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How Much Longer Does Us Have?

How Much Longer Does US Have?

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  • Will Survive longer than 3 years

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  • Don't know

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Dec 2, 2003
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This poll is not scientific and reflects the opinions of only those forum users who have chosen to participate. :huh:
EyeInTheSky said:
This poll is not scientific and reflects the opinions of only those forum users who have chosen to participate. :huh:

Is that the propaganda pilot disclaimer?

If US Airways does indeed file bankruptcy in mid-September, passenger bookings will plummet. Bankruptcy needs to be avoided at any costs.
FM2436 said:
If US Airways does indeed file bankruptcy in mid-September, passenger bookings will plummet. Bankruptcy needs to be avoided at any costs.

It didn't happen the last time. Why would it be worse this time?
Rob, the public is fickle especially with this amount of enormous bad press. This financial news has spun out of control and the fact remains that US Airways does not have the PR chutzpah to properly deal with this. It's as if they've unleashed a wrecking ball and they are content to let is swing at will. Not good. I would recommend anyone buying a US Airways ticket do it by credit card only. Anyone paying cash for a ticket needs their head examined.
EyeInTheSky said:
Rob, the public is fickle especially with this amount of enormous bad press. This financial news has spun out of control and the fact remains that US Airways does not have the PR chutzpah to properly deal with this. It's as if they've unleashed a wrecking ball and they are content to let is swing at will. Not good. I would recommend anyone buying a US Airways ticket do it by credit card only. Anyone paying cash for a ticket needs their head examined.


I agree. With all this bad press, why would any potential passenger who knows he needs to travel after mid-September (Thanksgiving and Christmas) even want to risk purchasing a ticket on US Airways (even with a credit card). Why put yourself through the potential of, after a declared bankruptcy, having to call US Airways Reservations for updates to your flight, a possible rebooking, or worse not being able to go at all because the airline has simply quit flying. Especially, while things seem rosy at Southwest, JetBlue, Continental, even Delta (for now).

From what I've read today, the public is being told, "These are the last days of US Airways?"
what if this is just a propaganda to force the unions to the bargining table to get the cuts then the airline saves for the winter and into next spring? i think this airline which made a 34 mill profit just let the dough fly out the window and into mgmt pocket so why cant they give up a ton of dough? it seems that all they want is our dough that we the employees work so hard to earn.
robbedagain said:
what if this is just a propaganda to force the unions to the bargining table to get the cuts then the airline saves for the winter and into next spring? i think this airline which made a 34 mill profit just let the dough fly out the window and into mgmt pocket so why cant they give up a ton of dough? it seems that all they want is our dough that we the employees work so hard to earn.


Place yourself in the passenger's mind and not in the mind of a disgruntled employee. How is the passenger to come to a conclusion that all of today's news is management propaganda? They just read and hear what is printed in today's newspapers and whats likely to be reported on tonight's local, network, and cable TV news channels.
EyeInTheSky said:
Rob, the public is fickle especially with this amount of enormous bad press. This financial news has spun out of control and the fact remains that US Airways does not have the PR chutzpah to properly deal with this. It's as if they've unleashed a wrecking ball and they are content to let is swing at will. Not good. I would recommend anyone buying a US Airways ticket do it by credit card only. Anyone paying cash for a ticket needs their head examined.

Here's the deal: You come on here and say exactly what I have been screaming only using a different tone, so it's {“POLITELYâ€￾ correct} whereas my harsh reality posts grate nerves and produce nasty PM's from the PC crowd. Being PC or not this post is right on and like MW posted, The End Is Near, but not for MW but the U employees and their careers.

Ask any former Eastern employee what they think, I did.
Give the general public a cheap ticket and they'll buy it. Then they can sing the blues when US goes belly up. I won't be around to pick up the pieces and listen to them cry.
robbedagain said:
what if this is just a propaganda to force the unions to the bargining table to get the cuts then the airline saves for the winter and into next spring?
It's sad that such a theory is now plausible, given the last time they cried Wolf. This time looks different to me.
Cav, different strokes for different folks. All I gotta say is if we all think, thought, and typed the same things we'd be bored out of our minds! ;-) Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. God help us all.
EYE WROTE: God help us all.

At this point, that is the only REAL answer.
These Idiots have once again chosen to fight and threaten the Employees thru the Press. They still haven't figured out that this scares passengers away, and only makes matters worse. When CO went this route, I don't recall learning all of the details from the Newspapers. Just think how much business was lost with the
Liquidation threats prior to the busy Holiday season. Only a bunch of fools would go public with this type of info. I know if GM said they may close up shop, that I would run and buy one of their products. THINK BEFORE YOU TALK TO THE PRESS.........IT MIGHT HAVE A NEGATIVE IMPACT ON BOOKINGS !!!!!!

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