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How Greedy Can They Get?

Ken MacTiernan said:
Greedy? How about the snake at USAir. Let's see... Bruce lakefield will get 1.7 million as a departing gift and a 30 year f/a will get about two weeks of severance pay. I wonder if airline executives will be able to take their millions through the Gates of Hell?

11 executives at USAir will get 12.3 million. No, this isn't greed. It's called selling your soul while screweing your fellow man.

Lakefield and his colleagues may be the only reason that any US employees are still working for the new HP/US and they may be the only reason that any FAs are getting any severence pay. They may be the only reason that GE and others aren't left holding the bag on a couple hundred unwanted airplanes. Is it possible that he deserves his ill-gotten riches?

Seems the creditors and bankruptcy judge think it was worth it. Had you been tapped to manage the bankrupt USAir you would have worked for your mechanic pay only and you would have refused any bonus or severence pay?
Ken MacTiernan said:
I wonder if airline executives will be able to take their millions through the Gates of Hell?

Just in case there is any doubt either about the existence of hell or whether justice will one day come, the answer to both is unequivocally yes. And there will be alot of oppressed people who will instead be rewarded. However, lest you think that US airline employees are oppressed, I invite you to consider the plight of about 1/3 of the world's population that live in continual poverty and disease. In all honesty, no one who works for a US airline can say they live in similar conditions.

Just a little reality check.
Red Tail Bear said:
I'm curious. How old are you and how many times have you done this?

I believe he stated in one of his many posts that he obtained his A&P License back in 1994.
WorldTraveler said:
Just in case there is any doubt either about the existence of hell or whether justice will one day come, the answer to both is unequivocally yes. And there will be alot of oppressed people who will instead be rewarded. However, lest you think that US airline employees are oppressed, I invite you to consider the plight of about 1/3 of the world's population that live in continual poverty and disease. In all honesty, no one who works for a US airline can say they live in similar conditions.

Just a little reality check.

That is quite possibly the laziest and most shameless application of a non-sequitur I've seen on the subject yet.
FWAAA said:
Lakefield and his colleagues may be the only reason that any US employees are still working for the new HP/US and they may be the only reason that any FAs are getting any severence pay. They may be the only reason that GE and others aren't left holding the bag on a couple hundred unwanted airplanes. Is it possible that he deserves his ill-gotten riches?

Seems the creditors and bankruptcy judge think it was worth it. Had you been tapped to manage the bankrupt USAir you would have worked for your mechanic pay only and you would have refused any bonus or severence pay?

Lakefield accepted the first NO by USAir AMTs when they voted on concessions. Sure, he didn't have a heart to heart conversation with the iam (mis)leadership and explain how the AMTs "didn't understand" what they were voting on. OK.

What about all the work he farmed out? So he was able to guarantee his ass and those old enough to stay on who had the seniority he "deserves" this payola?

Are you typing this seriously or tongue in cheek?


I would not have been tapped to manage USAir because I am NOT management. I am a craftsman trying to protect and promote (www.amtausa.com) his craft & profession. You may not believe me but I feel that people with the credentials to run a successful company, ie. an airline, a 7/11 or a toilet bowl cleaning company, should be able to do so. For someone to run a company into the ground they "deserve" nothing. But that's just me I guess.
Could it be S-A-T-A-N?


While boards should definitely expect performance from their leadership did you ever stop and think that perhaps the sad state of the airline industry's management talent pool is because it pays too little?

The only legacy carrier's CEO who didn't make the last page was UA who ranked 476. Even MacDaddy's CEO rakes in way more than airline ceo's. If you guys think your industry is sooo unique...I suggest doubling or tripling ceo salaries to get real talent at the top.

WorldTraveler said:
However, lest you think that US airline employees are oppressed, I invite you to consider the plight of about 1/3 of the world's population that live in continual poverty and disease. In all honesty, no one who works for a US airline can say they live in similar conditions.

Nope, but thanks to people like KTO, we're getting there.

Speaking of reality checks, AMFA's leadership has been trying for the last few years to draw attention to the deals NWA execs have been cutting themselves, you people just weren't listening.
PlayTheOdds said:
My problem here is where were the union officials when all of this was going on? How many of them got a cut of the pie to lay low?


(EVERYONE REPEAT AFTER ME)..........................................

Play The Odds........................YOU ARE LOWER THAN A CHILD MOLESTER

YOU are a "SCAB"........!!!!!!!!


PlayTheOdds said:
I dislike management just as much as you guys. That is why I have a hard time staying at one place for any given time. When the shet gets too deep I bail out, no strings attached. I don't sit there and cry about it.

(REPEAT AFTER ME).................

Play The Odds.........................YOU ARE LOWER THAN A CHILD MOLESTER

.................... YOU are a "SCAB" ....... !!!!!!!!!!!


PlayTheOdds said:
How can you guys hate a company for twenty years, knowing the whole time you are going to get screwed, pay into a union that is just as corrupt as the company and then cry foul when the whole thing blows up? That is stupidity in itself.


(EVERYONE, REPEAT AFTER ME)..................

Play The Odds........................YOU ARE LOWER THAN A CHILD MOLESTER,

YOU are a "SCAB" .......... !!!!!!!!!


PlayTheOdds said:
Thank you. If the board of directors is smart they will fire each and every one of the guys most responsible for Northwest’s fall. They should also pursue restitution from them in the form of the return of the so-called parachute pensions they have set up for themselves and also a very large percentage of their gross salaries they have made over the years. You guys must keep in mind that you and your unions also share in a lot of the blame for this fiasco.


Play The Odds.................YOU ARE LOWER THAN A CHILD MOLESTER........

YOU are a "SCAB" ..................................!!!!!!!!!

NHBB, Are you OK? I will give you the money so you can get your Prozac prescription filled. It might be too late, I think you already snapped. Just take a deep breath and calm down. If you are hyperventilating put a bag over your head.
Red Tail Bear said:
I'm curious. How old are you and how many times have you done this?

I am probably going out on a limb here, if I do I'm sure you guys will cut it off for me but what the hell. As AP said I received my license in 94. My first job was with a company that had a very large military contract. I was there for five years and quit because management was shipped in from out of state and the you’re my brother-in-law shet started. I then contracted and have become self-employed till last year when I rolled over with a company in my state that lasted six months then I was laid off with about 60% of the work force due to managements inability to deliver aircraft on schedule and on budget. The facility has since been sold. This is the first strike I have ever worked and this is the first time I have ever worked line maintenance. I have worked two other contracts where unions were involved. I am 38 years old. That is it in a very small nutshell.

Anyone with any contract knowledge can tell you who I am.
PlayTheOdds said:
Anyone with any contract knowledge can tell you who I am.

OOHH OOHH Can I guess?

Are you an As--ole?

Did I get it right?

I bet I did!

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