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How Much Money Did The Twu Spent?


Sep 30, 2003
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I am willing to bet the twu spent BIG BUCKS (100K) fighting AMFA starting last week.

They paid UB to probably 100 to 200 twu members, many who are not even in our craft and class. Don't forget the debate schools for kirky and the boys.

They rented a hotel room(s) for a worthless twu member on twu member debate.

They paid 10 teamsters to be at the Brady.

They bought a coffin.

They made anti-AMFA signs of all types.

Not to mention, free booze (a twu staple), food, gas, and Hotel rooms for all the twu believers.


ALL THIS, JUST TO FIGHT LITTLE 'OL AMFA, who is not even a REAL union??? :up:
All I wanted toask was what are the UAL mechanics paying in dues underthe concessionary contract? Dell :blink: sezzzzzzzzzzzz in his flyer it will be at $25 for the duration of the concessionary contract. He :blink: didn't want anyone to have the yellow paper that amfa put out selling this "$25 duezzzzzzzzzzz cap"

I always hear let me see it in writing, I have it and I was not allowed to show it.

The AA guys should all see this because it shows amfa is the "A-ir M-en's F-abircation Ass-O-ciation :down:
Checking it Out said:
Hackman It was worth every nickle and dime spent!!!!!!! You are stretching it a bit!!!!!!!
Well cio, for not having the cards (54%) according to you, and AMFA not being a "real" union, you clowns sure thru the 'ol wallet out. :up:

It sure costs a lot to keep a lying worthless dictatorship in power. :unsure:

I'm stretching it? That's a good one coming from your lying mouth.

Long Term AMT said:
All I wanted toask was what are the UAL mechanics paying in dues underthe concessionary contract? Dell :blink: sezzzzzzzzzzzz in his flyer it will be at $25 for the duration of the concessionary contract. He :blink: didn't want anyone to have the yellow paper that amfa put out selling this "$25 duezzzzzzzzzzz cap"

I always hear let me see it in writing, I have it and I was not allowed to show it.

The AA guys should all see this because it shows amfa is the "A-ir M-en's F-abircation Ass-O-ciation :down:
You could have come in and asked your question. In fact you could have asked more than one. No one would have heckeled you like the twu (kirk wells) did to the few AMFA supporters at the farce on the 15th. Unlike the twu International cowards, AMFA National was there, almost all of them. I guess Sunny was too busy or scared.

Kevin Gormans was in the Brady, I assume to check the numbers for the twu.

I was at the doors when kirky wells was chanting "to the doors and stop!", "to the doors and stop!". He obviously wanted to block the entrance with his twu psyco antics. In fact, some of your 514 members (two) I let in thru the rear entrance, because they could not get thru the front, due to the twu mob blocking it.

I was working both doors, and you are full of pure twu BS!!!!!!!

BTW, how much did the twu pay you to come from UAL???? :unsure:

I am willing to bet the twu spent BIG BUCKS (100K) fighting AMFA starting last week. Hackman, see if AMFA will back your bet.
They paid UB to probably 100 to 200 twu members, many who are not even in our craft and class. Don't forget the debate schools for kirky and the boys.
Please present your facts.

They rented a hotel room(s) for a worthless twu member on twu member debate.
Oh, and ALF paid for his out of his pocket?

They paid 10 teamsters to be at the Brady.
Wrong, it's callled solidarity

They bought a coffin.
Wrong, it was donated

They made anti-AMFA signs of all types.
Finally, you got one correct Skippy

Not to mention, free booze (a twu staple), food, gas, and Hotel rooms for all the twu believers.
Wrong, I paid for all my beer, care to reimburse me?

ALL THIS, JUST TO FIGHT LITTLE 'OL AMFA, who is not even a REAL union???
Correcto mundo mi amigo...did ya'll know AMFA changed the wording in the NW contract to read Association in place of Union. Proofs in the pudding, but listen Hackman, keep your opinions to yourself and attempt to stay with the facts.
Long Term AMT said:
All I wanted toask was what are the UAL mechanics paying in dues underthe concessionary contract? Dell :blink: sezzzzzzzzzzzz in his flyer it will be at $25 for the duration of the concessionary contract. He :blink: didn't want anyone to have the yellow paper that amfa put out selling this "$25 duezzzzzzzzzzz cap"

I always hear let me see it in writing, I have it and I was not allowed to show it.

The AA guys should all see this because it shows amfa is the "A-ir M-en's F-abircation Ass-O-ciation :down:
Did you vote for AMFA based upon that "claim"? I think that any reasonable person would agree that if AMFA had negotiated your concessionary agreement then your complaint might be valid. However AMFA did not negotiate your concessions, the concessions that you have are thanks to the IAM-it is the baseline from where AMFA starts.

Are you really an aircraft mechanic? Why would any aircraft mechanic be against having us all join together in one union? Do you really think that we should stay seperated?