.

Of course middle class is up for debate.
Look no further than the SCOTUS decision in Citizens United v Federal Election Commission.

Back on topic; the price of a ticket is now low enough that an average, middle class person on vacation can actually travel by plane. Not so much back then.

Of course middle class is up for debate.
If the airlines continue to pile on the other fees, that will change!
You guys remember the term Jet Set ? That was part of the aura that aviation had way back when. I remember as a kid dressing up just to go meet someone at the airport. Now its like a flying Greyhounnd bus. Things have really cahnged....for the worse.
You guys remember the term Jet Set ? That was part of the aura that aviation had way back when. I remember as a kid dressing up just to go meet someone at the airport. Now its like a flying Greyhounnd bus. Things have really cahnged....for the worse.
"Things have changed for the worse?" ------- How true it is! Prime example: http://f1638.mail.vi...=Inbox&inline=1 All you Obama heads, guess who? -------- [background=transparent]Nancy D'Alesandro (Pelosi) \ Miss Lube Rack 1955[/background]
"Things have changed for the worse?" ------- How true it is! Prime example: http://f1638.mail.vi...=Inbox&inline=1 All you Obama heads, guess who? -------- [background=transparent]Nancy D'Alesandro (Pelosi) \ Miss Lube Rack 1955[/background]

You right wingers are so funny, cant come up with factual stuff, so you make stuff up and bounce it out there with no attempt at fact checking. National Enquirer has nothing on you. You cant even keep the lie straight, the lie was supposed to say 1959, not 1955 because in 1955 she was only 14 years old you perve! Even if it was 1959 and was true, who cares?

The fact is its not suprising how you guys get duped by "your own". After all you beleieve that making the rich richer is good for those who are not rich. its not the people who are making multimillion dollar salaries, consuming enough wealth that would provide hundreds a middle class lifestyle that are making things hard for the rest of us its those welfare mothers right?
You right wingers are so funny, cant come up with factual stuff, so you make stuff up and bounce it out there with no attempt at fact checking. National Enquirer has nothing on you. You cant even keep the lie straight, the lie was supposed to say 1959, not 1955 because in 1955 she was only 14 years old you perve! Even if it was 1959 and was true, who cares?

The fact is its not suprising how you guys get duped by "your own". After all you beleieve that making the rich richer is good for those who are not rich. its not the people who are making multimillion dollar salaries, consuming enough wealth that would provide hundreds a middle class lifestyle that are making things hard for the rest of us its those welfare mothers right?
Oh! Now I'm a lier am I ?------- 1955, or 1959, like Hilory said, speaking to Congess, about those who were killed at Bingazi, "at this point of time, who cares?" ------ Palosi is the same bubble head that helped pass ObamaCare! The same one that said "we will have to pass it to see what's in it!"---- Well, friend this is a train wreack that is going to put you, and yours, right in the middle of it! And will be inforced by the same people that choose to punish one group of people that were opposed to the currant administrations power grab, the IRS!!! If you feel that there is a free lunch out there for the masses, you are vary nieve my friend! There will be a price to be paid!!!! And that price will be paid at the expense of your, and my, Constatutional freedoms!
Unions kiss and makeup at the airport: Fisticuffs to handshakes
For anyone with a long memory (and it doesn't have to be that long), last week's partnership announcement from the Transport Workers Union and the International Association of Machinists was full of juicy irony. Does anyone remember the brawl between these two unions at the Philadelphia Airport Marriott on Feb. 8, 2006?

First, last week's news: The IAM and the TWU have created a partnership to represent nearly 30,000 ground mechanical and fleet service employees at the soon-to-be merged American Airlines and US Airways. The unions teamed up to combat a threat from the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. The Teamsters has filed a petition to represent US Airways mechanics, now represented by the Machinists union. The Teamsters also announced plans to try to get the mechanics now represented by the TWU at American to switch to become Teamsters.

"An unprincipled raid," the TWU and IAM harrumphed.

Now for the brawl in 2006: Same situation, a merger of two airlines. Entirely different approach. US Airways was merging with America West. The Machinists represented US Airways workers; the TWU represented those at America West. When TWU organizers came to Philadelphia, one of US Airways main hubs, to hold an information session in the hopes that TWU could represent the soon-to-be combined workforce, the Machinists took umbrage in a grand style.

Robert Boland, then the president of IAM Local 1776, had a dozen union members take off from their airport duties on Feb. 8. According to court documents, they gathered at the Jazz & Java coffee shop at the airport and strolled over to the Marriott, entering through a breezeway. When they got there, Boland and two other union officials went into the conference room the TWU rented and delivered an expletive-laced message: "We own ... Philadelphia, this is our ... city and you guys are to get out," the documents said, quoting Boland. "We're going to go to breakfast and we're going to be gone for about half an hour, and when we come back you guys had better be cleared out... I can't be held responsible for what these men outside are about to do."

