No we dont. The language in JetNet has been changed but ERISA says that once a benefit has been accrued it cant be taken away, so changing the language after its been frozen changes nothing. My opinion is AA wants to "compete", so lets provide them a level playing field, USAIRWAYs is irrelevant because they are in Mediation and are much smaller. So UAL is next. Give us UALs language, pay, benefits, term and we can start moving. AAs insistance that we have to accept the worst of everything, and do so for another six years, so they can make over 17% profits is just plain nuts. I would rather see them Liquidate than accept that. If they liquidate, due to the very tight capacity that exists the assetts would be quickly redistributed and the majority of our guys would be back at top of scale by 2017 making a hell of a lot more than AA is offering.
I agree in total with your position, as stated but the point of my post is to begin searching for ways that the M&R and Stores TWU represented employees can gain something of value outside the TWU, "Me-Too," clause the International wants to enforce.
I would only like to state, for the record, AA claimed in their Legal Filings that there was an inherent cost in choosing a hard-freeze of the DBP over a termination.
In the LBOs' proffered by AA to the TWU, APFA and APA: only the TWU term sheets in the LBO stated that the DBP was a, "Hard-Freeze."
Choosing to hard freeze or terminate the DBP is the same decision that families' make when deciding whether to contribute to their own 401(k) or pay that amount in taxes to the Federal Government.
As AA, TWU, M&R and Stores, represented employees: we are promised a Defined Benefit Pension plan that promises a certain level of compensation based on years of service and pesionable wages.
We were notifed recently that the AA, TWU M&R pension plan was only funded to the 81.09% level of accrued benefits.
In that same notification, AA notified us that the calculations supporting the 81.09% funding of the DBP were based on assumed rates of return allowed by the US Government: AA further notified us that they would continue to use those terms in future years.
It is highly likely that the underfunded status of the DBP for the TWU M&R and Stores is greater than claimed by the use of assumed rates of return legally claimed by AA.
IMHO: AA fully intends that their forced membership in the PBGC, as a DBP sponsor, is, in actuality, an insurance policy they intend to cash in to raise their future earnings when they terminate their obligations to the DBP for all union groups at some future point.
The US Government is now severly underfunded, as is the PBGC.
Reliance on a future payment from an insurance carrier now in distress is a failure of an agent with respect to their client.
Termination of the DBP now, and the, "cash in," of the PBGC insurance policy, limits the downside to the M&R and Stores represented TWU members at AA while moving us to a paycheck based system that allows neither the TWU or AA the opportuniy to misrepresent the benefits.
It also limits the downside to the US Taxpayer during a period in history that will require significant concessions to cash in the check we've collectively written.