Thirty minutes became about 30 seconds. A mob, about a dozen, entered the room and started throwing glasses and chairs. Fists flew next, court documents said.

The fight spread into the hotel's service corridors, with IAM members chasing TWU organizers who tried to flee the fracas. Police came. Arrests were made, 22 in all.

Over the years, two parallel cases made their way through the courts. Some of the men, including Boland, wound up being charged criminally in Philadelphia with aggravated assault, terroristic threats, conspiracy and simple assault. Ultimately, the charges were downgraded with those who remained in the case pleading guilty to simple assault. The men, including Boland, were sentenced to probation. After the incident, Boland was fired from US Airways, but remained president of Local 1776, although he isn't president now.

The TWU organizers, some of whom were badly injured, sued the men individually as well as Local 1776, plus the IAM in federal court in Philadelphia. Eventually, the number of defendants in the case narrowed to Local 1176 and seven men, including Boland, and Anthony Armideo, also spelled Armedio. He had moved up in union ranks around the time of the incident.

On Oct. 24, 2010, a jury "returned a verdict for Plaintiffs and against Defendants," awarding the organizers a total of $811,993. Since then, there have been a variety of motions on both sides, but the basic result stands.

That's the story: Hard to imagine that these two unions are now singing a duet!

That's the story: Hard to imagine that these two unions are now singing a duet!

“I am proud that our two great unions put the members first in a true demonstration of solidarity," said IAM International President Tom Buffenbarger said in the press release announcing the deal between the unions. “These agreements protect our members' representation, pensions and seniority. Working jointly with the TWU, we will ensure both unions' members are rewarded in this merger."

“This agreement allows us to use our combined strength and resources on behalf of all our members as we move forward at the new American Airlines,” said TWU International President James C. Little. “Both unions have decades of experience representing workers at US Airways and American Airlines and both unions are members of the AFL-CIO.”

You can click here to read the press release announcing the agreement and here to read one of the early stories the Inquirer ran on the brawl.

The TWU has screwed us here at AA for yrs, the IAM failed at CAL/TWA/UAL/USAir

How much more of the industrial way of doing things do you need to read before you sign an AMFA card? Just what is it going to take for the AA mechanics to realize that its not about our class and craft its all about them, and OUR Money.

The Time is NOW, for ALL AA Mechanics to stand together, say enough is enough.

Lets give these unions the boot from our class and craft.​

AMFA at AA in 2013​
How many threads are you going to post the same copyrighted article that you are not allowed too?
How many threads are you going to post the same copyrighted article that you are not allowed too?


I'll tell you what, you seem to know everything about it all in the airline industry. from stock reports to airline landing slots, to negotiation, which union is right for mechanics, how much each union officer makes and what he/she should be paid.
Just a complete know it all. I don't know it all and really don't care too. What I am interested in is replacing the TWU here at AA, with a class and craft union. What ever happens here at AA is not your concern. You care so much about the IAM well over at USAir they are attempting to rid the mechanics class and craft of your precious IAM.
So what does that say to you. Either the IBT has enough cards and the employees at USAir have had enough of your IAM's ways.

We here at AA don't need you putting your two cents into something you know Nothing about. That is what a Mechanic wants, You are a stock clerk by trade,
who during negotiation made copies to distribute to membership. You have made lots of claims of what you did while working within the IAM, but you yourself said I never took any money above my stockclerk wages.

If you had any concern for union members, you would support what we here at AA are attempting to do. have a democratic union represent us. But you post here at AA rather than getting into the fight that your fellow workers are in over at USAir.

You are a stock clerk with lots of time on his hands who has good computer skills, so you can look up and post what you feel is important to US at AA.

If you had ever belonged to a class and craft union you would understand.

The mechanics of the industry are Looking for a change, IBT at USAir, IBT at AA,
AMFA at AA, its about mechanics which you are NOT. The industrial unions have taken my dues for 34 yrs now. Pensions, vacation, sick time, holidays, shift pay,
retiree medical, all bargained away by the industrial unions

So it's time for a change, for us NOT your class and craft (stock clerks) when you get your A&P lic. and turn a wrench, signing your name to the airworthiness of an aircraft
you then can have a say. When you become a AA employee you can have a say.

Until then take your Industrial Union Crap over to the USAir section of this site and post until your heart in content.

AMFA at AA in 2013​

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